I wasn't just a little bit wrong.
I think I missed it by a long shot.
These countertops were supposed to be the last thing to go in.
Aren't they gorgeous?
- Floors not stained or sanded.
- Trim not finished around windows (or doors considering there are no doors.....)
- Paint not done, hence the lack of outlet covers.
But, at least my countertops are in.
And gorgeous.
Wanna take a stab at the material we chose?
I love it. I love it. I love it.
Upstairs, there's still work being done as well.
Oh my that floor gave us trouble.
See, nothing in this house is square....not even the floors. That concrete-like stuff on the floor is called "floor-leveler" and it's actually some type of vinyl that's poured.
Oh, just wait till you see the floors in my guest bath.
If you're a guest at our house, you get to use the bathroom with the nicest, prettiest floors.
And, most expensive.
Well, it was the bath with the smallest square footage, so it was a smart choice to put the most expensive tile here.
That, and we want to impress the guests. :)
We had a budget for tile (otherwise I could spend all my future earning potential on this stuff). No matter what, I wanted this tile, so every things else in the house was budgeted around it.
This tile makes me happy.
Happier than any other tile.
I just love it.
And, you can only be my friend if you love it, too.
(slightly kidding....)
There's no grout yet, but aren't they just the prettiest, shiniest tiles?
Want a closer look?
I think I could spend the rest of my life on this floor.
Notice the variation in the colors....so subtle, yet oh so pretty.
Oh my.
I think this was my Christmas present.....tile.
Merry Christmas to you and I can now confidently say, "We'll definitely be in by Christmas."
2010, that is...
Sorry about that first post??!! Your house is going to be amazing when it is all done. Thanks for sharing all the photos. When can we move in :) Hee Hee. Have a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of Joy.
Ohhhh, I love it all. The kitchen is already looking gorgeous (and making me jealous!). The tile is totally FAB. Yup. Love it too :)
Merry Christmas!!
Pretty, pretty tile. Here's hoping for next Christmas!
I think your counter tops are CEMENT...?
it's coming along....looks beautiful. and i loooove the tile. is that quartz you used for the countertops??
LOVE the counters. and the tile. it will so be worth the wait!
OH April, I am SO JEALOUS of your kitchen. Totally my dream kitchen...all white with dark countertops, silver pulls and wood floors. Perfection! Love those bathroom floors too.
You have such good taste! I love the tops (is that the stuff with recycled glass in it?) and the tile is fabulous!
beautiful flooring! LOVE those wood floors...amazing!
Absolutely LOVE the countertops! They look like granite?
Love the tile,, I am a countertop and tile snob myself =). I wish I could have those barnwood floors in my house, they are to die for! I think that counter top is concrete. I looked at those and they are beautiful! I have granite and am very happy but really like how unique yours looks. I can't wait to see the rest!
Love, LOVE your new floors! Yummy. :) And the counter tops look amazing! And those cabinets! Oh! I'm SO in love. I don't really like the look of our cabinets right now, so I'm jealous!
It's coming along! You're SO close! Hooray! :D
your house is gonna be AMAAAAAAZING!! I love your cabinets and those countertops...gorgeous!!!
I LOVE your counters and tile! :) They look like quartz to me, I've been looking, so I'm pretty sure..
I'd love to see those tiles after you grout them.. We just tiled our bathroom tub walls, and picking grout was a horrible thing, in the end I think I'm happy... ?
sigh ... penny rounds. i adore them. every time i envision our hopefully-built-in-'11 house, i try to figure out where to put the penny rounds. kitchen back splash? bathroom floor? mudroom?? love them. hey - is your counter top that ceasarstone engineered stuff? i've been curious about that, too ... love the recycled-ness of it. and if that's what you have, it's gorgeous!!
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