Albeit one of the best blurs of my life, it was still a blur.
Just a warning that this post contains Claire's birth story, so if you're not into that sort of thing, don't read on.
All day Thursday, November 11, I was convinced my water was breaking....a slow leak kind of thing. Finally, at 4:30 I went to the OB because I certainly didn't want to show up at the hospital and not know if it was the real deal or not. The doctor's office was a much better place to make a fool of myself. So, in I went and they did a little swab and told me I had progressed a little from my last appointment, but that my water had not broken.
From there, Greg met me in town and we went to TJMaxx to burn some time before my pedicure appointment at 6:30. After my pedi (in which I told her to definitely rub my ankles...anything to help speed labor), I picked up dinner and headed back to the farm.
Greg and I watched an episode of Big Bang Theory, then got halfway through The Mentalist when we decided it was time to get some ice cream. Greg headed downstairs with the dogs to dip it. That's when the gush happened..........
Thankfully, I was neat about the whole thing and not a drop got on anything but the pajamas I was wearing. G had to put the dipped ice cream back in the fridge to bring me some towels, but other than that, I was neat and tidy during the whole thing. So, at 10:30, we headed to the hospital, calling only my parents to make sure the dogs were taken care of that night and next morning.

Because my water had broken, I had to deliver Claire within 18-24 hours (hospital policy) to avoid infection. After talking to the nurse, she was convinced my water had broken much earlier with a high leak, but there wasn't enough of a sample to turn the swab at the doctor's office.
So, at 6:00 that morning, my OB wanted to start me on the dreaded pitocin. I didn't want to do it, but more than that, I didn't want a C-section, so I had to do something to make progress.
They began at 8mg and worked their way up to 22mg before the pain was so excruciating that G and I started discussing an epidural. Originally, I hadn't wanted to do it, but at 22mg, I still wasn't progressing so we went for it. Our rationale was this:
- I needed to relax in order to progress, and the pitocin contractions didn't allow me a break in between to recover from the previous one. And, I really needed to make progress anyway otherwise the C-section talk would commence.
- If I ended up needing a C-section, I would rather already have the epidural to avoid general anesthesia.
Greg woke up, too and went to the cafeteria and brought his lunch back up to L&D. About that time, my mom came and we chatted for a few minutes then I asked for the nurse to check me again because I thought I needed to push. At that point, I had gone from 7cm to 10cm in 30 minutes. Greg was still calmly fixing his plate and commenting on how good his salad was.
Mom left the room and the nurse got everything ready, Greg was still munching the whole time and I was increasingly saying, "I think I need to push....Greg, tell the nurse I need to push."
When the nurse finally told me I could push, I asked where my doctor was. She told me not to worry, they don't call him until the baby crowns and there is plenty of time for him to get there. I tried to protest, but she said, "Don't worry, I've done this before."
I felt a little silly, but after one push, she was the one scrambling: "Okay, stop pushing!" She hurried to the nurses station to ask if my doctor had been called. The next 10 minutes or so was spent trying to see where he was and if he would make it to catch the baby. He arrived in a hurry and I just had to give one more push. At that point, he calmly said the cord was wrapped around her neck a couple of times, so instead of Greg cutting the cord, he did. That was fine by us as we were more than thrilled with her safe arrival.
Just to prove I'm human, I did have a couple of tears (one from each eye) when they plopped her up on my belly. There's not a word that can adequately describe that moment. We had waited so long to experience it and by far, it was worth all the pain, time, and expense to get to that moment.

We were dismissed the next day, but (whew!) that was a tiring event.

We're now home and happy and doing well. More updates to come.
Sounds like you did great, not that anyone ever doubted that. Congratulations on new and exciting days.
Aww - huge congrats April! I'm so very happy for you (and Greg). I have to admit that I giggled at your "mommy put her outfit on backwards" comment - if that's the worst thing you've done so far you are doing well! She's beautiful :) I hope you get some rest.
Congrats!!! She is positively beautiful.
Again, huge congrats to you and Greg! She's absolutely lovely!
OMG she's beautiful! I've been WAITING (not so patiently ;)) for this post! Let me know when I can come down and take pictures, ok?! :) Hugs and kisses to you both!
Congratulations, Mazel Tov, all the blessings that exist!! She's absolutely beautiful and precious!
Oh, April, she is divine! And two pushes??? You're amazing. :) So happy for the Foster family. :D
She is precious, congratulations:) Happy Thanksgiving!!!
she is adorable!
I love your story! I'm so glad it went well for you. She's adorable! Happy Thanksgiving to your family who I'm sure is extra thankful this holiday!
i've been checking your blog constantly this week, waiting to hear all about claire's arrival. she's absolutely adorable! happy thanksgiving!
So, so, SO happy for you guys April. She's beautiful. Congratulations and enjoy every minute of it!
loved reading claire's story. she is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!
Congratulations to all of you! She looks so cute in that hat! Caroline x
I've prayed for your little family to get safely to this point! I ALSO prayed that she'd come on either my birthday (the 21st) or my son's...Claire shares a birthday with Keanohn!!! He also had to be hospitalized after his one week checkup (I marveled at how much HER picture looks like his!) but he was there for a week! Sounds like you did SOO well...forget the got her here safely...that should override a backward dress...don't you think?
The pictures are just absolutely gorgeous and she is so precious!! Congrats again!
She is just PRECIOUS!!! Loved reading ur birthing story...and all the wonderful photographs! I'm so happy she is healthy and fine! (((Hugs))) to you guys all around! :)
Congratulations! She is so adorable and your story about it was just wonderful!
I am glad she is doing better and can't wait to see the updates
awe... wonderful story, thank you for sharing!
I've been waiting all week for this post. I forgot that even though they sleep so much in the beginning things are busy, people are visiting, thank you notes to be written, rest, rest, rest... I guess I'll excuse you this time!! Thanks for sharing all your posts. Wish we could be there to meet her. So happy God has blessed you and Greg. We love you!
Oh, I loved reading Claire's birth story! She is absolutely beautiful- oh my word!! Congratulations, again!
Awwwwwww!!!!! :) Congrats!
She is beautiful! JUST BEAUTIFUL! Congrats to all of you!
Congratulations!! And she is just beautiful. Two pushes?? On your very first try? Awesome!
She is absolutely gorgeous!!! Congratulations. Your birth story up until the jaundice sounds exactly like my first daughter!!!
Take good care of yourself and little Claire!
She's beautiful. Her story is beautiful!
I'm so happy for you and Greg!
SO happy for this update!! I've been waiting patiently!!
The whole pit/epidulal thing is all too familiar to me. I was totally planning to not have one...and had I not been induced I think I could have handled it. But that pit is nasty stuff!!! Glad you got some rest and the pushing part went well!!
Claire is perfect...and I love that we all have been along for the whole ride. She is one lucky little girl. :)
I've been waiting for you to update! Congratulations to the both of you, she is such a sweet little doll! Happy Thanksgiving
Wow! No wonder this week was a blur. You've been through a lot. I'm SO glad that all is well and that you're now home with your sweet angel. Thanks for sharing your story and the beautiful pictures of little Claire.
Awh April.. The last photo was worth it all wasn't it! So precious and special she is and what a huge blessing to you and your family!
Great story, April! I'm glad everything is going well for you.
sweet story. glad all is well with Claire. thanks for sharing....xoxo!
So happy for you! She's beautiful and you are truly blessed!
What a beautiful, tiny little love bug you've got!! I loved reading her story...I'm so glad that she's here safe and sound! Hate that she had the whole jaundice thing to deal with, but glad that it's behind all of you. I know you are in love...she's precious!
Oh, April, thank you so much for sharing the story! Claire is absolutely beautiful. You must feel so much joy right now. I am just thrilled for you and Greg-I know you are going to be spectacular parents!
((hugs)) to you and Claire. Best wishes as you find your way into a routine/flow in the coming weeks.
She's so beautiful! Congratulations, April and Greg!!
She is so beautiful! Congratulations, April!!
Claire is gorgeous! My DS had to be readmitted for jaundice at 5 days old and it is heartwrenching. It's so hard not to be able to hold them all the time!
wow - what a story!!! CONGRATS and I'm so glad you are both doing well :) Many blesings to you and your family!! xo
She is gorgeous!!!
Sounds like a great delivery and after revisiting the hospital, all is well - WONDERFUL! I know you & Greg are enjoying this special time! Congratulations :)
april... wow!
she is just beautiful!
i am so happy for you and greg.
those pictures are amazing...
glad she is well and happy!
just look at her!
what a precious wee poppet ... and her darling wee outfit on backwards ... I won't tell her ... promise!
OH my she is absolutely beautiful! Enjoy every moment.....and make sure to nap when she does!
I enjoyed reading your story. I'm glad the return visit to the hospital was a short one. I can't believe you already have a smiling baby photo! :)
God bless you all.
April, she is the sweetest!
Thanks for this! I love reading these. :-)
She is SOOO cute! I love that smiling photo. Just too adorable. :-)
Congratulations,she is adorable!
Congratulations!! She's just beautiful. My son had the jaundice and weight gain issues too. Funny how it was so traumatic to me at the time. (He was my first too and still very skinny, lol.) Thank you for sharing your story.
She is completely perfect & I loved ready every word of her birth story.
She's absolutely beautiful. Congratulations!
Wonderful April! What a way to document her birth, though I am sure you will do many things with that. She is precious! I also progressed quickly after hitting 7! So very happy for all of you!
I love her newborn picture. We totally forgot our camera and ended up with an iPhone picture, but at least my hubby brought it on the day after. My water broke and I needed Pitocin too. I ended up with a c-section unfortunately, but I'm so happy with the result anyway. Congrats!
Congrats on your beautiful girl. Loved your emotional story of her birth. This new life is so precious. We went thru 2 years of fertility treatment go finally hold our son in our arms (born 2006), and I pray I will experience the birth of a second child someday in the future. Congrats on your new title: mommy!
Ok, she's liken7 months now, and I'm now posting.... The delivery after rupture is USUALLY 48 (or 32) AND the timer should start after they put anything "up ther" (cough)... Because that introduces infection, not the rupture... So if you have to do this again (but the next birth will likely be completely different. Cruel joke) don't let them check you until really neccesary AND when your own contractions start, ask them to turn your pit off for goodness sakes! That's just mean! :) Pit contractions are the worse.... I was a 37 week premature rupture... He was still 7#11oz... My next one started premature contractions at like 30 weeks, so we thought he'd be early. One day short of due date and 10#3oz. Bugger. :) Congrats! Thought'd move from stalker to commentor. (I use to be a doula, so since I'm up too late, there go the flood gates!) Spent the last 2 hours looking @ the reno's. I wouldn't let myself look until they were all up. :)
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