On Thursday night, we met some of our Louisville friends at this restaurant before seeing Wicked. I ordered the Kentucky Bison Burger and Greg ordered Shrimp Risotto with some type of espresso sauce. We switched once the plates were brought to the table. It was very delicious and I highly recommend it to you if you happen to be in Louisville and are close to the Slugger Museum. It's a very interesting restaurant that is actually tied to an art gallery and hotel. As soon as we got there, Greg headed to the bathroom, and you should have seen his face when he came back. He looked like a kid, lit up like a Christmas tree. At this point I was actually scared about what he might say happened in the men's room.
He proceeded to tell Tim, my friend's husband, that he needed to go to the bathroom, too and that he would take him. At this point, I was getting a little nervous....he just doesn't have the same filter as the rest of us :)
Tim declined the offer (politely), then Greg proceeded to tell us about the bathroom. On the outside wall, as you walk up, there's a large, floor-to-ceiling mirror, so visitors who are touring the gallery and hotel are passing by in droves. Inside the bathroom, it's actually a one-way mirror. There's a drain on the floor and when you walk up to the glass, a sensor activates water to stream down the glass causing the "flush." So, basically, the men are peeing (pardon my language, mom) on glass and people outside appear to be watching you.
Greg thought this was the greatest invention of all time and even suggested we incorporate the idea at our home.
Not gonna happen.
So, like I said, Proof is definitely worth a visit and if you're not hungry, the gallery is free and open to the public.
After eating, we made it to the KY Center just in time to take our seats for the play. If you haven't seen it (which I know 1/2 the world has seen it by now), you must get tickets if it comes to your area. It's so witty, and done so well, I promise you'll enjoy it.
Then, on Saturday, we were supposed to take one of Greg's customers to a UK game up at Rupp Arena. Unfortunately, he became ill, so at the last minute we had to find replacements. We ended up asking Tim and Rebecca to tag along, the same friends we had gone to see Wicked with.
Again, we had a blast. Greg listened to me and had purchased a radio so I could listen to the announcers while the game was in progress. I know basketball, but I don't know everyone's numbers and I certainly don't know why fouls are called most of the time, so I need the commentators. It was a tight game going into the half which is always fun at Rupp because the crowd is so into the game.
Afterwards, we ate at Regatta, which was also delicious, and then we headed home. All around, it was a 12 hour trip for us, so we were beat. Thankfully, UK won, so the drive home with Greg was good.

omi... what a weird bathroom idea... but I can totally see where guys would love it!
hahahha that is just hilarious!!!
That is so funny about the bathroom! We used to have a sandwich place here in Tulsa, OK that had a one way mirror in both mens and ladies restrooms. We loved it, so fun!
Wow!!! Sounds like fun!! My dh would have loved the restrooms too! lol!!
OH MY goodness! I had to read your blog out load to Danny b/c I just couldn't describe the bathroom to him.
Our anniversary is this weekend & we thought of Proof, but hadn't decided yet. After this, I'm sure that's where we'll go! Priceless
There is a hotel in Central California with a famous bathroom.
The ladies room is all red pleather and dark wood paneling. Very nice. The mens room is all rock and there is an open waterfall. When someone steps up to it, the water starts running. Men can't 'pee' in there because of the running water sound so they have to use the boring regular bathroom upstairs. Its a tourist attraction and the men have to watch the door so their wives can go in and see it.
Its called the Madonna Inn
Every room is decorated in a different theme.
Here is a video of the bathroom
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