When I first started making this quilt last spring, Greg thought I was crazy. I had never endeavored to do anything like this and I'm not really the type to pick up a needle and thread and sew on a button, so constructing a quilt entirely by hand was quite a task for me.
Then, I finished my first square and I really thought I was on a roll. I worked on it nightly when I was in hotel rooms away for my job and it came together really quickly. From May to August, I had completed 9 out of 12 squares.
Then, when I was home every night, had a house on the market, had to pack, then move, it got pushed to the side burner. But, the inspiration was ever-present.
I created the following layouts using my quilt as inspiration.

My summer catalog from Pottery Barn came in the mail and to my surprise, anyone can now buy my quilt. Immediately, I was furious that I had put all the energy (and blood, not sweat and tears), into hand-sewing this quilt. I just knew that as soon as I put it on the twin bed in the guest room, that all my guests would assume I had bought it from Pottery Barn.
Here's my progress to date (sorry for the poor photo, it was taken late last night). All 12 squares finished and arranged to sew together. If I keep up this pace, I'll have the top done by the end of the week.

One last thing, wouldn't it irk you if Pottery Barn took your pride and joy and mass-produced it? Or am I the only selfish person on this planet?
love love that quilt. i was in an antique store this weekend and a handmade quilt in perfect condition from over 100 years ago was $400!!!! so one day that will be more valuable than you know. but it would really get my goat about pottery barn too...grrrr
love quilt patterns for scrap inspiration. =) i've thought about making that pattern, too - and when i saw PB had it i thought YAY i can just buy it and then i saw the price, LOL. love yours, and congrats on being close to done!!
I have to admit - I did think about your project when I saw that in the PB catalog.
I had a similar experience when I designed and sewed (is that a word?) my cildrens' nursery linens. Both themes, quite original at the time I chose the fabrics, were picked up by TARGET and done in the some of the same fabrics (Waverly)! My dear sweet husband said it just proved how creative and ahead of the times I am in predicting future trends.
You did it first, and that's awesome!
Oh, I would feel mad! And deflated! Good for you to keep going and finish it! It is so beautiful. Just remember when your grandkids are fighting over who gets to sleep with grandma's quilt they will never know it was in the PB catalog!
I really love the quilt and yes I would be irked too. Like you said though, it's totally made by you, imprefections and all, and PB has nothing on the love that went into making yours.
Love how your quilt is turning out so far! I'm so impressed that you sewed it by hand. I would not have had the patience to do that. Hehe. Can't wait to see it done. It will be definately be a treasured item for you for many years to come.
the most important thing is you know where it comes from and all the efforts you put in it !!
And the good thing is you won't have to quilt the matching pillow ! ;)
it's beautiful april. and while it would irritate me too that PB manufactured it, no one who buys will be able to say to their children and grandchildren, etc. "this quilt was handmade by me." it will be a treasure, april, and it's coming together SO beautifully!
Your quilt is amazing and you must be so proud to be so far in completing it. And its a bummer that PB has them but you know in your heart that you created yours by hand.
WOW! Fabulous! ... you rock girl :)
I bought that too... and was also really disappointed to find out you could buy it from Pottery Barn. I changed my fabrics up so it won't be the same as the one from the catalog, but still... bleh. It makes me angry. Yours is beautiful though!
Your quilt is going to be so beautiful, I just know it! I love how you used its design in your LOs. I, too, would be extremely frustrated to see something I've worked on for months in a PB catalog. Even though your quilt took more time, it will have more meaning. To look with a positive light, it will impress your guests because when they ask if it's from PB, you can proudly tell them that you made it. They'll be amazed!
NO! Seriously, I would be TICKED if that happened to me. I SO know how you feel. This has actually happened to me before. (Not with a quilt, but something equally as cool.)
But you're right... yours will be WAY better because it will be YOURS and imperfect and wonderful. :)
p.s. When I saw that in Pottery Barn this month, I wondered how I could hide the purchase from Jeremy... I just love that quilt so much! :) LOL.
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