You have changed sooooooooooo much since you were born.
Mainly in the cheek area.
I love how you've filled out and have such squishy cheeks and have kept those gorgeous blue eyes. Today, you weighed in at 12 lbs and measured 23.75". I had asked the doctor at your last appointment if you were gaining weight too fast. He said you were at a good weight, you just needed to double your birth weigh by 6 months.
I said, "Well she's almost there now!"
He assuaged my worries by telling me you were small at birth so it's just fine that you've gained what you have. Whew!

You have your daddy's long eyelashes and your mommy's funky eyebrows.
I'm sorry. Didn't mean to pass that along, but I'm afraid I have.
I'll purchase a good pair of tweezers for you tomorrow.

We still can't find socks that fit your feet AND stay on.
Attention Entrepreneurs: There is a market for cute socks that stay on infants' wiggly feet.

You are obsessed with your hands. They stay near your mouth most of the time (so hand-kissers, stay away from Claire please!). You study them and lick them.
You are obsessed with your mermaid toy and have become so much more verbal towards toys and people. When you're awake, you can be heard cooing and gooing almost constantly. I love hearing your sweet voice.
I can't believe how quickly these 3 months have passed and like
Stephanie, I'm trying to enjoy "it" and soak everything in.
Also, I'm trying not to buy every
cute hairband I find. THAT's the difficult part of having a girl for sure!