Sunday, November 15, 2009

my home front

I'm kind of homeless right now, since Greg and I are remodeling a farmhouse that sits on 80 green acres in south-central Kentucky. The land is beautiful and peaceful and I'm hoping the house will be one day as well. Right now, it's full of the raucous of nail guns, air compressors, and loud music as the construction workers hack away at the old and bring in the new.

The one aspect of our home that's been given the most attention so far is our floors. Almost the entire house is now covered in beech, which was reclaimed from a tobacco barn in Horse Cave, Kentucky. I love that the wood shows history with the old nail-holes and wide planks. Greg loves the grain and the different look each board has. He's been so particular about the placement of his "cool boards" to make sure they're in prominent places for all to see.

I think what makes me most happy about these floors is that they'll be there for as long as we live in the house (which is where we will stay until we move into an old folks home). The paint on the walls might change over time, but these floors are here to stay. We'll eat lots of holiday meals on top of these floors, have lots of friends and family walk over them throughout the years, have the dogs chase the laser light over these floors, and hopefully have children to crawl over them as well. So, right now, these floors represent home to me.

All this talk about home, and I almost forgot the reason you're here. Below is a layout I made using the Home Front collection by Studio Calico. I love that it mixed so easily with the holiday line by Basic Grey. I hadn't intended on doing a holiday layout with the Home Front line, but in the end, I love how the colors turned out and how it looks slightly like a Christmas page without screaming it.

You might be guessing not that the reason I'm not ready for the holidays is because my house is not ready, and you'd be correct in that assumption. heehee.

To create this layout, I cut large rectangle from the 3 patterned papers I chose. Then, I randomly punched circles with my favorite large circle punch by Marvy. Next, I added the journaling and stitched around the outside of each rectangle. Last, I added the embellishments.

Now it's your turn:

Studio Calico is sharing part of their home with you by sponsoring a giveaway of their brand new line, Home Front. Imagine June Cleaver styled 1950s domestic bliss. Featuring optimistic colors and smooth vintage inspired patterns. You’ll find fresh stained wood grain, retro home décor, an exclusive SC cardstock alpha set, and much more. Home Front is versatile, colorful, and beautiful (can we say that?)….I think you’ll love it.

To win this collection, simply leave a comment on this post letting me know if you've ever remodeled a house and if it was worth it in the end.

To increase your chances of winning this fabulous collection, visit the rest of the design team below.

Celine Navarro

Davinie Fiero
Emily Pitts
Jenn Olson
Joy Madison
Kelly Noel
Lisa Truesdell
Maggie Holmes
Nicole Samuels
Nicole Harper
Stephanie Howell
Tina Aszmus

Winner will be announced Wednesday morning.

This collection is available at many online stores (stopandscrap, amillionlittlethings, and 2peas are the ones I know of off the top of my head) and maybe even your local scrapbook store (if not, there is no minimum order so please ask them to order it).


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Sara*P said...

I have never remodeled a house, but I would love to - I think what you guys are doing is so great using the reclaimed wood. You are making that place 100% your own and I'm very envious. :)

Sandi said...

I haven't remodeled but we live in an older home that we have made and still are making it me to our taste.
Good luck with your sounds wonderful!

Mel said...

We've only remodeled slightly, redoing our bathroom. I hope to do the kitchen someday. And yes, totally totally worth it!

PattiM said...

We've never tore the inside out and remodeled. Just opened a couple walls to make the space appear bigger. Oh, and turned our garage into our bedroom. Was it worth it? Yes, or else we wouldn't have anywere to sleep. Our kids were getting too old to share a room..


(Pattie's passion)

I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!

Vanessa said...

I have never remodeled a house. Closest I get is reorganizing a closet. But I know it will all be worth it for you...those floors are just gorgeous!

angie worthington said...

no, i have never remodeled a house...i think it would be fun & frustrating at the same time, but worth the end result...i have enjoyed following your remodeling process thru your blog!...can't wait to see the finished product!...

KarenP said...

Oh it is soooo worth it! We redid our first home and although it was chaotic at times (my 2 yr old thought it was normal to have "Bob the Builder" show up each morning) we loved that we made it our own!

Anonymous said...

Your style is amazing, I'm sure your remodeling will be great too. I've never done anything like that but would if I didn't have kids. It seems like a fun project to turn a house in to your home, jsut the way you want it.

Jenny said...

Looks awesome - we have never remodeled a house. Good Luck with yours!

Summer Braxton said...

Nope, I've never remodeled a house, but I'm sure it's worth it in the end. We are a military family, so we don't see the point in finding our dream house yet while we're still moving every 3 years. BUT we dream a lot and can't wait until we settled down and build our dream home. It'll be worth it.

DanelleB said...

I remodled my kitchen last year. Only a 10 year old house, but I hated the island and floors so while my husband was traveling I distroyed it and made it awesome. My neighbor liked it so much I designed her new family room, tearing down walls, etc. It looks fab now too. Fun times.

stephine said...

so nice Calico, i hope it will be mine

Kathy Reid said...

We have done a bunch of home improvement projects and while it is a pain to live through, I love the end result.

Lexi said...

Funny you should ask about remodeling...we are 9 WEEKS into a kitchen remodel that was suppose to be done no later than 8 weeks ;) But I have been assured it will be done by this friday, just in time for my 30th bday saturday--YIKES!! LOVE Home Front--the patterns--the colors--the mid century/modern feel--the WOODGRAIN! Love it all!

Iara said...

we remodeled our first apartament and I think it was not worth the work and the energy we invested. We did lots of little mistakes that bugged me afterwards. So, when we bought a house I said to my husband that I wanted it all made by people who knew what they were doing LOL It took a little time to have everything the way we wanted but it is perfect, just the way I dreammed of. thanks for the giveway!

MandeeM said...

Yep, we did the kitchen. It was horrible to live through, waiting for everything to get finished. No sink or counters over Thanksgivig.... Not so bright planning ;) ( we forgot to think about all the time we would have for setbacks) But, in the end... Totally worth it! I love my cork floors and my granite counters, new appliances and pantry. It is heaven, as our house is old too. Built in 1946. So, be patient, it will be so worth it. Good luck!

Joanna said...

When we bought our first house, we bought new construction because we didn't know if we'd have time with our new jobs to do a remodel. I LOVE our house, but I've sort of yearned for that remodel experience ever since. We're moving again this summer, so maybe we can do it then!

Tiffany Heilman said...

I have never remodeled a house, but I am sure I will know next year. It will be a long process, but I am sure it will all be worth it.

Virginia said...

i have not - we went through the opposite experience of building with a new builder....i'm envious of those floors!

meganklauer said...

Hey April!
We are remodeling right now too. With a new baby coming we are adding on 2 more bedrooms and a master bath. Man, what a mess! Plus, to top it off, my scrapbook room is completely packed up and in a trailer in the driveway. scrappin getting done right now! But, I believe it will be worth it in the end to have my very own scrappin room and a bigger house. I keep tellin myself that! :0)

GretaB said...

I've never remodeled a house and would probably go insane if I did. While some aspects seem appealing, I'm horrible at making decisions. That said, I am sure that your remodel will be more than worth it in the end. Everything I've seen so far points that direction.

Ann said...

Oh yes...we bought a 1950s ranch in July and it's a total renovation over here! We're going for the casual cottage look with one room done and well....the rest of the house to go!

Shara said...

I remodeled once and I think its just easier to move...way too much hassle.

Dana said...

We bought a brand new house so we haven't had to yet but I'm sure it's worth it in the end.

Kathy said...

We remodelled our last house. When we started we planned to stay there "forever", though as time moved on we realised our plans had changed. we literally ripped it apart and after 5 years of hard work ended up with a brand new inside of an old house. We only had 12 months there to enjoy the fruits of our hard work before we moved out to this house.
Thankyou for the chance to enter April.

Melanie said...

IF your home is what makes you comfortable then it is worth it. We've have never remodeled (gutted) a home - We've only repainted, new flooring etc (making it comfortably ours) I always say - If we have family and love a cardboard box could be our home.

Cynthia Lloréns said...

i've never remodeled a house-- i would love to tho!


Keshet said...

Haven't remodeled a house yet, but my parents did it, and it will be so wonderful and worth it in the end!
Would love to win a collection!

zaidaba said...

Totally worth it! You´ll feel totally proud at the end, althought you have to be very patient.

NatQuebec said...

the alphabets are very nice :-)

Paper Dolls said...

We are currently remodeling the one we are living in, what a mess!! It is an old fishing cabin with low ceilings that slant at all angles and has a terrible kitchen. I hope it will be worth it...

Stubbart said...

We've done a slight remodel...turned a play room into a full blown media by putting up walls and covering windows. It took a while, and a lot of patience, but it was DEFINITELY worth it in the end!

jesslea said...

We've remodeled several houses and yes, all the hard work and dust and sweat is worth it. I love bringing the old to life again. We just recently reno'd our kitchen. Absolutely love and just in time for the holidays.

Jenny said...

never remodeled a house, probably never will. we're military. we move all the time. would be fun though.

Steph said...

well, we bought a new construction home that was only finished one one floor. We did everything on the first floor, including creating two bedrooms. That's the closest I've been to remodeling, but I am really happy to have it done now!

metrochic said...

i used to remodel homes with my parents when they worked in ministry. it was hugely satisfying and it gave me the basic skills i'd need if we ever took on a remodeling of our own. this house was pretty much move-in ready and as it's our first, we haven't done anything major. i ADORE the decorating aspect best of all. :)

Nitasha said...

no I've never remodeled a house, but if I had an infinite amount of money and patience I would love to remodel an Grand ol' Southern home...Texas style!! Anywho, your floors are nice, but those shoes are just too cute! Of course, like everyone in the scrap world-- gaga over the new SC papers- thank ya'll for the giveway!

Jenni said...

never remodeled our house- but my husband remodeled his sisters... tore out all the 1970's carpet and cabinents in the kitchen and now it is RETRO COOL and contemporary with hardwood floors. Lotsa work, but worth it in the end! :) LOVE the new Homefront Line!

Sheila H said...

We are on house remodel number 2 right now!These papers would be awesome to document our latest adventure.

M@ri@nne said...

Hello, I've never remodeled a house, but I love Studio Calico. Thanks

jenney said...

My husband and I remodeled our first home and it was a lot of work but oh so worth it! Good luck with your renovation and make sure you take pictures (duh!) =)

tccba said...

I am currently remodeling--to give my husband a three car garage and me a 1,00 square foot scrap studio above it! It has been three years in the works, but it will be so worth it! Thank you!

SusieScrapper said...

I've never remodeled, but I believe it's worth it in the end! I just love the Homefront Collection, it's right up my alley!!

Christina O said...

I have never remodeled a house & not sure if I would be able to handle all the stress of going through a remodel but I would be there though when it came to decorating the home. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway...and love your layout!!!

Jen said...

never remodeled a whole house, but we've done "projects"... it hasn't been easy, but probably 'worth it" :-)

Unknown said...

I love your layout April. Your work always inspires me. My house was remodeled a few years back so that my grandparents could come live with us. It was the best thing we could have done. They lived the reminder of their years happy and we were happy to have them with us. I'm sure your new home will come with lots of memories. :) -bucket

xing said...

I haven't ever remodeled a house, but have renovated an apartment (does that count? :). Love the new line!

katrina said...

i've never remodeled, buti can't wait to see how your house turns out.

Sarah Hofseth said...

Instead of huge remodel done all at once, we are constantly remodeling...just a bit at a time. Either way is difficult to say the least. Thanks for the chance to win!

Kelly in Cincy said...

NO, we have never remodeled a home. DH and I are not handy that way. Took all morning last weekend to just hang to sets of curtain rods!

Jeannie said...

i've never remodeled a house, nor owned a house. although one day... one day... :)

Diana said...

I have never remodeled a home but I would like to remodel my kitchen some day. It has these ugly tiles on it that I'd like to replace with a nice smooth countertop. :)

Courtney said...

Never have, but I would love to someday. Having your say in everything about the house would be wonderful! Congrats on the house and I can't wait to see it finished!

Tiffany said...

My third home was remodeled (even though I was four when it happened), but I'm really glad it's remodeled. It was remodeled by my dad's construction company and previously, the house simply did not have sunlight.
And the bathroom was the only room that smelled DECENT. How ironic.
but I actually have rearranged my room a lot and now, I am finally content with the placement of each furniture!
thanks for the giveaway! i hope i win :)

Cindy S. said...

We have never done a MAJOR remodel but have been picking off things here aand there. IT NEVER seems worth it at the time but I awlays feel differently afterward. LOVE this new line!

Bethany Crowell said...

We are JUST finishing up on our addition/remodel...and I must say, now that the dust has FINALLY settled, it is TOTALLY worth it! Good luck to you! Enjoy the process of creating the space that you love.

Monika Wright | I Love It All said...

We have and continue to remodel my husband's grandparents' house. It's 45 years old and built so solidly. I didn't love it at first when we moved in, but now it's mine and I'd like to think that Mamaw and Papaw are smiling down from heaven as we enjoy raising our family here.

Cari Skuse said...

I'm still in the midst of remodeling our 100 year old house! I hate how long it has taken, but I love that I could do everything just the way I wanted it to be.

NancyLee said...

Never and still planning on remodeling. My husband is in construction and he also does plans and as long as you know what you want and you do your own homework, it will be worth it. Just think about the outcome while you are looking at all the mess around you and you'll be fine. All the best!

Anonymous said...

I've never had to remodel a house since we are military and we lived mostly in base housing or rent. HOpefully one day when we can settle down I wont have to do it and just find a perfect house for us!Michelle M.

The Mom said...

We are currently redoing our kitchen and while it is taking us some time because we are doing all the work ourselves it is getting there. All my beautiful glass tile got put up this weekend and I can't wait to get it grouted and done. It looks even better than I imagined it would!!

Candace said...

I have never remodeled, but I am sure it will be worth the wait! Good luck, keep us posted!!!

MNJackson said...

We recently remodled our patio into a cozy dayroom. So glad the project is finally over. Love the results!!

MNJackson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenny said...

I've never remolded a house before. Your house is already beautiful from the looks of it :)

ps - love love love Homefront! I bought some at my local scrapbook store and would love to get a hold of more!

Rita said...

Hey April - i feel for you... i was 8 months pregnant with a 2 year old in tow and we were have our attic converted into a family room. Was supposed to take 30 days, ended up taking 90 days. It was a debate which would come first - the work being finished or the baby. The last two weeks before my baby came I started coming home around noon to rest (and I was EXTREMELY pregnant I might add)... I think it gave extra incentive to teh workers to speed it up. Fortunately they were out before the baby came, but it was close. Hang in there!

Robin said...

I've remodeled my house a lot of times. A different time for different parts of the house. The biggest undertaking was when we added a room on to our house for my mom. She came to live with us when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

I love remodeling. It gives me the feeling of progress.


mrydjeski said...

I added on a room, and it was soooo worth it. Now my family has a place to hang out other than the small living room.

Carrie K said...

Ive never owned my own home let alone remodeled! But im jealous of those that get to...i have a collection going of all the "someday" ideas I have. Your floors are definitely in that file :)

*a* said...

We have been slowly remodeling our house. We immediately redid the tiling and carpet, then the bathrooms, then the kitchen all within a couple of years, and usually two or three projects going on at a time. All of it was worth it. Oh,

Just yesterday I was in my kitchen and thought, I never want to have a kitchen someone else has used again. I love having a kitchen that I love.

Erin M said...

Hi April!
We've not remodeled, at least in the sense that you & Greg are, but my mom and step-dad totally gutted and redid an old farm house. They tried to re-use as much of the original wood work, solid wood doors in the upstairs of the "new" house. It has a lot of sentimental value, since the house was his grandmother's house. Worth it in the end, but a HUGE undertaking.

Tonya said...

How about remodeling parts of a house? Does that count? We've redone and added onto our kitchen. Completely redid our two full baths and the basement.
Close to the entire thing just not the whole enchilada! Your noisy apartment living will be so worth it in the end! You and Greg will never regret it!!!

Your LO is always make me want to go circle crazy! :)

Stormy said...

I've never remodeled a house, but I would love to remodel the house we live in now. I'm sure that it is worth it in the end.

Jamie V said...

gorgeous layout.... wicked floors!!

We did remodel 11 years ago when I was expecting our first. It was a tiny 75 year old 2 story that had a horrible reno done to it in the 70's- wood paneling, shag carpet and all!

It was an awesome experience! I found out that IKEA kitchens are actually good quality and easy to install... and I love their butcher block counter top. I learned that I love painting, and can now cut and install base boards and crown molding.

I also learned to be careful because you never know what you might find behind the walls... ie. newspaper used as insulation, rodent graves..etc.

Have fun with it!!

Erica Hettwer said...

We remodeled our first house and it was worth it. We're planning on adding on to this one in 5 or 10 years and it will be worth it to! :D

Anonymous said...

I've never remodeled a house before, but we are buying our 1st home this year! It will finish building in April/May next year. We are in the process of choosing the wood flooring...the paint colors...the furniture...& on & on. I'm having so much fun with it all.
Good Luck with the remodel & love the reclaimed flooring!

Meredith said...

We are about to embark on a renovation at our home and it is very nerve wracking!! What if we make the wrong choice or it's not big enough or too big! So many decisions!! I am sure ours and yours will be worth it in the long run!!

Jennifer said...

I've never remodeled ... not sure I'd be up to the chaos! :)

Karolynah said...

I haven't remodeled a house yet. But I'm about to. It's so exciting to make it your own and I'm sure it'll be worth it because it's gonna have all the love and dedication you put into it!

Lisa Spiegel said...

Yes, we've remodled two homes now and they were both worth it...nothing is better than seeing the end result!! Good luck! The floors look absolutely beautitful!

my paper love studio said...

i'm never remodeled a house, but have friends who have and kinda wonder myself whether it's worth it in the end as the cost is alwasy higher than expected as they find more problems (unexpected problems) with the infrastructure of the house. I think for me, I would prefer to rebuild, but then i guess will have to see how much money i have at that time. thanks again for the chance to win this amazing paper pack! and all the best on your house!

Jen L said...

we've remodelled and it's absolutely worth it, especially if you intend to stay for a long time.

Kim Bolyard said...

I have remodeled my and bathrooms gutted to the bare bones....was so worth...but you have deal with a big mess....


Diana Martin said...

The collection is stunning, I adore the colors and the vintage vibe!
I have never remodeled a house before but I am sure it would come with it's ups and downs. I'm sure it would be worth it in the end, good luck!!!

Lauren said...

I've never remodeled a house, but just from the little upgrades we've done ourselves, I would SO buy a "turn key" next time. Then again, we have time. Not money. If I had the money to do all the crazy things I wanted, maybe I would feel differently! :)

Amy said...

I have never remodeled a house,but I am sure in the end you will love it even more!!

Madeline said...

I've never done an all-out remodel, but have done small pieces at a time. Definitely worth it. It's fun to see what you envision come to fruition!

Debbi Tehrani said...

We bought an older house, built in the early 70's, and we've remodeled bits and pieces of it over the years, and it's een well worth it. Especially the kitchen. When we moved in, the appliances were all "harvest gold." We bought new white appliances and painted the cabinets white. Since then, we'e done a complete remodel of the kitchen. It was expensive, but I really love the updated kitchen!

Katie Burnett said...

We added tumbled marble tile behind the backsplash in our last house. That is the closest we've come to actual remodeling. It was very much worth it.

LOVE the new collection. Congratulations April!

Houston said...

Yep, we've remodeled this house top to bottom and it was totally worth it! You won't regret the wait!

Michelef4 said...

We've never had the money to actually redo anything, but I'm sure it's worth it.

Barb said...

Only remodeled a little.....worth it, but HARD WORK.

Susan said...

We've been in our home for 20 years and have remodeled every room. We had to do them one at a time since we started right after we got married and money was tight (and still is!). It's definitely worth it though!

alyssa said...

Nope, no major remodeling on my part, though I've been part of plenty small home improvement projects. I always like those since they usually lead to those "a ha" moments of how good it feels to see the results of your hard work. I admire your patience!! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Christie Wildes said...

We have never remodeled a home. We purchased our first house 3 years ago and needed something ready to be moved into asap. :)

I love watching your progress though!!


Dale P. said...

Yes I have remodeled a house (or two). While it is going on I hated it. I hated having workers at the house all the time. But now I am so glad that we did it. You will be too!!

Michele F. said...

April, the new line is to die for and I love the name. Yes, I've remodeled. And I've built three houses in the last 22 years, lol. Three years ago we remodeled our kitchen and installed hardwoods in every room in the house, we had to move out and move back in but it was sooooo worth it! Good luck with your new home, love how you used the tobacco barn wood, and can't wait to see the finished product!

Anonymous said...

Yep, we remodeled our first house from top to bottom. I just loved my kitchen. But, we out grew the house, so we sold it and bought a brand new built one... we kinda were over the whole remodeling thing! ;)

Unknown said...

Yes we have and still are. It is worth it because you end up with what you really want! Thanks for the chance at Home Front!

Valerie Bishop said...

We've never totally remodeled our house, but we are slowly but surely replacing things inside of our house - the flooring, the siding, taking out old things putting in new - to make this house our home! The headaches are totally worth it! :)

serena said...

no remodelers here! I'm not sure the marriage would survive that - lol

Kiwi The Kreator said...

i don't know if this counts but we had to redo our entire house after katrina. i love the new, STURDIER house with touches of the old items we were able to save!

Rosa Rivero said...

We've never remodeled but I can relate to you on how a simple thing might mean "home" for you, even if it's not ready yet...for me it's the smell of coffee in the morning. I am a more of a tea person but my husband cant even talk before he drinks coffee, so since we are together, coffee is home for me :)

JArchie said...

I can't imagine all that you've got on your plate at the moment. You need to scrap all of this so that you'll remember everything. I'd love, love, love to win the new collection. I want to play with it all weekend :)

AlissaG said...

April, I so wish I could make pages in your style - i love them.

And I will for sure be looking back in your blog in the hopefully near future when we start the remodel of our house will are working on buying :)

Shirley said...

never renovated on your scale but have replaced a kitchen and it was so worth it considering the old kitchen was particle board and was probably installed in 1954.

justem said...

I have not remodeled a home...but I'd love to. Our dream is to buy an old home and redo it all. :)

Love your floors!!

JArchie said...

I can't imagine all that you have on your plate at the moment. You need to scrap everything so that you'll have these memories 10 years from now. I'd love to win the new collection. I've got a long weekend coming up and I'm ready to play with it all weekend long :)

naomi chokr said...

hi!! we have never completely remodeled but we have done a lot of work in our house....the only reason why I do it is because i know it will all be worth it in the end :)

Anonymous said...

I've never gone through a total remodel, but I can tell you the little improvements we've done to any house have always made a huge difference, so I can only imagine how much you'll love yours! And your floors are gorgeous! can't wait to see it finished in your pictures!

Suz said...

I've never remodeled a home before. I would like to (not the home I live in now) remodel/restore an older home one day-but my hubby is not a fan of the idea.

Sandy said...

We remodeled our house when I was pregnant too. What an exciting time. We thought the remodelling would be done before my son was born - never happened. But it was worth those stressful days of hammers pounding while caring for a newborn. Now we have the perfect baby's room and scrapbook room. Best wishes to you - your home will be well worth it =)

AllyW said...

Well, i have never remodeled a house always looked fun though....and expensive! :)

Erin said...

I've never remodeled a house, but have done some major renovations in our house. It was definitely worth the dust, backaches and headaches that came with the projects.

I don't think you will ever have any regrets. Your home is already looking as beautiful as the property it sits on.

Anonymous said...

i've painted concrete floors before and it was a lot of fun. totally worth it (when it is done right!) ~Pidgen

arleigh said...

I've never remodeled, per se, but I've had to update features on our gross old 1941 house. we still have cloth wrapped wiring!

Jennifer B. said...

Never done it and it looks like a lot of work and sacrifice. Good luck!

Crystal said...

We built our home when we were first married, 33 years ago and it's now time to replace the original lino and carpets. The hardwood is about 2/3 done and looks great! But of course it meant we had to repaint and redo the trim - and the saga continues!!

Abegaile Valencia said...

I've never remodeled a house because all my "adult" life I've been a renter. We rent because at first it was what we could afford. But now, it's because with our situation, we know that nothing is ever permanent in our plans so it is much easier for me to rent-where I can get out of a lease-than to own and then try and sell our home (too much stress to handle ). But one day, I look forward to owning my own home-something I can call mine (well, technically mine & our mortgage company until it's paid off) and renovate to my heart's content!

ellen s. said...

i never did...we were going to buy one that needed a lot of work but my husband is NOT in anyway, handy. So we built one. I still want to get down and dirty in a house once and make more a piece of my personality. Good luck~!

Staci Taylor said...

very cool layout!! i've never remodeled an entire house, but we've definitely done lots of things to parts of the house (new floors, built a deck, etc), and it was very worth it! good luck :-)

Zanne said...

I have not remodeled a house yet, but in the next year we need to remodel the kitchen and bathrooms. I have heard it is a rough process, but worth the end result. Love the new collection from Studio Calico.

thearthurz said...

I've never remodeled a house, but I watched my parents just go through it and throughout all of the nightmares that can happen (and the dust and mess) it was completely worth it in the end! Hang in there.

Christy said...

I have, and it was TOTALLY worth it to get rid of all the wallpaper and carpets for fresh colors and wood floors!

Traci from Ga. said...

Love this line and Studio Calico. Would love to win this collection
:0) !

Rebecca Keppel said...

I've never remodeled a house, but I can only imagine how worth it, it will be in the end. I am sure it is stressful, but it is amazing to get to make choices about foundational items like flooring.

Cathy Pascual said...

Yes! Well we remodeled part of our house which happens to be built in 1959! We redid our kitchen and dining room and put in new skylights. As well as refinishing all the floors. It was totally worth it. We did all the remodeling BEFORE we moved in.

I love your new paper line. If I win it, I would definitely do a mini-book on my our "new" house which we just moved into this summer.

LBMann said...

never had the "pleasure" but I am sure that the blessing will be in the end result.

Unknown said...

we did some renovations when i was in high school -- what we did is totally worth it!

Karin said...

I have never remodeled a home, but we have been updating our home bit by bit (it's a little house built in 1913), and it is definitely worth all the time to make it more ours!

Shemaine Smith said...

I've never owned a home and living in Southern CA and being a SAHM it's not an easy thing to do but I'll trade a house for seeing my daughter's first steps over and over again! Thanks for the chance to win this fab collection!

reen said...

Not the entire house at the same time... but the kitchen before we moved in. Last summer my son and I remodeled the bathroom... it's nice.

Cynthia Baldwin said...

We've replaced parts of our home...the kitchen and master bath floors, paint and flooring for our study, the patio into a covered deck. But not a total remodel/rehaul.
If your floors are any indication, I'm sure your place will be beautiful when you're all done!
Thanks for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

I have never remodeled a house but we are in the process of buying our first. Best of luck with everything...I can't wait to see the finished house.

Stephanie B

Erin said...

Yes! I have been through 2 complete remodels. First my parents when I was just finishing high school. They completely gutted the farmhouse we lived in a started fresh (then sold the house and moved to the Middle East a year later).

The second was the home they purchased when they moved back from the Middle East (haha). This one was a challenge though. 110years old, no insulation, unsafe wiring/pipes and only 550 sq. feet. It is absolutely gorgeous now! SO WORTH IT.

Laura Stewart said...

big time! we bought a repo two years ago - totally worth it in the long run though

Agnes said...

Remodeling is so worth it. Its a bumby road, alot of hard work but in the end you will never have any regrets but will love your home that much more!!!

Brenda Hurd said...

i can't wait to see the 'home' finished! The new line is fabulous!

lenore said...

I have never done a large remodel but I have painted, ripped up carpeting and refinished floors. And it was so worth it! Good luck with your remodel - it looks awesome!

Jenn A. said...

I have never remodeled an entire house, but we are making some improvements in our current place and it is overwhelming-I cannot imagine being patient enough for what you are doing!

Rachel said...

I have remodeled my house. We did most of the work ourselves (on our anniversary weekend). It was totally worth it.

nspiegel said...

I remodeled a kitchen once. It was a lot of money, frustration, and work but totally worth it in the end.

nspiegel said...

I remodeled a kitchen once. It was a lot of money, frustration, and work but totally worth it in the end.

Marla said...

I LOVE remodeling a house and yes it is SO worth it. We have remodeled just about every room in our house and I LOVE the FINAL results. Keep up the work!!

katey said...

no thank goodness i have never remodeled my house before bc i would go ALL OUT! just like i do with my scrapbook paper obsession!!

tina b. said...

We remodeled our kitchen recently...we took out the everything and started over..We ended up installing 40" cherry cabinets with crown molding, granite counter tops and new appliances. Really loved how it turned out.. The best part for me was having my dad do the work. Now everytime Im in the kitchen it reminds me of my dad.. just love him!

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

love the colors and patterns in those papers you used! we only remodeled one section and it was a good move. but it did not interfere with us at all! now, i'm living through my bf's remodel - o.m.g.!!!!

lorena b. said...

Never remodeled but yours looks amazing & of course it's worth it: it's your HOME! Best of luck!

Gioconda said...

We live in a very small house. We remodeled both our bathrooms when my daughter was 3 weeks old. It was so dusty and really hard to get away from the guys while I was nursing, so we decided to move in with my parents. of course the remodel took longer than we thought. But it was nice to have my mom and dad around to help with the baby. And it was totally worth it.

Amy said...

Hey April! Gotta admit that no I have never remodled a home, but my husband is in the business. The current home that is being done, not only did they redo the interior and such, they added on, and they are beyond thrilled. It takes time and patience, and above all money, but to have something you are so happy with and that is yours makes every second and penny worth it. :D btw Love your LO! Always do. Take care!

Unknown said...

Well, I've never remodeled a whole house but have done a room at a time and it is a lot of hard work but definitely worth it in the end! Im sure your farmhouse will be awesome when it's done! Cant wait to see the pics of it in its full glory! also love, love, love the new homefront line! i hope i win!

Lily said...

I love the collection. Gorgeous!! And I love so much tour layout ;)

Lynda said...

Yes we have and it was wonderful for the 4 weeks we lived in it all finished.We sold our first home as we had out grown it with our second child about to arrive!!

Amande said...

I dream remodeling a house but we'll have to wait a little !!
I love your layout ! good inspirations !

Dawn said...

I, myself have never remodeled a house, but growing up my parents did. They bought a 'fixer upper' when I was just 6 years old and I think they worked on that home until I was in highschool. LOL! My parents always had a new project going on. I loved that little was definately worth it!

vaniflo said...

Absolument génial et complètement intemporel !

Quinquin said...

I love it!!!!

Nikki said...

I trying my luck. I love the labels and the papers are simply sublime !

Bart and Cindy said...

We are doing some of that right now. New doors, windows and carpet! Best of luck to you!
Thanks so a chance to win,

Amy Megan said...

Mom & I just remodeled a bedroom into a craft room and we are sooooo glad we did. It was hard work based on the changes needed - we even removed glass slider closet doors to make the closet an open storage area - but we are now enjoying the room every day! It is so inviting and it's so much fun to have all our scrap supplies on display and within easy reach! (reach me at

Anonymous said...

I love this kit. And I'm pretty sure I need it. We are moving to a different town soon and I have begun planning a mini-book to document the house that our daughter was born in. This kit is perfect for that!

Christa said...

I just love this new line April! Congrats on all your hard work!

tinkster said...

I'm loving this line, and the floors look amazing!

Anonymous said...

oulala it's fantastic !!
amazing paper i like it so much !!

Victoria S. said...

I remodeled my father's house and sold it after he died -it was very rewarding for me to see my chidhood home go through a transformation that needed it. It looked fabulous updated!

Debbie Pereira said...

Oh yes, We have remodeled many houses. But our current home was totally gutted and we took off the roof and added another floor for a master suite. Many of our neighbors commented that we did not remodel our house we rebuilt it! It stated it's life as a 1950 rambler and is now a craftman style. My husband is an architect and he did an amazing job with the redesign. Back to your question, "was it worth it?" TOTALLY!! We absolutely love it.

Mary - said...

those floors look awesome - i can only imagine what a beauty your home will be once completed. i am totally sure it will be well worth it. i haven't ever remoldeled a home, but it is something that i know that i would enjoy! best of luck! smiles, m-

brooke said...

We are still looking for a home. But, one day we hope to have some remodeling stories :) It will be well worth the wait for you guys I'm sure!

Just Us said...

We are in the process of building a house since our builder walked out and left it unfinished...lots of work, but hopefully worth it in the end.

Sarah said...

I'm remodeling an old farmhouse, too! These papers are awesome for showing the progress (which is taking FOREVER!). :)

patscrap91 said...

I've never remodeled a house as mine is a new one. Good luck with yours. I hope everything will go well.

I love the new Studio Calico collection and your layouts.

Tammy Wilson said...

I have never remodeled an entire house before but we have tackled a few rooms. Is it worth it? Yes, because one of them was my scrap room! :)

laurensmom22 said...

We finished our basement and oh my gosh, it took 3 years and seemed to go on and on and on. I love the finished project, but it was so painful going through because we had so many delays.

Great giveaway!

Keri said...

Your farmhouse sounds like heaven to of luck with it!
I love your layered, stitched, overlapping large paper squares on your layout!
I just finished finishing a basement, and wow, it was rough, but totally worth it! I'm smiling at it right now, as I type in my new craft corner and my DD dances on the new plush carpet! :)

Nadine said...

I've never remodeled a house but
am certainly designing for my future
one (:

Anonymous said...

Yes I have...and yes it was worth it but it took a little time to really enjoy the effort probably because we were so tired from the project. Thank you for a chance to win.


Amanda said...

We have done a lot of work outside, and it is totally worth it!

Amanda said...

We have done a lot of work outside, and it is totally worth it!

K. G. said...

We remodeled our back yard and now we spend a lot more time out there.

La Vikinga said...

Never remodelled a house (because I never had a house) but when we got our appartment we got it remodelled; painted all over and new wall-paper! It was so totally worth it because we got rid of the 15-years old wall-paper with grease of someones hair one the wall in the bed-room!!! And we got to choose our own wall-paper! Now I love my home!

La Vikinga, Sweden

Patti said...

My husband remodeled a house we sold (not lived in.) It ended up beautiful...but not being as great financially as we thought. However, it was a great learning experience:) LOVE the SC kit!!

Cassi said...

i helped my parents remodel our house when i was a pre-tenn. it was definitely worth it because i helped raise the roof on what would become my awesome bedroom with 8' x 12' walk in closet.

good luck with the waiting!

Ann I said...

We're going to remodel the kitchen & one bath sometime next year, so I have no advice.

KFairbanks said...

I've never remodeled a house, but built ours with my husband...many, many weekends were spent in mud while we water-proofed the was cold when we were running pipes and wires. OH but the blood, sweat and tears were well worth it. It's nothing overly fancy, but it's ours and we did it. Thanks so much for sharing!! I LOVE those floors!!!

Kimmieprout said...

nope. nerver remodelled a house.
but good luck with it!

scrappingizlife said...

I'm sure the remodel will be great! I have never remodeled a house, as I have not been lucky enough to be able to afford to buy my own yet.

Ankeney Tribe said...

I haven't really remodeled a home...although my husband and I are in the process of "remodeling" our front and back yard..yes in November. I know it will be worth it, but I don't know if doing it to a house is worth it. Probably.

Alice D said...

we moved to a new house 4 month ago and we remodeled part of it before we moved in so we didn't need to live in all the mess.
still it was worth it.

PippiPebbles said...

looks good!

Anonymous said...

Never in my life! But have always heard that if a married couple can survive the remodel of their house they can survive

Lynda in calif

Kari said...

No but we sure have moved a lot being ex-military. I would imagine that all that work will pay off though, keep it up! It's going to be an amazing home for you guys!

antenucci said...

Unfortunately I can share in the it's not done syndrome. We are building a house; it was supposed to be done by May, then August, then Oct, then Dec, now I'm not even asking. I know everyone says it is so worth it, but at this moment I am not thinking it is. Hope your remodeling goes better than our building is. I would love to win this kit just in case we finish this project! :)

Twila Bennett said...

Yes, we started remodeling a house, but ended up selling it before we did the kitchen. Couldn't bear that big project. It was fun to do it. We had goals--one room at a time--and that helped not be overwhelmed. Mostly.

elissa said...

I've never been through a remodel. Maybe soon, I'd love to add a couple more rooms!

Gwen said...

Fab collection and fab layout. The remodelling of the home sounds exciting.

Kawine said...

never remodeled... one day who knows?
love your floor...
and love this collection!!!

Susan said...

We've remodeled a good chunk of the house that we currently live in. Ripped out the ugly carpet that inhabited the entire house and had hard wood floors and new carpet put in. We have taken down ugly wallpaper... sanded walls, primed, and repainted every single wall in this house including the closets. We changed every single vent cover, light switch, and switch plate. New blinds on every single window. We didn't remodel as much as we really just upgraded it and brought the house into the current decade. =) We still need to update the bathrooms and the kitchen, but in due time. And yes, it was totally worth it!!

I love what y'all are doing with your home. Those wood floors are beautiful!

Crystal said...

I've never remodeled a house, but I'm sure it's totally worth it in the end. but I think it would be lots of fun even if it was a headache.

Hall Family said...

I have not remodeled a home, but am homeless right now too having moved from Wisconsin to So. Cal. I am loving November weather here:) Good luck on your remodel! Love your floors!, and I love the new collection.

Jody said...

Lovely layout, lovely floors :)
And thankfully no remodeling here.

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