Monday, March 21, 2011

sketchbook 3

I'm incredibly excited to participate with Kelly's new Sketchbook 3 class. I've already gotten my sketch to work on and am itching to create. There's so many amazingly talented scrapbookers and cardmakers in this bunch that it'll be well worth your money to sign up. I'm sure of it.

You can find all the information you need here, but in the meantime, Kelly is letting me give away a spot to one of my blog readers. Just leave me a comment here letting me know if you've ever taken an online class and if so, which was your favorite.

Some additional info:

Join Kelly Purkey and friends for Sketchbook 3! This is a self-paced four week class filled with fresh sketches, easy instructions, beautiful examples, and lots of fun. From April 4th to April 29th a PDF will be delivered to your inbox every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. By the end of the class, you'll have a complete sketchbook of 12 original sketches, 38 layouts, and an additional 38 sketches based on those creative pages. All of the examples are brand new layouts, exclusive to this class... you won't see them anywhere else. The best part is that you will be receiving an example layout from Kelly for each of the sketches, along with two (or more) example layouts from a very talented contributor. Each PDF for Sketchbook 3 will also include a card designed by the amazing Jennifer McGuire based on the daily sketch.

The class will also include a private message board for questions and sharing ideas on the Studio Calico website. Visit Kelly's blog ( for more information and to see the full list of contributors.


Amy said...

Awesome! :D I took the first Sketchbook class, and really loved it! I still have all the print outs and refer to them regularly for inspiration! Thanks so much for a chance to win a spot in this class!

Ursula Schneider said...

Oooh, how much fun would it be to win this class! I've taken a few. Right now I'm taking One Little Word and I totally love it!

Christina O said...

What a great giveaway! I have not taken an online class before, but I'm very interested in Kelly's class. Thanks for a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I have never taken an online class but some day I hope to. kathyv

jamie long said...

I absolutely cannot wait for this!

dianem said...

My favourite class was at Two Peas - Go to Press with Shimelle. I know I would enjoy Kelly's. Thanks for the chance.

Hanna Long said...

I took Kelly's SB2 class and loved all the inspiration.

Kate aka stinkydudette said...

I love the convenience of online classes. They can be completed anytime, and the materials will always be available! I thoroughly enjoyed KP's Sketchbook 2, and I know this will be a blast, judging by the contributors! Thanks for the chance to win!

Ann-Marie said...

I haven't ever taken an online class, but would LOVE to take this one! how fun!!!

Briana said...

I've taken a few classes at BPC- my favorite was Cathy Zielske's Design Your Life. Thanks for the chance to win!

Amanda Sevall said...

hmmmm.. tough question to answer! I'm loving the one I'm taking from Karen Grundberg on BPS right now! (I can't remember the name... yikes!)

Sue said...

I am so excited about this class! Thanks for the chance to win a spot!

Ms said...

My favorite online class was Karen Rusell's photography class, I learned so much!
I have heard such wonderful things about KP's Sketch Classes, I am itching to take one!

sarah said...

I'm currently taking Ali Edwards "one little word" class. I haven't been in any other online classes...yet. I'd LOVE to win a spot in this class though! thanks for the chance :)

*reyanna* said...

I've taken several online classes. Not sure which was my favorite. Hmm... Cathy Zielske's Design Your Life or Jenni Bowlin's Re-purpose. :-)

Thank you for the chance to win! Looks SOOO awesome! :-)

kathleen said...

I'd love to win a spot in this class! KP's last two sketch classes are the only other on line classes I've taken and I had SO much fun!!!!!! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

i've done one! KP's sketches 2 :) it was fabulous!

Kimberly said...

I have taken a few online classes. My favorite was Cathy Zielske's Encyclopedia of Me class. I love that album.

Unknown said...

I'm taking Christy Tomlinson's SheArt class right now and it's my favorite!

B said...

I've never taken an online class around crafts/photography before. I have taken online training for work... but that's not as fun! :) I'd love a chance to win a spot in KP's class. Thanks for the chance!

Michelle Springer said...

I love, love, loved Debee Campos Inspire Lovely class. KP's Sketchbook 3 class looks so fun!

Kirsty said...

Love the look of this class!! I have taken Shimelle's JYC in the past but would love something new!

Jennie M said...

I signed up for a Cathy Zielske class once, I relaly liked the idea. I never made the album, though. :(

I would LOVE to take this one!

Melissa said...

I've taken online classes before. I'm not sure that I can choose a favorite! Thanks for the chance to win.. I'd love to take this one. :)

ginny said...

This class looks so great, alot of talented people involved. I haven't ever taken an online class, hoping I get the chance to take this one!

Diane Payne said...

I would love to win a spot in Kelly's sketch class. I have two that are favorites - they both changed the way I scrapbook...Library of Memories and Get Organized Be Inspired.

kelsey said...

I took Maggie Holmes photo class...THE BEST!! I love Kelly Purkey too, so I'm sure this class is great too!

AllyW said...

I would looove to win a spot in this class! I'm a huge fan of Kelly's and a little addicted to sketches :)

Linda E said...

I am currently taking Finding Your Way over at Big Picture Classes and am really inspired by it! Thanks for the chance.

Jennifer said...

I've taken a few classes online ... I took Kelly's first class and really liked it, so that gets my vote for fave. :)

Diana said...

I've taken online photography classes. My favourite so far was Natural Light 101 at Clickin Moms with Beth.

Susan said...

I've loved Kelly's other Sketchbook classes! Can't wait to see what you and the others come up with for the sketches. :)

lmesserli said...

I've never done a class like this before so I am very excited to try it :)

Jennifer said...

I've never taken an online course but I absolutely love and depend upon sketches! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kathy said...

I loved sketchbook 1 and 2 so have already signed up for #3. Shimelles JYC is another favourite, probably as these are the two classes I've taken and completed. Thanks for the chance to enter April.

Kelly said...

I've taken some thru BPS and Kelly Sketch Class 2, and the Sketch Class has been my fav by far!

Karen said...

I've never taken an online class before, but I've heard great things about this one!

ArlaMo said...

I took Kelly's #2 and it was great. I also love several classes I've taken at BPS, especially Cathy Zielske's!

Laura Gedeon said...

I have only taken photo editing and digital scrapbooking classes online. I'd love to get a spot in KP's class!

Unknown said...

I have never taken an online class so I think this would be lots of fun!

StephD said...

I have never taken an online class, but this is definitely the one I would choose!

Gracie said...

I have taken the first two Sketchbook classes and loved them! Also I took Ali Edwards' class Yesterday and Today was awesome.
Thank you for the chance April.

Jessica said...

I would love to win a spot. I've only taken one class online & it was a previous sketchbook. I LOVED it.

kg said...

never taken an online class before, so a win of this spot would let me know how they are and if i would do it again!

Yvonne said...

Thanks for the chance to win a spot! It sounds great fun! Xx

Abigail said...

I would love, love, love to win this and get my mojo going again. I've never taken an online class before! Thanks for the opportunity, April.

shelby valadez said...

I would love to win a spot! The only online class I have ever taken was Kelly's first Sketchbook class and I loved it!

Carrie K said...

Sketchbook 2 was one of my favorites! Ive taken a few at BPS I loved...doing OLW right now.

meganklauer said...

This would be so much fun! The only on-line class I have taken before was Maggie's photography class. I loved it and would love a chance at Kelly's! Thanks!

Michelle L said...

I have never taken an online class before. It's never really in my budge but after I saw all the amazing people on Kelly's list I would reall love to take this class! It would be so inspiring and would help me get so much done! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

P.S. Your baby is absolutely beautiful! (seriously, I"m not just saying that to butter you up!She really is =)

Kimber-Leigh said...

i've taken several online classes...i've loved kelly's previous sketch well as a blog-design class that kayla aimee and wilna taught!
thanks for the chance to win!

Anya said...

I never did, but I absolutely adore Kelly's work and would LOVE to take her class! And now would be the perfect time, since I have a little more free time at the moment.

Thank you April! :))))

Lulu said...

This class looks like such fun!!!

Jen D said...

Thanks April! I do take online classes- love Ali Edward's pdf project-based classes, and also her ones at Big Picture classes.

Jen said...

I have only taken on online class...a few years ago at BPS...don't even remember the name of it. I never really finished it. :( I would love to give it another go. Thanks for the chance to win.

Karen said...

i have taken online classes and the Sketchbook series has by far been my favorite. i can't wait for #3.

Lori Y. said...

I've taken a couple online classes at BPC with my favorite being CZs Me:The Abridged Version. Looking forward to Sketchbook 3! I didn't get a chance to take #1 & #2, but downloaded the PDFs when they were available and LOVED them. Thanks for the chance to win!

Kaila said...

I took her SB2 class and really enjoyed it. I have gotten so much inspiration from the sketches. Thank you for the chance to win!

Allison said...

My favorite online class was Cathy Zielske's Design Your Life at BPS, but Kelly's sketchbook classes are a close 2nd, for sure.

ZoezMom said...

So excited about Kelly's upcoming class! I have taken a few classes at BPC and also Kelly's first sketchbook class. I think my favorite would have to be Design Your Life taught by Cathy Zielske - this was her first time teaching this class and I loved her videos!

Thanks for the chance to win a spot!

lisatoronto said...

I loved the first two Sketchbooks-- I'd love to win a spot in the third!

flo said...

i've actually never taken an online class, but have always wanted to do sketchbook! it looks awesome. thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I'd love to win. Really enjoyed the first two classes. Thanks.

Heather~S said...

Thanks for the chance to win a spot in this class; I have never taken an online class before and this sounds great.

suzantzavala said...

That was me before, not April. I'd love to win. I really enjoyed the first two classes. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I've taken Shimelle's JYC class for the past few years, and aside from scrappy online classes; I've taken some school classes online as well; and I really like to be able to work on them anytime of the day :)

Leslie said...

I've really enjoyed Ali E's class and KP's too! Both are so inspiring. Thanks for the chance.

Heather said...

This class looks amazing! I'd love to take it, I'm sure Kelly could teach me a lot!

Marina said...

I'm a veteran of online classes, it's hard to pick a favourite, but if I had too, I'd pick Library of Memories by Stacy Julian, it really got me on my way with scrapbooking.
Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Jenny said...

I've taken a few online classes before and my favorite so far was Ali Edward's "Scrapbook on the Road" one. Thanks for a chance to win!

Renae said...

I have taken a few Big Picture classes online. My favorite was by Stacy Julian. Hope I win!

Ashley said...

I took both of the other Sketchbook classes and loved them! Can't wait for this one!

Mernin said...

I've done a few online classes - the last Sketchbook, some at BPS and Maggie's beginners photography course. I really liked Sketchbook 2 and the photography course with Maggie...thanks for the chance to win. I'm already signed up and know I will love it!!

ColoradoCropper said...

I've taken BPC classes and I think Lisa Damrosch classes were really good.

shann said...

thx for the giveaway :) i've taken a few online classes that i've yet to complete :/ but i'd say my fave was elise blahas big minibook workshop. i love anything that gives you tips/tricks but my fave is when you have created something to show for all the class time. so basically love mini albums and sketches :)

Olivia said...

I've taken a few classes before, this one sounds like it will be great! The class I have enjoyed most was Document 2010 by Shimelle Laine, loved the album I created & making a similar one for 2011 :)

Cat L. said...

I have never taken an on-line scrapook course, but would LOVE the opportunity (hint, hint)! ;)

Jennifer B. said...

Unfortunately, I've never taken an online class! Been tempted, though. Thanks for this chance!

Monica said...

I would love to take Sketchbook3 since I took Sketchbook2 last year and really enjoyed the inspiration and movitivation! Thanks for the giveaway April.

Donna said...

I've taken several on line classes and have to say KP's sketchbooks are among my faves. Thanks for the chance april.

Mandy said...

I took one of Jessica Spragues online freebie classes a few years back but other then that notta. Would love to win a spot in KP's class. THanks for the chance!

Liz in MO said...

Oh, I would really like to try this class out. Pick me!!!!

Fred said...

I've taken a few online classes through Get It Scrapped. I would love to win a spot in KP's class.

Scrapamum said...

oooo pick me! Pick me!!! I took the first one and LOVED it!!!!! I have taken the odd online class. I would say Kelly's and Celine Navarro's have been my favourites.

Anonymous said...

I've taken around 5 online classes and I am totally addicted to them. I couldn't pick one because I had so much fun with each and every one of them. I got SO much out of Sketchbook one, I can't wait for April 4th!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Ann said...

I have taken all of Kelly's Sketchbook classes thus far and LOVED each one of them! :)
Can't wait for this third one to begin! I love the line-up of "designers" she chose! :)

AlissaG said...

oh, i would love to win a spot. i have never taken any kind of online scrapbooking class... :(

Melissa C said...

I took one through BPC, it was a lot of fun!

heathyr said...

Thanks for the chance, April! I have never taken an online class so I can't comment on which was my fave ;)

Lisa Adair said...

I've taken a couple of online classes. My favorite was a canvas album class with Pamela Young. I'm looking forward to taking this one with Kelly!

Anonymous said...

Love online classes... and I have to say my favorite was one with Lisa Day on BPS where I created an album all about me. Got me thinking out of the box.

Geralyn said...

The only online class I've taken is KP's Sketchbook 2, and that was a lot of fun so that would have to be my favorite :) Crossing my fingers...thanks for the chance to win, April!

Anonymous said...

I've taken a couple of online classes, but my favorite was Kelly's Sketchbook 2 class, of course!

Stephanie Baxter said...

I took the first Sketchbook class, which I loved. Would love love love to win a spot in the new class!

MandeeM said...

i haven't ever taken one that was actually a class. I would love to participate in this one. I want to sign up so bad, but the car just went poop! so maybe I can win a spot. :)

Keshet said...

Looks like a fun class!

Leah said...

I loved Kelly's sketchbook 2 class and would love to win a spot for 3...thanks for the giveawa!

Kathy said...

Never able to take an online class before, thanks for the chance to win Kelly's class. Sounds great!

judyc said...

I took the first Sketchbook class - loved it. Thanks for a chance to win a spot in this one.

cjbrandon said...

Love online classes! Library of Memories & Design Your Life were game changers for me. Would love to take KP's class. Thanks for the chance to win.

Laci J said...

I've always wanted to do this! Thanks for the chance.

Jenn said...

Wow I would love to win this class! I have never taken an online class before, but I have been interested!

andie said...

i've never taken an online class, but i'd love that kelly is teaching would be even better! xoxo andie librandi...

Jennifer Larson said...

I have. I really lived Cathy Zielske's Design Your Life at BPS.

*Monica B* said...

I would love to take Kelly's class! Other than the free classes at Two Peas, I have never taken an online class. I've tried before but never could keep up!

lizbonj said...

What an amazing give away!! i have never taken an onluine class but WOULD LOVE TO!!! Pick me! Yahoo!!!

Jennifer said...

I've taken lots of online classes and my favorites were Kelly's. My most favorite was her first, I believe, Beginnings. I was so cool to "look inside her head" and learn how she comes up with page designs.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Rebecca Kettner said...

I have taken classes through Jessica Sprague and Big Picture Classes. I am taking "Finding Your Way" right now, and I am really enjoying it.

Kelly's class looks awesome! I would love to win a spot!

riri mahadi said...

Hoping so much to win a spot!!!!

I desperately need some guidance for my scrapbook work. Never took her class before and after reading so much recommendation I know that this is the one ....

Me please ?!?!?!?

Meghann Andrew said...

I've taken a couple of online classes, and so far, my favorite was Blogging for Scrapbookers by Shimelle Lane.

Mrs Frizz said...

I haven't done the online classes as such before now either - chances are when you are doing your class I would be asleep.

But love the idea of having inspiration land in my inbox every week though.

Sounds like fun!

Glenys said...

Did Kelly's class last year - It was fabulous!

Anso said...

I've taken several classes online. I think my fave was Yesterday and Today by Ali Edwards :)

Jayne said...

I took Sketchbook 2 & loved it, also Shimelle's use your stash which I seriously need to do again (the using my stash part!)

Kimberly said...

I took a Cathy Z class once. I believe it was in 2008. I enjoyed it. Okay, CHOOSE ME!

Susan said...

I've taken a few BPC classes and some from Shimelle ~ especially loved Ali's Yesterday and Today and Shimelle's classes are great too. Thanks for the giveaway!

souDulce said...

I took the sketchbook class ands i love it, also love the classes i took om BPS, right now i just in love with a Karen Krunberg class, Finding my way.

Anonymous said...

Did both, still loving them both! Hard to choose which one was better! Thanks for the chance to win.


zgagi said...

Never has taken an on-line class. I would love to win a spot in Kelly's class since I love her style.

Janna said...

Sounds like fun, I have never taken an on-line class before.

TinaM said...

I'd love to win. My favorite online classes have been Stacy Julian's Library of Memories and Cathy Zielske's Me the Abridged Version, both at Big Picture Classes.

Melissa C. said...

I have only taken one class.. it was kinsey wilson's nerdybird class and I loved it! Thanks so much for the giveaway! I can't wait to take this class! :)

Rachel said...

I have taken several through BPC. My favorite was one called Product Playground. Each layout you create focussed on using a certain type of product on your page to help you use up your stash-glitter, fabric, etc. LOVED it!

Unknown said...

I have taken a couple of online workshops. I am currently taking Indie Biz 3 and I am very excited about it. I would love to win the spot.

Alex Hardy said...

I have only taken Kelly's First Sketchbook class.
It was pretty cool! Looking forward to this one ... *crosses fingers and toes and eyes* ... thanks for the chance April!

Sara said...

Would love to take #3! I took #2 and it was fabulous! I also loved Yesterday and Today with Ali Edwards.

Stephanie O. said...

No sadly, I have not taken an online class! But I would love to take this one. Thanks for the opportunity!

Jenny said...

Oooh - thanks for the chance to win April & Kelly!

Michelle said...

I have taken lots and lots of online classes and love them. My favorite has to be Library of Memories at BPC.

Melinda K said...

I have yet to take an online class. Thinking this may be a perfect time to start!

clippergirl said...

I have never taken an on-line course before...still a virgin in that sense...LOL...would love to win! This sounds like an amazing class!

Paz said...

I have never really taken an online class. I have bought two but never followed through with them. I feel like they were just not up my alley in the long run:)

Anonymous said...

I have never taken an online class. This just may be the motivation I need to get scrapping again. With a nine month old I just don't have the time I used to spend creating layouts . A sketch may be the trick!! Thanks for sharing!
Stephanie B

Rachel Anderson said...

i think my favorite online class was actually sketchbook 2! so much fun. thanks for the chance to win.

elana said...

I would LOVE to win this class! My favorite classes online have been CZ's BPS classes - I've taken 2 from her and loved them.

Lisa said...

I have taken some Big Picture Classes and Shimelle's JYC. Enjoyed them all.

Beth Ann said...

I have taken quite a few classes at BP and also Shimelle's classes. I think my favorite so far is Cathy Z's Design Your Life. I love sketches and would love to win a spot in this class. Thanks so much!

Tiffany said...

I've never taken a scrapbooking online class before (although I did obtain my Master's online). I have a feeling this Sketch class would be SOOOOO much more fun!!!

Leigh Erin said...

would love to win!

alissa said...

oh, it's too hard to choose a FAVORITE!
i loved kelly's other sketchbook classes, especially #2.
i love shimelle's journal your christmas class.
and i LOVED karen russell's photography class.
thanks for the opportunity to win!
would love it! :)

Kellie Groves said...

My favorite online class was Library of Memories over at BPS. It helped me break the chronological cycle of scrapbooking and I actually found my joy again. I am a huge fan of Kelly Purkey and the list of contributors for Sketchbook 3 is simply the best of the best. I would love a seat in this class. I know it would become my all-time favorite online class.

Chriss said...

THANK YOU! I hope I win...ha! I do!
I have a big event in my life that I would love to use this class for!

Thanks again!

susan (luckyjava) said...

I would love to win the class- I took #2 but my sister got sick a few days into it and I am only just finished those sketches! Now that she is better, I can use her as the subject for sketchbook #3!