Well, it's really crunch time now. I can hardly believe that Studio Calico will launch at midnight, one week from tonight. And, just because I'm so excited, I must show you another sneak peek, which is a compilation of items from the main kit, add-on and freebie (for those who sign up for a subscription).

Preorders begin when the website goes live, so if you don't want to miss out on Studio Calico's premier kit, you may want to stay up late with us next Wednesday night!
As we count down the days until the website launches, Scarlet and I will be sharing information about Studio Calico. Please feel free to ask any questions, as we will be checking our blogs regularly.
Now, drumroll please......Today I'm going to announce our first guest designer. (And, you may want to check out Scarlet's blog for the design team announcement!)
We are so excited to announce that Michelle Hill of Lil Davis Designs will be our first guest designer. Here is what she had to say when she received her kit in the mail. (and, you can check out her blog to hear more feedback and hints)
Michelle: I love it it looks awesome :) I can't wait to play with it....and thanx so much....super excited....
She can't wait to play with the kit, and I can't wait to see what she does with it! Scarlet and I have both been working to create layouts as well. On one LO, Scarlet used chipboard in such a cool way, I can't wait for you to see it!
Oh, and I can't leave this post without sharing Stephen with you. He is our graphic designer and marketing guru, for lack of a better word. Studio Calico is so inspiring, that he created an ad for a nearby hospital that basically mimicks a scrapbook page.

I love the photo of your sneak peek- so cute!
Super exciting April!
i wish y'all all the luck in the world.
i'm so excited to see this take off!!
looks awesome!!
good luck!! :)
your kit looks wonderful! best of luck! Christine
That Stephen guy is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!! ... if he were a cupcake, I'd eat him right up ... Yummmmy :]
Stephen, I can't believe you posted on April's blog and not mine. I guess now I really know who your favorite is.
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