Greg and I had been married a year when we decided we might need a dog in our relationship. We researched breeds and liked the miniature pincher variety because they were small and didn't shed (I like to keep a very clean house and Greg has allergies) plus they aren't frou-frou dogs so Greg could walk it down the street and feel like a man.
So, we went to a breeder in Richardsville, KY on Anna Sandhill Road. I don't want to be rude about the place, but the kennels were kept very nice....nicer than the house, or manufactured home if you will.
We weren't really ready to make a commitment, but right when we were looking at the new litter, Greg got a phone call from his dad saying that his childhood dog, Muffin, had died. Now, I wasn't fond of Muffin at all. (Muffin bit my foot the first time I met him), but Greg was slightly more attached, so to ease the pain, we bought Addy that day. And, in true Greg-form, he negotiated the price. I feel a bit bad about it now, because we got more than our money's worth. She's a really really good dog.
A couple years after having her, we decided to breed her. One dog would go to my sister, another to my cousins, and the 3rd and 4th to the highest bidders.
So, Jett (the one on the left in the picture), went to my cousins, who thought there was a return policy, so my parents accepted him about 6 months into his cute little life. They brought him to our house every day for doggy day-care and so he could socialize with Addy. But, after awhile, I suppose that became tiresome, because they just left him there.
Poor dog, abandoned twice. But, he's the sweetest thing for it.
I love those two.
I also love these three.
I found these three layouts particularly inspiring this month. Take a look at the Studio Calico member gallery to see more inspiration.

Created by: Gillian Nelson
I love that layout by Waleska :)
I love the layouts that you picked, April. :)
And holy cow, your pups are so cute...makes me want a doggie. Only for a minute though. I have a baby that I have to chase like a doggie. haha
Awww... what a sad yet sweet story about your pups. I bet they are buddies!
Your dogs are too cute!!!
cute layouts you chose!
love the story about the pups.
Love the pics of your dogs! Great LO choices...lots of inspiration in the gallery right now!
That's cute about how your husband had a dog named muffin. My husband's childhood dog was named muffin too and you cannot mention that name without John getting teary eyed :)
That is one cute dog photo!
I love the lo with the little homes. HOW CUTE!
those are some fabulous layouts!!!
i love these. i love the fact that you use the word "nutball". its perfect!
omgosh that's me up there! (blushing) LOL Thanks for the shout out... so glad you liked my page. The SC members gallery is definitely inspiring! :)
oh, and I love the story of the dogs (poor Jett!)
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