Okay, maybe I could easily play either now and be perfectly happy.
There's just something about the process of elimination that I love.
I love making lists and crossing things off.
I love setting imaginary deadlines for myself and meeting them.
Hey, I even love timing myself unloading the dishwasher to see how fast I can do it.
(yes, I'm serious.) As a child I could unload the silverware tray in 30 seconds flat. Just ask my mom. I set the timer on the microwave to prove it.
Anyway, back to the subject at hand..."Clue"
I always wanted to be Miss Scarlett, but so did my twin sister, so we'd take turns being the lady in red. And, when I wasn't Miss Scarlet (didn't she just look so bootylicious on the cover of that clue box...I mean, who wouldn't want to be her?), I was either Ms. White or Mrs. Peacock, but they were much more pudgy and less desirable in my 10-year-old opinion.
It was fun moving that sleek red game piece from room to room and eliminating suspects and weapons. I think I guessed "revolver" first every time just because I liked calling it that rather than a "gun." Seemed much more proper and less like you were born and raised in Texas.
I was proud when I had my gumshoe paper all filled up and I just knew the answer and the race to the correct room to make the final guess was on. Not unlike the race to checkout on reveal night at Studio Calico. It was fraught with suspense and errors, too (sorry about our wild check out...we're still working on getting that fixed after our site updates went heinously wrong....)
But, in the end, it was Colonel Mustard, In the Billiard Room, With the Candlestick (which is the only add-on left by the way).

Below are the layouts I created with this month's kit. I have to admit, it's been one of my favorite kits to work with so far.

If you have any questions feel free to ask...but I'd love to know who your favorite "Clue" character is.
i love every single one of your layouts April. they rock, seriously :)
ps : i may be weird, but i have never played Clue before. yup. i just said that. never.
Your layouts are fabulous as always, and i can honestly say after going through the Designers galleries this month i think it's the best ever! As i kept clicking through the layouts i just kept saying Wow at each one. I love the new designers sc picked up and i'm super excited to get my kit. As for my fav Clue character...i never really had one. I'm an only child, so i would play a four player game by myself if no one else was around. I was ALL the characters ALL the time! Ha Ha.
I always thought Ms. White was the sexist (in a bimbo sort of way). Ms. Scarlet was my first choice and Ms. White my second. After seeing the movie, I didn't want to be Ms. Peacock! LOL :)
As always, I **adore** your layouts!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
april, you rock the mist. truly, you do. i aspire to be as good. ;-)
never played the game clue, but have watched the spoof movie several times. is that a bad thing?
I am very excited for this kit too, and your pages are some of my favs this month!! I was really wanting an add-on, but alas I didn't get the proper credit on a pub this month, so no add-on :( Ah well, that's life :)
wonderful layouts!
i loved miss scarlett too! your latest layouts are gorgeous. i want your mad misting skills! :)
i so love these, april - loving your punch work lately, and misting always. =)
Those were also my two favorite games as a child! I loved them so much that I remember my family saying, "Ugh, not again! Choose a DIFFERENT game!" LOL. I also loved Battleship, I'm sure, for the same reason. ;-)
Hmmm... I think I was always Miss Peach or Ms. White. And then Peacock was my 3rd choice, I think. Gosh, I need to go back and play that because I don't even remember what they looked like now! Hmph!
Love your layouts this month, and I can't WAIT to get my kit! YAY!
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