The one aspect of our home that's been given the most attention so far is our floors. Almost the entire house is now covered in beech, which was reclaimed from a tobacco barn in Horse Cave, Kentucky. I love that the wood shows history with the old nail-holes and wide planks. Greg loves the grain and the different look each board has. He's been so particular about the placement of his "cool boards" to make sure they're in prominent places for all to see.
I think what makes me most happy about these floors is that they'll be there for as long as we live in the house (which is where we will stay until we move into an old folks home). The paint on the walls might change over time, but these floors are here to stay. We'll eat lots of holiday meals on top of these floors, have lots of friends and family walk over them throughout the years, have the dogs chase the laser light over these floors, and hopefully have children to crawl over them as well. So, right now, these floors represent home to me.

All this talk about home, and I almost forgot the reason you're here. Below is a layout I made using the Home Front collection by Studio Calico. I love that it mixed so easily with the holiday line by Basic Grey. I hadn't intended on doing a holiday layout with the Home Front line, but in the end, I love how the colors turned out and how it looks slightly like a Christmas page without screaming it.

You might be guessing not that the reason I'm not ready for the holidays is because my house is not ready, and you'd be correct in that assumption. heehee.

To create this layout, I cut large rectangle from the 3 patterned papers I chose. Then, I randomly punched circles with my favorite large circle punch by Marvy. Next, I added the journaling and stitched around the outside of each rectangle. Last, I added the embellishments.
Now it's your turn:
Studio Calico is sharing part of their home with you by sponsoring a giveaway of their brand new line, Home Front. Imagine June Cleaver styled 1950s domestic bliss. Featuring optimistic colors and smooth vintage inspired patterns. You’ll find fresh stained wood grain, retro home décor, an exclusive SC cardstock alpha set, and much more. Home Front is versatile, colorful, and beautiful (can we say that?)….I think you’ll love it.

To win this collection, simply leave a comment on this post letting me know if you've ever remodeled a house and if it was worth it in the end.
To increase your chances of winning this fabulous collection, visit the rest of the design team below.
Celine Navarro
Davinie Fiero
Emily Pitts
Jenn Olson
Joy Madison
Kelly Noel
Lisa Truesdell
Maggie Holmes
Nicole Samuels
Nicole Harper
Stephanie Howell
Tina Aszmus
Winner will be announced Wednesday morning.
This collection is available at many online stores (stopandscrap, amillionlittlethings, and 2peas are the ones I know of off the top of my head) and maybe even your local scrapbook store (if not, there is no minimum order so please ask them to order it).
1 – 200 of 414 Newer› Newest»I've never remodeled a house, but I'm sure it's totally worth it in the end. Although decorating is enough to drive one crazy....
We've never remodeled - but we should. Ours is more of a constant update in progress type thing
I LOVE it, April!! I've never remodeled a house... good luck with yours :)
remodeled not 'yet' - but we have done some repairs, upgrades to the 1910 house we live in right now. ARGH. cheers to you april and good luck with everything!
Oh I love your layout April! Those random punched circles, the sewing, the embellies - awesome!
I have never remodeled a house. the closest I have come is refinishing hardwood floors, and well, it was really hard, but they came out nice in the end and it saved a lot of money. I don't think I would do it again tho. :0)
sorry, i have no advice to offer! i bet it will be fabulous in the end! great layout, btw.
We are CURRENTLY remodelling a house - my husband is a builder which is both handy and not... One day, it will be a lovely house which we will then sell!
I love your layout AND your floors. And ADORE your shoes :o)
We've remodeled parts of the house...the bathrooms and kitchen were overhauled. The mess, the noise, the expense were enough to drive someone bonkers--ME. But as I look back on the inconvenience of those two summers, it's totally worth a few weeks of mess.
No we have never remodeled a house and knowing hubby and I, it wouldn't be a good thing, lol. I always wanted a older house though, ever since I was a youngster. Just never happened. I absolutely love your floors, they are gorgeous!
i love those floors!
i want those floors!
Never moved walls around in a house but I have ripped out carpet and tile and that was a mess. It was worth it, I love my hardwoods.
We have remodelled 5 homes so far and each one is different and more amazing. It is worth it...good luck with yours!
thank you so much to give us a chance!!!
We remodeled our second home .. a year before we ended up PCSing overseas but it was WORTH IT in the end ..
Here's to a nice home that you are anxiously awaiting ..
I do have a distinct memory of cooking the family meal on a BBQ set up direct on the concrete slab, with only 3 walls up (lucky it was summer!) But memories like that are priceless right?
We've never remodeled a house, but as stressful as it is to do, I'm sure it must be so rewarding in the end :) Good luck!
I have remodeled a house and it was crazy - but so worth it. I loved the really open floor plan.
Both your shoes, and your layout are awesome!!! ;)
We actually remodeled our home completely a few years ago...and although miserable while in the middle of it, it was totally worth it, and you will be happy when its all done...good luck!
Well, I didn't remodel a house myself yet, but I've seen a particular one remodelled by a friend and have to say : totally worth it!!! In the end it turns nout be the right choice! ;)
We have "updated" or given ours a face lift, but never remodeled. Your future will be filled with admiration and self accomplishment when you reminisce about all of the projects you completed!
i've never remodeled a house-- i would love to tho!
We haven't remodeled a home but are looking to buy and the homes we can afford in the Bay Area will need a hefty amount of remodeling, so it is in our near future!
never remodeled- but I love to decorate - does that count - LOL?
I have never remodeled a house, but how fun would that be! To be able to have it done how you want. It sounds amazing too!
i've never remodeled a house but i LOVE your new floors!!!
We've done small renovations to our kitchen and 1 bathroom.
There's still a lot more to do in those rooms and the other bathroom. We just haven;t gotten around to do doing it.
I have not yet renovated a home, but I look forward to doing so someday. It must be so satisfying to truly make a place your own.
We redid our Townhouse before we sold it - new floors no less! I can totally relate to your story about your new floors. I LOVED mine once they were in and was sad to leave them.
Good luck with your house!
We just moved into our very first home this fall....I am loving the freedom of being able to decorate as I please. We painted our living space a deep shade of turquoise and our fireplace WHITE!!! It looks fabulous, paired with our white antiqued furniture! Enjoy the process...I see it as a work in progress and am loving it so far! Have fun!
we have remodeled - about 2 years back... it was totally worth it!!!
I've never remodeled a house, but I love watching before/after shows on HGTV!
Woohoo for the new line! I've never fully remodeled, just new tile and paint. That much was definitely worth it. Just needs a facelift again!
oh i love your layout and this studio calico collection is beautiful
I've never remodeled but friends who have loved it in the end!
Hi April! The only remodeling I've done are small projects throughout the time we've lived in our home. We've been here for 19 years, so new countertops, new floors, lots of paint jobs...but all of those projects were one at a time. I can't imagine doing all of it at once!
I've never remodeled a house...
i love your layout
I have never done it, but that would be my dream. I might be crazy by the end, but I love old houses that have been made new by remodeling!
I've never remodeled a house, but our dream is to find an old house of our own one day with character and to put a little bit of us into it.
Yes, I have remodeled a kitchen before. Lots of mess and tons of hard work. That being said, nothing beats the feeling of "I did this!" A tailor-made kitchen is priceless! =)
We've never remodeled, because DH just looves brand new houses, but I just think it would be so exciting, choosing every little thing so it's just the way you want it! I'm sure it will all be worth it.
wow this looks fantastic mixed with the BG green trees! well done :)
un petit com pour gagner le kit, merci !! cocotte-mag33
I've never remodeled..though I'm a sucker for those renovating shows! I think if you know what you are doing, and you've got guidance (& drive), it'll be worth it!
Never a whole house, but a room at a time. Was it worth it? Hmmm....while my kitchen was being renovated I had nowhere to cook, I dropped out of WW and gained ten pounds. was worth it. LOL!
We bought our first home last year but sadly, had to move out of it just 6 months later due to the military. We still own it and I'm always thinking of things I'd like to have done to the place. We only got as far as the paint!
Sympa une nouvelle collection !
I have never remodeled a house but we did do our kitchen/diner earlier this year, it was very stressful but worth it in the end.
Nope, never remodeled a house...but I am sure it's totally worth it!
i haven't ever remodeled a house. i do think it would be a good adventure one day in the future... i like how you can take something historical (for example your floors... or i would imagine a old brownstone) and make it your own. really awesome. :]
I try my chance… which beautiful collection
I kind of remodeled part of a house twenty years ago and would do it again and even would remodel it completly if I could do it again. And nowadays I would scrapbook about the job!
I have done some minor remodeling. But when I was a kid my parents bought an former jenever (like gin) warehouse and remodeled it for almost 3 yr before we got to live there, and after that always busy, it was never ready. But it was a great house.
hello April,love your layout... no I never remodeled a house, but i love to
No never, but I hope some day i'll live in a farm !
thanks for the inspiration
cool layout, the SC collection rocks
thanks for the chance
Good luck april with your house (beautiful house), I never remodeled a house.
And thanks for the chance
Love the job you did with your house, good luck for the end of the remodeling
Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous collection
Totally worth it!!! I loved having done the work ourselves. We moved away 12 years ago and just this year I made a big 12x12 chipboard tribute album for that house! So, enjoy~
No, I haven't, but it seems like a great chance to get something not everyone else has, and something that's "you" :)
i would love to create with such a gorgeous collection!!
ouiiiiiii moi aussi
j'adore ces papiers
I haven't ever actually remodelled a house...but I LOVE the new collection.
I've never remodeled a house (yet!) but I'm sure it's always worth it....
Thanks for the generous giveaway!!!;
What a gorgeous layout you made!!!
I have never remodeled myself, but my parents did, and I think it is so much worth it ;)
I actually dream of getting an old house and remodel it myself one day!
Good luck with your work! It will turn out wonderful and you will see it was worth all the work!
I so much love the Home Front line :o) Thank you so much for the chance to win!!!
Wishing you a lovely week :o)
I have not remodelled a house but we built one from scratch and in the end I had decision making ovberload!! There were too many choices!!! Hope your goes well xx
No never remodeled have a hard enough time to get husband to paint anything!!!
Discovering your blog for the first time .. and like ...
Taking a chance to win this new and so cool collection ... Thank you !
We've been working on a bathroom remodel and that in itself has been time consuming, an entire home, wow!
Love, love, love the layout and the collection is stunning. We have never remodeled a house, still renting until we decide where to stay for a while...But I sure hope than one day we will find the perfect place on this beautiful earth to buy a lovely old house with a history, make it our own and fill it with our experiences, hopes, dreams, stories etc.
We've only remodelled a couple of rooms in a house. Total mess and chaos for a while but what bliss afterwards.
Looking at those gorgeous floorboards of yours... You are so gonna love them and they'll give ya a smile every day when you look at them.
I rent an apartment, and it so needs a makeover, not to mention remodelling it. Unfortunately, I can't touch the unit, so I do every little bit to make it as homely and nice (of course!!) as possible..
This is a fantastic chance to win the collection!
i love it !!!!
still room at a time for the past 7 years...and are we insane?? getting ready to add on to the kitchen! and was all worth it!
We are NOW remodeling our house and we are sooooooo happy because we can see results after each stage that is finished ! there is a lot of work that have to be done but YES our house will rock !!
great layout! i love this collection. have not remodeled a house but mine could use some work as it was built in 1880. good luck with your project!
Your house is absolutely perfect - and I ma sure you are gonna love it there!
I have never remodeled a house but I just moved into our very first apartment (no more renting ;o) and that sure takes time to get everything organized. So I am very impressed with your speedy work girl!
I have never remodeled, but we have built two houses now from the ground much work but so rewarding in the end too truly have what you want~! We finally did it right in this last house, as we know this will be the house we keep forever!
Love this collection.
I've never remodelled a house as I'm just buying my first flat but I lived in 2 houses as a child that my dad was remodelling. If he'd finished them whilst we lived there it would definately have been worth it!
sigh...we are still in the process and we've lived here over seven years :0)
But the main work was done before we moved in actually (floors and remodeled bathroom) The rest we are doing in bits and pieces.
Right now the goal is the basement.
Oh, your house sounds like a beautiful place, and your floors looks awesome! I love old wooden floors.
I live in an old house here in Oslo (norway)...and I've been working on it for 7 years (!) Yes, old houses takes alot of time...but we do it all our self.... and in the end it will all be worth it. :)
The new kit looks awesome, and your LO is stunning! Thanks for sharing. :)
Wow! Love this collection! I've never remodeled - the closest we've come is painting the whole house and redecorating.
nice layout! and story! i have remodeled bits and pieces... not as extensive a job as yours :) but i redid my kitchen and... to me, that kind of represents home... it's where meals are made to nourish family and's where everyone just ends up hanging out after parties... i don't know why though! and, it's kind of ironic, since i'm not a great cook! lol!
love this collection!!
we've never remodeled, but we did build, my husband finishing the basement and 1/2 sub level... it looked gorgeous, exactly what we wanted... and then we moved. Yep, never even got to 'live' in the newly finished home... crazy! But, it was worthwhile as our home sold for asking price ;)
good luck with your remodel, I'm sure it will be worth your while!!
I'm totally in love with that layout you made with Home Front...and I adore the whole collection! Never remodelled a house since I still live at home with my parents, but I so admire you for doing'll be so worth it in the end because everything will be just the way you want it!
I've never remodeled a home yet... but my dream and my boyfriend's is to buy an old cottage in the country and remodel it!!
I guess it's alot of work!!!
Good luck!
never really totally remodeled a house but done small things it is always worth it in the end.
I arrived here from Celine Navarro's blog, and I am dicovering each blog of the DT members... they are gorgeous!
and the papers...Ilove them!
good luck with your remodeling!
No real remodel like you are doing, but I have done shelving units in our closets, and redid our guest bath. :) Thanks for the chance to win! And good luck with the remodel!
I've never remodeled, but my parents built a house from the bottom up...and it was a LOT of work, haha! For them, and for me and my brother! =) You'll have such a pretty house when it's done though!!
I have never remodeled a house, but I am certain it's worth it. I love that you and Greg are taking the time to add your personal touches to your home, which will make it so special to you both as you settle there. The floors are gorgeous!
(And so is Home Front.)
Remodeling is totally worth it. You will love your house so much more because of the work you have done and the effort you put in to get it just how you want it.
I haven't *personally* initiated the remodeling of a home, given that I still live with my parents, but I did "assist" in remodeling projects of the home in which I currently live. Our remodeling has been piecemeal, rather than stripping the entire house at once, and, from my perspective, a bit of a mixed bag - I love my parent's home, overall, but I miss the electric aqua oven that was removed from our kitchen and replaced with a boring modern white one (it was taken out around a decade ago)! The most impressive/worthwhile aspect of remodeling was, in my opinion, the refinishing of the wood floor in the den, or the hand refinishing of all the cabinets, both of which were done by Pat, my father, after he arrived home from work. In addition to beautiful cabinets, I also have fond memories of "assisting" him by conversing with him for hours after dinner while he refinished the cabinets. Thus, those remodeling projects were *totally* worth the year of being unable to use any cabinets in the kitchen. The oven removal - which took all of an hour - so not worth it! But it *would* have been, had we re-homed the oven somewhere in our kitchen! :)
The "R" word. Makes me shudder, gives me nightmares, reduces me to a whimpering, pathetic, cowering in the corner figure - induced by the Summer of '05 when we literally camped out in our home office while remodeling. We ripped out the kitchen and both baths, busted out ceramic tile floors (HUGE demolition hammer)...the LONGEST, HOTTEST, most MISERABLE summer of our lives. Didn't even have sink, toilet and shower in the same bathroom and had to go OUTSIDE to get from one end of he house to the other. I'd rather MOVE than live through remodeling again but...I absolutely LOVE the results!!
So loving this collection! Thanks for the op to win!
remodelled no but we are finishing the basement right now and it is taking forever and driving me crazy to be in this mess. This collection would be perfect to scrapbook the end result. Tks!
We just finished remodeling our entire first floor. It was SO worth it. The five years it took was not so great thou.
We are always remodeling and never get very far with 4 kids, 5 and under it's hard when you're doing it yourself.
Never remodeled but we built a home. and yes it comes with nightmares! But honestly I would rather remodel. I am not liking NEW. I want OLD that I make new to me :) Love Homefront! Congrats April on such a big accomplishment!!!!
We have remodeled all the bathrooms in our house, or to be honest, my hubby has remodeled all the bathrooms in our house. LOL! It was sooooo hard, so I can imagine how hard it must be to do the whole house. Hang in there, it will def. be worth it!
No, I've never done remodeling.. not sure I have the courage to take it on. Always looks worth while on TV programs..
When we first moved to the farm about 12 years ago, we fixed up an old rental house that was on the property. I can remember walking through it, not saying a word and then going outside to cry. It was awful after the beautiful house we were living in at the time.
It's amazing how different it looked after we were done ... not fancy, but definately worth the time and money.
gorgeous! Hope I'm a winner. Thanks for the chance to win!
I can't wait to see what you gusy do once you get in your new house. I know it will be AMAZING!! and love the new homefront line
oops forgot to answer the question- Yes we did some remodeling. Only the kitchen but it was horrible. All the kitchen stuff jammed into the living room and us trying to function all around it. It was worth it- gorgeous kitchen in the end. Thought we'd be int hat house forever but ended up buying our dream house 2 years later. The one and only thing I hate in my dream house is the kitchen. Rest of the house makes up for it but I sure do miss my dream kitchen fronm the other house.
It'll definitely be worth it in the end. We did some work to our house before we moved in six years ago, definitely worth it but there is still so much more to do...always more to do....
we bought our first house nearly 9 ago, have been remodeling it bit by bit over that time. Every change is worth it, making the house more US. Stick with it - it'll be GREAT!
Thanks for a chance to win Home Front - it is an amazing line!
When I bought my current house I had a vision of what it could be and as it turned out, that included tons of work!
I have never remodeled an entire house but have lived through many a projects....master bedroom & bath, kitchen. While it was hard to live through, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Now to save up for the next "project".
i have not personally remodeled a home...but my parents did when we were growing up...and it WAS definitely worth it in the end!
I am in the middle of an 8yr home remodel. I don't think that it will ever be done. Our home is 90yrs old. It was "charming" when we bought it...but that means "$$$" to fix it up....someday.
Yes, we've remodeled two. It was worth it even though we didn't get to live in them long afterwards. I've been dreaming of making a "home" mini album since we've moved so much and I can't wait to add the Homefront line to my stash.
So far, I haven't remodeled a house before. We did however finish off our basement in our old home... which made a mess through out... uck, drywall ;) BUT now that we are in our new home, we are in the planning stages to remodel our master bathroom! can't wait! ... congrats on the newline! I absolutely love it!
Nope, no house remodeling. Still in an apartment in an expensive city. I'll be worth it though!
Love em...Both the floor and the layout. Love that you are as sentimental as me about house stuff. :)
I LOVE those fabric strips..such a great idea!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!!!!
we are still remolding our kitchen - going on 2 years now - just slow going with schedules and budget! but it will be worth it, it has to be!!! love those wood floors!
Oh yes, we've remodeled the one we were in and we love it!! Good luck with yours, love your page and your new collection!
We have remodeled our fireplace in our living room. It looks great - looks like it has always been there. Worth the time for sure.
I have never remodeled a house before, but I know in the near future we will have to gut our kitchen and finish our basement. There are tons of possiblities when we do. I can't wait until the time is right to embrace it all!
Good Luck to you! Looking good so far!
I've never remodled a house, but growing up, my dad had our roof off, replacing it, and I awoke in the middle of the night to a down pour of rain in my bedroom *eek* Water was coming from the light fixtures. It totally ruined our home.We spent the next few months in a local hotel until our home was completely re-done inside. It was horrible. So, I understand the inconvenient part.
Just wait until your beautiful home is all completed and you are adding the final decorative touches. It will be then that it feels all worth while :)
Best wishes on a beautiful home!
:) Tessa Ann*
I live in the house of the never ending renovations. We were almost at the point of being done and then I went and had another baby! Ha now have to put on an addition. But so worth it...every little aspect of our house has been customized to just how we like it.
My first house was a true fixer-upper. We bought it, remodeled and sold it in ten months.
Hi April! I remodeled our first house also and it was a ton of work but so so worth it in the end. The hard part was figuring out when it was the end, lol!!
It seems we are always remodeling - one room at a time. We've taken out walls, added bathrooms, added a full addition, and then watched as our new home was being built, which is another whole process in and of itself. And even in the new home, we have taken one room at a time to paint, wallpaper, decorate, etc. We still have several rooms to go, but just like life, it's a daily process. Congrats on your remodeling adventure - sounds like you will have a beautiful home for memories and years to come!
Trop beau! Je les veux!
Oh why yes!! rofl WE remodeled a kitchen and bath downstairs.. converted a screened in porch to a studio/laundry room, added a deck out back.. and put an addition to the house creating our attic into a full upstairs!! rofl so yes.. we know all about remodeling...
lots of patience my dear... it will be worth it I promise!!
We've remodeled a room and that was bad enough! LOL! Can't imagine a whole house!
Hi April! I've never remodeled a house yet, but if it was on all of that beautiful land of yours and it was becoming my dream home like yours is - I think it would definitely be worth it! :-D Best of luck to you! Hugs!
Nope never remodeled a house but I've helped do a paint job. LOL!
We've never even owned our own home, so no remodeling. We have been looking at houses, though, and because we have six kids, we may have to do some remodeling just to hold them all.
We did renovate the main floor this winter, and although it was hell for 3 weeks, the end result was definetely worth it. I can't even imagine what it's like to remodel a whole house. Good luck with your remodeling!
beautiful collection! I love it so so so soooo! much :)
Nope, not myself! My sister has restored three houses and she said it was SO hard to have to move away from all of them. The blood sweat and tears will all be worth it, April!!!!
I remodeled my house two years ago... really is the most crazy time in my life but the finished was gorgeous!!
Love your layout!! =)
Cute LO..I love all the circles.
fabulous layout april! not sure if you would consider my house "remodeled" per say but we did do a heck of a lot of work to it (new moldings, hardwood floors, finished basement, etc) within the first two years we moved in. happy we did it and worth all the hard work.
I have remodeled a bathroom in our current house, done some landscaping and put in a new door, but not a whole house remodel! Would love to BUILD a dream home someday!
Love the new Home Front line!
We remodeled a 1958 bungalow and I loved it! We moved shortly after the remodeling though...arghhhh. Right now I am in the process of removing wallpaper from our kitchen. NEVER AGAIN!!! I thought it would be easy, but it's time consuming!
I want to remodel for a year now and I still am stuck in my mind with ideas and haven't get started yet....I really need to ge started.
ps: awesome give-away!
I haven't "remodeled" per say, but when I moved into my house, it needed a lot of work. We pulled up carpet throughout the house, painted, put in new doors... it was totally worth it. It looks fabulous now and I made it my "own".
Thanks for the chance to win!
i have never remodeled a house. i do love decorating the house we have though. thanks for the chance to win this super cute line!
We did re-model our house and it was SO worth it!
I never did, but mine sure needs to have one.... Beautiful kit and would love to win!
We've slowly been remodeling parts of our house and just finished with the kitchen. It's been a headache at times, but it's definitely worth it in the end!!
I've never remodled a house, but my hubby and I plan to do so in the future. I'm sure it will be worth it when it's all said and done. Good luck!!
I have never remodeled a house but am thinking about re doing our kitchen!
it will be totally worth it...your house looks amazing.
love those floors.
We've done some upgrading but never big remodeling. It will be worth it in the end!
Remodeled? Oh, constantly! I'm fortunate to have a husband who does this for a living. Still, I wish I didn't have to scrub sheetrock dust or paint from my nails every Monday morning before work! ;)
We live in a home that is over 100 years old and definitely needs remodeled. Money is tight so we just do little projects bit by bit. Love the new Home Front line!
My parents used to do what you guys are doing and we would stay with my grandparents through the worst of it. It was such a mess, but I have fond memories of "helping" and in the end it was always worth it for them and even for us kids. There's something about seeing the bare bones of a house and then watching as it transforms into something you envisioned (in my case what our parents envisioned, but the thrill was there for us, too). Hang in there! It's going to be great and you won't regret it.
I'm a newbie to SC, but already feel right at home. I'm creating every day because of the beautiful kits and the inspiration in the gallery. How lucky you are that your business is so inspiring to others.
We remodeled our first home 14 years ago - in our kitchen we laid beautiful cobalt blue and white tiles in the kitchen, and I spent hours and hours hand punching tin to go in all of the fronts of the cabinet doors. Imagine my utter disgust when, shortly after we sold the house a couple of years later, we drove by and saw all of the cabinets sitting along the curb for trash.
Betsy Gourley
No, I have not remodeled an old home, finished a new one, well DH did. But I may have to now. My DH was putting in a new kitchen sink for me & he told me not to do anything, it wasn't hooked up. Well he left and me not thinking ran the dishwasher....needless to say I flooded the lower level & we are hoping we will not have to re-drywall & the ceiling doesn't fall down..ooops!
My parents have remodeled their home. It was insane, I remember going to the bathroom outside in a the middle of the night. Yeah. Fun. It was so worth it though! It looks a lot better, and alot of the problems they once had are now all in the past!
I would LOVE to win this! All the materials are just COOL!
I have never remodeled a house but it sounds like fun and a lot of work.
I've never done that, but I'm hoping that we'll be able to built our own house some day...
We added onto our house recently and now I have a ton of painting etc to do. I got a large scrap room out of the deal!
I've never remodeled my entire house at once. We've been doing it room by room. Right now we're doing the office which means that all of my scrap supplies are sitting on my dining room table and I'm hosting Thanksgiving dinner. I'll let you know if it's worth it in a week. LOL!
I've never remodeled a house-- but I'm hoping that someday my husband and I will own one and we'll get to do some work (but not have to do *too* much!) on it. i like to daydream about the features my future house will have :)
thanks for the chance to win. ...your floors are beautiful (and your shoes are really cute!)
I've never remodeled a house -- can't wait to buy our first sometime soon!
No remodeling let....but we have redone our deck steps! I'm hoping it's worth it because we have a lot to do in the future!
I love your floors and those shoes!!! I have never remodeled a house, but my bf and I would love to build our own one day.
I also love how you journaled on your layout!
Thanks for sharing it all!
I would love to remodel my home, make things exactly as I want HAS to be worth it!!! Say it's true. Don't burst my bubble!!!
We've completed a lot of 'face lifts'...basically every room, plus the exterior and yard, but I haven't experienced moving walls and tearing up floors - thankfully! I love following your remodel though.
I remodeled a basement, if that counts? Well, we finished it. Took about 3 mos and was TOTALLY WORTH IT. Otherwise all my scrap stuff would still be in our bedroom, crammed in a small space. And our kids would have terrorized the family room. Instead, they have a playroom. Its great.
I hope you home is going to finished by X'mas. The floor looks amazing and I am certain that you and Greg will have a little one crawling on it very soon:)
Thanks for the awesome chance to win the new Home Front Collection.
I've never remodeled - I'm not sure if I would have the patience and determination to make it to the final product. Good luck!
Well, we bought a house that was 120 years old and hadn't really been decorated since the 1960's. It had FLOCKED wallpaper on the EVERY wall! LOL! We did a TON of work on it and it really was great. The nice thing is that you can make it totally yours at that point.
Yes, absolutely worth it. Especially if you get to enjoy it for a lifetime! I stripped, sanded and refinished baseboards, and fireplaces.....absolutely worth it to get back to the original beautiful!
Enjoy the process :)
I've never remodeled a house and congratulations for your blog!i's wonderful!!
I have actually remodeled multiple houses. First I helped just lay the foundation for one in Mexico for a mission trip I was on. Then I helped my dad fix up our house as well. We replaced the roof on the garage. Completely gutted out my mom's room and redid the drywall and even put in a new cedar closet. Now I am in the process of remodeling my room. I can't wait to see the finished outcome.
Welcome to KY!! the house you are remodeling is great! It will be so worth it!
I never remodeled my own home but have worked on my client's homes...and the consensus at the end of the project is they LOVE IT and had no regrets! Good Luck on your new will someday be completed and you'll love it even more!
We actually built a custom log house....peeled all of the logs by hand, scribed them and then stacked them. It was ALOT of work, but now that we are done we are SO Happy we did it. We did have moments of pulling our hair out, but in the end it is worth it!!!
i've remodeled a house 15 years before and unfortunately we had to move because a dancing settled in the same street and it was not fun, for the 2nd home we chose e new house
I just bought an apartment this year, can't afford to do any remodelling at this point of time. I wish though to redo some parts of the apartment..and Yeah..create a scrap workroom for myself....
Happy remodeling!
No I haven't but I know people who have and they all say they are glad they did it but they didn't know that they'd ever do it again.
thanks for the chance to win the studio calico line.
Melanie O
I've remodeled a garage into a playroom, and later turned a playroom in a different home into a studio bedroom. Both were lots of work, both worth it in the end! And I haven't scrapped one of the remodels yet - would love to win some Studio Calico Homefront!!
contact info:
Remodeling is such an ordeal! You will be so happy when it's done, just keep your mide focused on the finished product!
We just bought a new house and it is in major need of some updating. We haven't knocked down any walls yet but we've done our share of peeling years worth of tacky wall paper, replaced icky fluorescent light fixtures, clearing out the overgrown yard and emplying the basement of junk. While it was frustrating at times, it is certainly worth it. Just this weekend I walked into the living room and had to do a double take. Our house is finally starting to look like a home!
I've never remodled a house...but I'd love to win the giveaway!
I've never remodeled a house, but my parents spent years finishing our basement as a kid. That basement became the hang out spot for the next 10 years while me and my sisters went through high school. For me, it was totally worth it.
I just remodeled a house we bought for investment a little over a month back. We just listed it over the weekend. The whole remodel process was quite fun actually. The whole kitchen was totally redone with new cabinets and appliances. The whole house get all new wood flooring and of course new paint. And many many other changes. I love the new look. After going through this my husband and I are now looking into remodeling our own house. It was not too difficult and why wait till we want to sell to remodel. Remodel now and enjoy the new stuff and also have it ready when we do want to sell. I hope you are enjoying the remodeling process. Remember to take a lot of before and after pictures. Have fun.
We have never remodeled a home but the two that we have lived in were both new builds, so we got to pick light fixtures and carpet etc. As a matter of fact, our first home we actually picked out the floor plan and everything. Now we are comtemplating re-doing the master bath...and I would love to add on room too - I need a scrapping space!
Beth Ann
LOVE your floors and those cute shoes! We are in a constant state of remodel around here. We bought a fixer upper with intentions of revamping and selling. Well, life happens, housing markets tank and the economy slumps and things didn't go the way we planned. We still have lots of work to do, but do have a beautiful brand new master bathroom and new drywall in much of the house.
My parents remodeled all the time when I was growing up and every single time it was totally worth it. Our houses were beautiful after my parents finished with them.
Yes I have remodeled and it sure is worthwhile. A house is a longterm purchase. Why move if you don't need to? I still have to remodel my kitchen and I am looking forward to it.
I have to admit that remodeling scares the be-jeepers out of me and would avoid it at all costs. I really admire your patience through the process though, and I'm sure it WILL be worth it in the end :) Thanks!
I've never had to remodel a house, although if we had stayed longer in our last house we would have done that. We had a teeny tiny bathroom adjoining our bathroom. Even I had a hard time fitting into the shower and I'm only 5'2"! Love your page and the whole idea behind it!
Floors look great. No, I have never remodeled a house...
ummm we need to what u r doing with SC
I've never remodeled a house and am amazed at your bravery in tackling the challenge...but I am sure it will be worth it in the end.
I never have personally remodeled (although would love the chance to;) but have lived through them in my childhood as that is my dad's *thing*. And from what I know-it is so worth it. Nothing like taking some old house that others would take a match to and turning it into yours. (In fact that is exactly what my mom felt about my dad's last project;) Good luck with your home and can't wait to see more pictures!
I've never remodeled, but I would love to do some "shussing" of our current home! Good luck to you...I am sure it's worth it!
tammy t
Fun question!
I have done one major remodel on my first home. It was SO worth it. Even though along the way I thought I was going to have the throw the towel in and have someone else finish! I got a BAD case of hives from hauling out the old floor boards; it was NASTY. I learned ALOT along the way. After I moved to the city, the buyers turned it into a bed and breakfast. It is still a beautiful old home at the center of town.
Thanks for the giveaway chance!
We've never remodeled a house but I'm sure your house is going to be well worth it when it's done it already looks beautiful!
Love the layout, April! I'm watching for my package today to get my own Home Front collection (but I could always use a 2nd set!)
I have never remodeled a house and don't really want to. But if I were doing any remodeling, I'd start in my kitchen for sure!
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