One comment we're constantly hearing about Claire is how long her arms and fingers are. And truly they are a little out of proportion because her clothing fits everywhere but the sleeves are a tad short. Just a tad but it's enough to warrant a comment or two. And usually I'll retort, "yeah, we hope she grows into them one day."

I'm sure they'd make a comment about her feet too if they weren't all bundled up. But we don't mind. She is so perfect to us and her lengthened extremities just make her who she is. Plus it's fun to watch how she moves them and folds them. No trouble reaching things; that's for sure!

Oh April, she is such a beauty! Honestly!
She's soooo beautiful! =) And maybe a futere pianist with long arms and fingers???
I agree, she is beautiful. Maybe she'll be a concert pianist with those long fingers! I have munchkin fingers, so I am envious!
She is delightful April. I can already see changes since I saw her in November. WOW!
oh, april. she is precious. her eyes are just beautiful.
She's really a precious little baby girl, April! You and Greg must be so proud!! :)
What a cutie!
She looks just perfect! Our newest was born with a huge nose and hands, but at 8 months, he's totally grown into them. Well, as much as we can tell;). Love her one month dress! She is just so adorable. Makes me want another baby girl!
She is SOO cute! I'm so glad you're posting photos. I'm so enjoying them! (And I know everyone else is as well... hee hee. :-) )
People actually comment on her arms?! Wow. Tell them she'll be an Olympic swimmer. LOL. ;-)
she is just so darn CUTE.
ps- i have long monkey arms too!
she's perfect just the way she is!
love seeing the pictures of her- thanks for sharing them with us.
She is just so cute! Love the photos :)
She has the most beautiful eyes!! Invest in a good shotgun right now . . . you'll need it for sure!!!!
such a gorgeous blessing she is. xoxo
She's perfect, April.
Thank you for sharing your precious sweet Claire! Those eyes are beautiful and oh is she going to use those to melt your heart!!!!!
this little lady is a beauty !!
congrats again April
She is just perfect, but you already know that! Love all the pictures!
I'm loving all of these beautiful Claire pics! Thanks for the directions on your sidebar on adding the studio calico countdown to my sidebar. I've been wanting to do that!
She is P-E-R-F-E-C-T..... and those pictures are so precious. Thanks for sharing.
thanks for all these pictures :) she'll be able to hit the rachmanioff chords with ease, i envy long fingers. i have short stubby one, they work, so i don't complain.
She is a BEAUTIFUL BABY! Again congrats! Happy for you and your husband!
She has the most precious little face! She is so darling April! I hope that your adjusting and LOVING this time with her! Hope your feeling well too! Hugs!
She is such a beautiful blessing April!
she looks beautiful
Oh my goodness! She is so stinkin cute! :0)
She looks perfect to me. LOVE those blue eyes!
Totally gorgeous ...
So Pretty!
Take it from this 5'11" girl, there's nothing wrong with long limbs and fingers. I can always reach what I need (even when my hubby can't), and I had an easier time playing the piano and sax. She'll be glad she has those pretty parts. :)
i am just LOVING all of the claire photos. she is gorgeous!!! :)
The last picture? Her eyes tell me she is wise and that she has been on this earth before. I swear she has. So knowing for a new born.
She is so incredibly beautiful. That last photo melts my heart. I have something to send her - could you email me your address? thanks April. Say hi to mom for me! Suzy
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