- good friends of ours had their first baby
- 7 people stayed at our house for a lectureship that was in town (all of which had been on our Egypt/Israel trip, so there were many late nights there)
- reveal night at Studio Calico
- my friend Sabrina's wedding reception
- Greg volunteering at Thunderfest (Kiwanis charity fundraiser festival)
- friends of ours playing bluegrass at said festival
- wife of banjo player staying at our house this weekend
Anyway, don't Greg and I look like proud parents here?

This is Corey, Meagan, Raven (4), and Tori (2) who stayed with us during the lectures here in Bowling Green. They were so much fun to hang out with and I still miss them not being here. They're the perfect couple friends to have. Greg gets along great with Corey and I with Meagan, and when you put all of us together (especially when we're playing Rockband) it's a wonderful combination.

Then, July 3rd was Thunderfest at the Corvette museum here in town. Greg helped to put together the event and some friends of ours, the Farewell Drifters played. They've recently been signed by Keith Chase in Nashville (that's big-time stuff) and after they played to a rainy crowd here in town, they went up to Lexington for 3 shows, one each night Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, plus a radio spot. Funny story. Trevor, the banjo player left his wallet in his car at our house for the weekend, so the band stopped at a farmer's market to play and sell CDs. While there, they made enough money in tips for Trevor to have some spending money so he didn't have to starve!

Below, Trevor (banjo) and Amber

And, lastly, Trevor and his wife Amber have a new puppy, Moose. We've fully confess to converting them from "big dog" people to "min pin" people. They house-sitted for us when we were in Egypt and Israel and fell in love with Addy and Jett. Amber is probably the most dedicated min-pin fanatic alive and she researched breeder after breeder and finally got Moose in Alabama. He's 12 weeks old....

While at our house this weekend (Amber stayed with us when Trevor left for Lexington), Moose learned to use the potty outside. We're so proud of him!
Greg also tried to teach him to sit, but ended up just feeding him a bunch of ham. I'd say the potty "trick" is the best one anyway!
Wow! That was an enventful 2 weeks... and you didn't even mention that it was the 4th of July weekend!
Whew. I'm exhausted just reading about your last few days!
WHOA. you have been crazy busy! how fun!
we have an uncle who plays the banjo wonderfully ... sounds like a cool festival!
Delightful reading, April. love the band's music! That's TOTALLY DH"s style of playing TOTALLY. I will have to show him their site. He plays harmonica, mandolin, and banjo. What a cute baby and doggie.
holy craziness..but so fun!
and can i just say that you guys are going to make some beautiful babies one day?
but take your TIME. dear lord, i don't even remember life before my two, hehe.
wow! that's busy. sounds like good fun though!
what a cute baby! and i love bluegrass...
You need a nap.
And I just wanna eat up little Moose! He's so sweet!
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