I snapped this photo out my bathroom window yesterday when I was up for a potty break. Look how gorgeous the sky is and I promise you that grass looks like Ireland, even though I've never been....It was so incredibly green and with lots of clover. Our cows *love* clover so we try to keep them happy.
What you can't see in the photo is that it's 75degrees here in March and you can't hear that Claire is giggling and running with her princess ball (my best $2 purchase to date). Greg is bound and determined to get me a lawn sofa-chair-thingy so I can lay around outside and enjoy it. I hope he does! Maybe for once my legs will be tan by summer.
SO excited to see your giveaway April; I would love to take part of this class with the lack of inspiration these days and the busy schedule with the kids. This is exactly what I need. My SC name is Scrappymimi.
March 25, 2012 7:48 AM