Friday, November 12, 2010

39 weeks

Claire Thomas Foster



6 lbs 11 oz

20.75” long

Everything went very smoothly, and both Claire and I are doing very well. Greg said everything went great for him, too, and we know that was of utmost importance J

Claire’s coloring is great and she has brown hair and blue eyes (for the moment). We’ve already been visited by both sets of her grandparents and her “cousin” Natalee, who said she would teach her “big girl stuff,” which I assume is all about princesses and fairies.

If all goes as planned, we’ll be home Sunday afternoon.

Thanks so much for all the prayers offered on our behalf. Now the real job begins!


Barb said...

Claire is beautiful!

Karen said...

Oh April, she is gorgeous! glad all went well. love to the 3 of you.

Mandy said...

Congrats April and Greg!Welcome to the world sweet baby Claire!! So happy for y'all!

Ally said...

OH MY OH MY OH MY! Such happy news to end the week! Congratulations Foster family!

Kelly said...

Welcome baby claire!!!! Congratulations to the new mommy and daddy, you will be such wondeful parents!

Anonymous said...

AWE!!! .. beautiful. simply beautiful! Congrats to the happy family :)

Marti said...

OMG!! April!! So happy for you and Greg! Claire is beautiful- just oh so beautiful!! ~SOB~ Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Claire!

laura vegas said...

huge congrats april and greg! and welcome to the world claire! she's gorgeous!

Cindy Tobey said...

She's absolutely gorgeous April! Congrats!!!

Christa said...

Oh my goodness congratulations!!
She's just beautiful!

Christina said...

congratulations!!! what a sweetie!!

Ady said...

congratulations April... Claire is beautiful...

Amy Kim said...

yay! i'm so happy for you guys! claire is such a beautiful baby, and i am so glad that everything went well!

Denise said...

She is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations to you and Greg.

Laura said...

Let the fun begin! I'm sure she already know how much she is loved and how long you guys have waited for her. Enjoy each second. There's really nothing like these days. When you think you can't fall any more in love, you do. It's amazing. Lots of love to your family of three from Baltimore!

Melanie said...

congratulations april + greg! so very happy for you. happy birthday baby claire!

Sara*P said...

Oh my goodness - she is beautiful! Huge congrats April and Greg!

Debbie said...

huge congrats. =) beautiful girl.

Geralyn said...

Congratulations April! She is so beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful!! Welcome Claire to the family! Love you all and so very excited for you. Parenthood is such a wonderful adventure!

Holli & Eric Ray

Jessica said...

Congrats! What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL baby!

abbey said...

Oh my - she is gorgoues. Congrats to your beautiful little family =)

clippergirl said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Claire! Congratulations April and Greg. She is absolutely beautiful!

Shannon said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful!!!

Amy said...

What a beauty! Thank you for sharing your sweet news.....may the Lord bless your coming days with her!

Diane Payne said...

Congratulations! She is a beauty! Enjoy your little bundle of joy!

Erin said...

Congrats! So happy for you! My dad would say she has a great birthday (his birthday). Enjoy!

lisa truesdell said...

she is beautiful. enjoy this time - it goes too fast!

lacey said...

Aww! Congrats to you and Greg :) she's so sweet!

lisa kisch said...

Yay! She's here! She's beautiful. My heart skipped a beat when this post appeared on my Reader. The sight of a brand new person never fails to choke me up. Congrats, April. Can't wait to see the scrap inspiration that comes from getting to know Miss Claire. :)

Kim N. said...

Yay! Congrats to the whole family! Welcome to the world, Claire!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You clearly did a wonderful job... take care of you and enjoy every moment. And we don't have to say take pictures... but do keep sharing them. They are wonderful!

Jacquie said...

Congratulations on your gift from God. You and Greg are going to be perfect parents! God Bless, Jacquie

Briana said...

Hooray! Congratulations! She is beautiful! Isn't it awesome to grow from "a couple" to "a family"?!

sarah said...

congratulations! claire is beautiful!

Sarah Mayberry said...

She's so cute! Such long fingers! Congrats! ~Sarah

Kelly said...

Welcome baby Claire! Congratulations to April and Greg -- I am so happy for all three of you. :)

Carrie said...

What wonderful news!! She's beautiful! Congrats!

nailgirl said...

she is absolutely beautiful! congratulations april and greg! God bless y'all :)

Kasey said...

Claire is so precious! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Blessing to you all!

Emily Pitts said...

she's going to be a piano player with those gorgeous long fingers! congratulations, i'm so happy she's here!

Susan Weinroth said...

oh April, she is GORGEOUS! welcome baby Claire!!! :) so so SO happy for your new family of three! Congrats again!

JenThompson said...

Omg!!!! I just knew you would have her this week, just call me psychic :) I am SO over the moon for you guys! Welcome to parenthood!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations April and Greg and welcome Claire!!! My sincere best wishes and love to all of you!!
Beth Ann

MandeeM said...

Congratulations! I was reading your blog last night thinking... I bet Claire will be here before the week is out! Hope all is well. Get some sleep if you can!
Again, Congratulations!!!

amytangerine said...

HUGE HUGS and congrats!!

Holly said...

congratulations April! She's beautiful.

Lulu said...

Oh my word, she is beautiful! So glad to hear everything went smoothly with the labour.. Congrats to you and Greg!!!!! :)

Jenn A. said...

woohoo!!! I am so excited for you as you begin the parenthood journey! She is just beautiful, April. Congratulations!!!

Meghann Andrew said...

SO happy for you! Congratulations! She is beautiful!

Lexi said...

congrats to you 3! ;) what a beautiful day for you all. She looks perfect!

Lynn Ghahary said...

YAY! SO happy for you and Greg! She is just precious. Enjoy your sweet little princess and all the joys mommyhood has to offer! xoxo Lynn

Zorina said...

Whoohoo! CONGRATS again. You know my email address in case you have some questions on being a "new mama", right? hehehe! am not the expert but 5 1/2 months ago was not that long time, I can refresh my memory for yah. Love yah! ((HUGS))

Tina said...

she is absolutely beautiful. welcome to this wonderful world claire.

Robyn said...

Oh April!!! Congrats!! She is just beautiful! And you are two - I wish I looked like that when I was 39 weeks preggers! Your so cute! Huge huge congrats!! Enjoy this precious time! Hugs!

Kimmi Achord said...

Congrats April and Greg!! She's a beauty!! :)

Joaniebolognie said...

Claire is beautiful! Congrats Mommy & Daddy!!!! She is a blessing!

Anonymous said...

oh she is gorgeous. so happy to hear all went well. Congratulations to you all. -hera

Kimberly said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! This is so EXCITING on so many levels...I LOVE these sweet photographs...this is just a beautiful blessed day! :)
Welcome baby Claire...Congratulations April and Greg!

milkcan said...

Wow! She is beautiful! Congrats!

Megan said...

Whoo hoo! What a wonderful reason to celebrate! Congratulations! I'm so happy for all of you. Claire is absolutely beautiful. :)

Kate aka stinkydudette said...

She's an absolute delight!! Congratulations, April and Greg. And Claire Thomas, welcome to the world!!

Linda E said...

Congratulations! Clair is beautiful. I can't wait to see all of the beautiful scrapbook pages you will create to record her life story!

Sockergrynet said...

Congrats April and Greg!Welcome to the world sweet baby Claire!! She is beautiful!

Kirsty Wiseman said...

im positively bursting for you - I could explode from the excitement.
She looks like Greg from the little I can see of her.
Enjoy her, love her and adore her xx

Unknown said...

She has beautiful eyes. She already seems so focused on his surroundings. Congratulations and good life to her!

Almayer said...

Congrats!She's so lovely...

tinkster said...

I don't often comment but had to say congratulations, shes lovely!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation April and Greg - she is absolutely perfect! :D

Kelly said...

Congrats April & Greg!
And welcome to the world Miss Claire xxx

Tamara said...

She is beautiful!! Congratulations! I am very happy for you!

souDulce said...

Congratulations to the Fosters! Claire is just a gorgeous, girl! I only wish to her and you happiness!

Olivia said...

She's so beautiful. Best wishes for parenthood, hope you enjoy every precious minute :)

Curlywiggles said...

Big congrats to the Fosters!

Astrid said...

Big congratulations to you!! Enjoy !

Roulien Stahnke said...

Congratulations . . . She is so precious and beautiful! Enjoy every moment of this wonderful time in your life!

Jenn said...

Congratulations April and Greg! Claire is beautiful!

Lisa said...

Congratulations! Claire is beautiful. I am so happy for you each of you!

Jennifer Larson said...

Congratulations! What a sweet pea.

BTW, you should write her birthdate the European way: 12-11-10. Just looks cool.

Unknown said...

Congrats April and Greg, she is just gorgeous!!

beckyjune said...

What a sweet, beautiful little baby girl. Congratulations!

Haggith said...

Wohooo Congratulations April and Greg, with your beautiful daughter! she's perfect!!!

kathleen said...

SO happy she's finally here!!
Savor every sweet second!!
They change and grow so fast!!

joanne (spagirl) said...

april... she is just beautiful! congratulations!! so happy for you and greg!! xo

LiserC said...

Congratulations April and Greg! Claire is beautiful. I'm so happy for you!

Susan (LuckyJava) said...

April- she is perfect! What a beautiful baby- congrats- so happy for you!!

Mernin said...

Congratulations April & Greg! She is just beautiful!!

Nicole #3 said...

Huge congrats April and Greg! I am so thrilled for you!!!! :) Claire is beautiful as ever! :)

Mary said...

Congratulations April and Greg! Claire is beautiful! The pics are adorable! Enjoy every minute, because before you know it she'll be 5, then 15. It's crazy how fast time flies!

She has a great birthday, it's my husband's as well!

Thanks for sharing photos already. And, my last piece of advice...sleep when she sleeps, it will keep your energy up!

Can't wait to see more pics!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the both of you!! Get some rest. Take care!

Lauren said...

Congratulations! You must be so excited!!!! My best...

mommy2alex said...

Congratulations! She is just beautiful!!

Ann said...

so happy for you and your family! congrats on your beautiful baby girl!

Ursula Schneider said...

So so so precious she is! Makes me cry and I have never even met you all. Congratulation to your family. What a precious gift is life when it's been so hard to come by. Cherish her always. I just married my first off and OMG, the tears they are a flowing and it comes so quickly.

waleska said...

she's beautiful. welcome baby claire and congrats mommy & daddy!! i'm so happy for you guys :) :)

Anonymous said...

Home on Sunday... Oooh, Mama, that sounds like a c-section to me! Yikes! Rest up, Mama! I can't wait to hear her birth story!

Erin Bassett said...

Awesomeness!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Oh! She is beautiful!!!
Congrats to you April and Greg :o)
Hugs from Norway.

Britta Swiderski said...

Congratulations, April and Greg! Claire is beautiful. :)

Diane said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new arrival! I've been following your story from the beginning and am so thrilled about this happy ending - such a perfect little baby!

Jenny said...

Congrats April and Greg! She is beautiful!

Lynsey said...

What a perfect, beautiful baby girl! Best wishes to you all!

kelsey said...

Congrats!!! She is just an angel.

Christina O said...

Congrats April & Greg! So happy for you both! Claire is just beautiful!!!

Vanessa, Florida, USA said...

CONGRATS!!!!! Claire is sooo beautiful!!! What a blessing :)

Johansen Family said...

She is beautiful!! Congratulations!

Mary Jo said...

Huge congratulations!!! So happy for all of you :0)

casey boyd said...

She's beautiful!!
Congratulations April and Greg.

hafida said...

congratulations from Toulouse (France). Claire is so cute !!!

JennO said...

She's beautiful! Congratulations to all of you. So happy you're all doing so well. Love & hugs!

gamybel said...

I love to follow your blog and am thrilled for your happy addition. Congratulations. She is beautiful. Enjoy you little person.

Mami Doodles said...

Claire is a beauty, just like her mama!

mely said...

Claire is so cute!

Jean said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful. My advice would be to trust in your instincts. They will usually prove to be right.

Enjoy that sweet baby smell.

brigham said...

I'm thrilled for you both! Infant Motin works better than infant Tylenol.

Chris Dodaj said...

Congratulations April and Greg! I know you waited a long time for this and wish you all a beautiful life together!
God Bless!!

Jennifer Yates said...

Congratulations to you and Greg! She is such a beauty!

Keshet said...

Yay! So happy she is here! Congrats, she is a beautiful little girl:)

Shannon Brouwer said...

Congrats! She is beautiful!!

Kelly Goree Photography said...

You did good, Mama! She's such a beauty - just like you! Congratulations and xoxoxo

nicole said...

Congrats!!!! She is so pretty. you are so lucky to have your sweet little girl!

nicole said...'s been quite a road for you two, but i'm happy to see it had a great happy ending.
enjoy your adorable bundle!

Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful blessing! I will continue to pray for your new journey!!!

Angie Lucas said...

Yippee!!! What a beauty!

Angie Lucas said...

And wow, my baby was also 6 lb 11 oz, but about 3/4 inch shorter than darling Claire. :)

Michelle said...

She is perfect. Congratulations and enjoy!

Mrs Frizz said...

oh wow, off line for a few days and then I log back on and read this ... woo hoo ... congratulations!!!!!!

Caroline said...

Congratulations :-) she is beautiful XOXO

Elisa said...

congrats!!! she is gorgeous :)

Jennifer said...

Congrats to family!!

Enjoy bonding time with lil C!

Kathy said...

I am so very happy for you! Beautiful little one....
God Bless you all..

MichelleB said...

Congratulations on this beautiful new baby! She's just beautiful.

Leigh said...

she absolutely beautiful :) congrats April & Greg!

Betsy said...

Congratulations! Your life just changed for ever (for the better). Girls are such a blessing. Enjoy each and every moment.

AmyInKy said...

Oh, she is just beautiful! My favorite shot is of the two of you together.
I'm so happy for you & Greg!
:) said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! She is BEAUTIFUL!! So glad the delivery went smooth....especially for you and Claire!

Taryn said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! So excited for yall - she's absolutely beautiful!! So glad you're both doing so well!!

Emily G said...

What a lucky baby! What blessed parents! I'm so happy for you and your family!

isabel said...

Congratulations !!! I hope you all the happiness now with Claire !


Jennifer B. said...

Oh my, she's beautiful!! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, what a beautiful daughter! Caroline xx

Laney said...

YAY!! congrats!

Ana F. said...

Congratulations!! She's beautiful!

Jaime Lee said...

Congratulations to your new bundle of joy! Claire is beautiful :)

marnie said...

a little late to the party but wanted to say congratulations all the same. i am so glad that claire is here and well. and now, back to regularly scheduled ankles... ;)