Well, it's been an interesting and monotonous week all at the same time. Here goes:
- Starting my week at 2:00am Sunday morning with pain so bad, I had to call the doctor. Went straight to the hospital and found out I was having contractions, and after some medicine and a stern warning to take it easy, the contractions eased and I was sent home. The whole time I was there, I was terrified. I was in Labor & Delivery and unlike when I was there for Claire, I was not excited. Such a surreal feeling since most people arrive with such anticipation. For me, when I rang the bell to be let in, I was all alone, not in a wheelchair (Greg was parking the car that was literally on dead empty we were worried it wouldn't make it to restart if he didn't park it right then.), and I was scared to death. Fortunately, we caught the preterm labor early enough to reverse it for the most part and I'm so thankful for that. Funny thing, it was my OB on call that night and I looked so terrible, hair slicked back, no make-up, glasses, that he actually introduced himself when he walked in the room. ha!
- On bedrest planning the July and August Studio Calico kits. Big belly, a book (not telling you which supplier) and my computer.
- Claire wanting to be like Grammy eating a protein bar, took the wrapper and put her cinnamon roll in it. Then held it and took bites.
- Kangaroo. Oh, the kangaroo. Claire's latest toy obsession. Forbid what happens if we lose that one!
- Watching "Under the Sea" on my computer. She says "eee eee" and sways back and forth. Gets me every time. By the way, what did parents do before YouTube?
- Together for snuggle time before leaving for the doctor. I feel like an 80-year-old since going to the doctor is my "outing." I got to fix my hair, wear make-up and put on real clothes. Even though I looked good, and the doctor actually recognized me, I'm still on bedrest. (contractions....still....) He's positive about the likelihood of making it to 34 weeks. I'm 23 weeks now, so I'm down for the long haul.
- Going home from the doctor, Claire having a snack. She loves those cracker sandwiches with the pepperjack cheese, well, it's cheese substitute. There is a method to eating them, that involves splitting the crackers apart, scraping the cheese off with her thumb and eating that first before eating the crackers plain. Appetizing, huh?
- On her scooter, which is actually the carrier of the bell. She loves ringing the bell and has finally gotten enough strength in her fingers to do it by herself. Look how proud she is!
- Now Claire's a pro at bedrest. Computer, "under the sea", yep, that's all she needs.
Only good wishes and vibes to you and your family April. I know how scary it is to have early contractions so you'll be in my thoughts. Beautiful photos as always. :)
Best wishes for you and your family! Take it easy and I hope you don't get too bored!
I started reading your blog because it gave such great descriptions of the IVF process that I sent it to my family to explain what was going on for me.
Now, funny enough, my husband and I are 18 weeks pregnant with twin boys, so it seems like I can't resist following in your footsteps (though these are our first children). Your scare is a good reminder for me to take it easy, as much as I want to be a productive member of the household. I can't imagine the challenges you face raising a toddler while pregnant with twins!
Stay safe & sane!
April im so glad they were able to stop the labour and glad you OK. just take care of you and those babies :)
Ever since I had the baby, I also find going to the doctor to be an outing--in fact, I dressed up for a Dunkin Donuts run today. Ack!
You look after yourself, slow down and listen to the doctor ... you've got precious cargo on board. OMG that sounds terrible, but you know what I mean.
Take care.
Glad you're ok and were able to stop the labor - hope everything continues to go well for you! ~Ashley
I am so glad that you all are well. We will keep praying for continued health.
hugs from denver. glad you're getting lots of precious time with claire :)
Oh I feel your fear and frustration. My contrations (painful ones) started already at 14 weeks, so I have been pretty much ón bedrest for 5 months! Talk about going crazy, and never thinking I would get this far. Online shopping is great when you only go out of the house to empty the mailbox and see the doctor. ;-) Baby due to be delivered a few weeks early next Friday, so I'm excited for this long wait to be over (took over three years to get pregnant again). All the best in the months that follow
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