Thanks for letting me borrow Natalee this afternoon.

And a special thanks to Maggie.
Because, although these photos are not nearly a perfect as yours, I wouldn't have had a clue what to do in this lighting situation if it weren't for your class. It was 6:00 and the sun was in the process of setting in the west, which was to Natalee's left. The tractor was casting weird shadows, but I knew the best angle and a general idea of the exposure settings, so I told my entertainer (aka Greg) in which direction to entertain so the light could fall just right.
To answer your questions from my previous post:
- We haven't been kayaking from our property yet, but we do have a map and have asked some friends to go with us week after next. Hopefully I'll have some good stories to share. Last time, we went, G and I took the canoe. I was in the front and he was steering in the rear. I kept thinking it was difficult to paddle and felt more muscle strain earlier than I normally do. Come to find out, G was letting me paddle and when I'd look back to talk to him, he'd put an oar in and pretend. So, next trip, we'll be taking separate kayaks.
- If you'd like to order a Studio Calico tee, you can find them here.
thanks april! :)
April didn't mention that Greg was standing on the railing of the porch making faces and pretending to fall off every now and then to get Natalee to laugh! She thinks that everything that Greg does is funny!
great shots! beautiful use of the light!
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