So, instead of doing a major party (like mine tend to be), we decided to just invite a couple friends over for taco salad and desserts.
Here's the spread before everyone arrived:

The cakes were supposed to be yellow, but somehow the baker didn't see that in the photo I gave her, so they ended up white. (sigh)

The pre-reveal ruckus

Claire showing off her snapping skillzzzzzzzz.

Cutting into the "Baby A" cake. Greg had already seen this one on the ultrasound...the little cheater, so I cut into this one.

To which Greg said, "You didn't see me, but when I got out of the ultrasound room, I did a fist-pump."
uhh.....Why did you tell me that?

More blue icing. Another BOY!

I'm in shock. See my face? And honestly, my emotions have stayed exactly like that since last night. I keep saying, "Two boys?"
We're excited for the adventure. Now who needs some headbands and baby girl clothes?
congrats! so exciting. now to find cute hats on etsy instead of headbands!
so exciting! love the party idea! :)
congrats to you guys!
oh my goodness... how exciting!! Congrats Fosters!! I can't wait to 'meet' them!
Oh, April, I'm so thrilled for you! My hubby has a twin brother and they are still so close--he's actually visiting this weekend to meet Eliana! It will be such a cool, special relationship for them. And what a switch to being a boy mama! (And naturally if you have headbands to spare, you know where to go! Ha!)
how cool
what a great way to find out and tell people!!!
love it
What a fun idea! Congratulations on your twin boys! :)
Congrats ! How fun for Claire to be the only special little girl!
Super exciting for you Foster family! I'm in shock too! What a fun adventure this will be! Claire is certainly going to have her hands full with two little brothers! :)
fabulous post ... had a wee giggle to myself - the colour of icing ... what a unique way to tell people.
Congratulations!!!!! Little Claire gets to be a BIG sister to two beautiful boys, congrats to the Fosters!
*fist pump!!* :) Two boys! awesome! and ..... oh boy oh boy!! LOL
awesome, congrats! what a beautiful way to find out, w family and friends.
Eeeeeee! That is SO exciting! You totally need boys living on that big farm! Congrats :) But I'm confused, who made the cakes if they were a surprise to you? What a super fun way to reveal gender.
Congrats! What a fun way to find out!
Congrats!! Super exciting. Take good care of yourself!!!
congrats april and greg and claire!!! what a perfect family of five you will be :) i think boy twins would be absolutely precious...lots of fun, lots of dirt, lots of melting mommy's heart. just wait...there is such a *special* uniqueness to both the mother/daughter and mother/son relationships...i'm excited for you to know them both!
i'll continue to keep those precious boys in my prayers...and you as well!
Boys are awesome!! I'm sitting here making bug valentine's with my kindergartner! :)
Love these and so wish we could have been there to celebrate "the" boys with you!! Name your price for all those girl clothes and headbands. :)
Ally, the ultrasound tech just phoned our baker and told her. But she also put the info in a sealed envelope for us to drop off if we had to. So the baker knew before any of us!
Yes we are having fun with te news still today. Greg is so super excited and my head is spinning. It's more planning and such for me since I already had so many girl things. And now we have to think about names. Oh my!
Congratulations that is wonderful! 2 boys- that is going to be a rollicking fun home very very soon!
what a great idea for reveal!
CONGRATS to you & your fam!!
Congrats Gregg and April!!!! How exciting...such lucky little boys they will be! Couldn't happen to a nice family!
Yay!!! Congratulations! So fun!
What a fun reveal party! Congratulations!!!
Hugh congratulations ... what a great way to reveal you fantastic news.
Yay!!!! They will be such fun! My twins are boys too! They are a hoot! You're gonna be an awesome boy mama!
LOVE the party!
And, so happy for you, April!
How wonderful! Boys are something. I know this "quad" fold. Enjoy this time. You and your entire family are greatly blessed.
Congratulations to you, Greg, and "their BIG SISTER!"
HOW FUN!!! congrats!
i'm so excited for your family! and excited to see baby boy pages!!! congratulations!
Oh my gosh I love this idea-how fun!!! Congrats on your two boys! I know you'll find a deserving mama who will love your girly hand me downs, too. I have a friend from work who gave us so much of her girl stuff and we are overcome with gratitude about it.
What a full house of love you will have, April! I couldn't be happier for you. :) Jenn
That is such a cool way to announce your news! Congratulations!
That is the coolest gender reveal I've ever seen! Almost makes me want to know the gender of my baby (due in 7 weeks) if it could be revealed that way. How on earth did you come up with this cool cake idea? Congrats. Boys are so much fun!
Congrats April and family!:D
Love your way of announcing the gender!!
Very cool party! Even cooler news! Congrats!!
Such a fun idea!!!
And congrats - boys are so much fun (as are girls I think ;)
eee, so exciting! congratulations on many future rough and tumble wrestling matches!
OMG, so very exciting!! Big, big congrats April. Time to plan for some dinosaur, choo-choo train and monster theme birthday parties.
Save those headbands and pinkish accesories for H. Btw, we are in the baby project#2 this winter. Wink, wink!
Oh yay April!!!! My two boys are close in age and they're the best of friends. After my daughter I didn't know what I'd do with boys, but they're soooo fun!
My second son will be born about the time yours are (with a girl in between). Shifting to hat shopping too and pondering being outnumbered. Ncongratulations!
Congratulations! If you do need someone to take the girly clothes off your hands, I would be happy to. We are pretty sure baby #12 is a girl :)
Double congratulations on your news!! What fun Claire will have with 2 little brothers!! Also, gotta love the "fist pump" from Greg!
congrats!!!! enjoy all the blue
OMGOSH! Welcome to both the mom of 3 and the mom to multiple boys club ;) love you!
congratulations! double fun trouble! :)
y'all are all so sweet. We really can't wait to meet these two wild and crazy guys :P
Greg and I were just talking this morning that I'll be 20 weeks in just a couple days and that's better than half-way through for twins. Can't believe how fast the time has flown
Hooray for boys! Such a fun way to reveal too.
I am so happy for you! I have followed your journey along the way for I could relate to most. I now have 2 beautiful 9 month old boys. Sometimes they will just stop and look at each other and I just wonder what they are thinking and next thing you know my eyes fill up with tears as I realize how blessed I am. Twins are a blessing, boys are a blessing and the love and commitment you have for your husband is inspirational. If you ever need any twin advice or suggestions, I would be more than happy to comment. Having lots of support with twins makes all the difference. I am SO happy for you!!!!!!
Congratulations! There is such a unique and special relationship with twins. Your life will be sweetly blessed with these two boys! Congrats again!
Aww how sweet! I was getting all excited reading it! What a great idea with cakes! They say boys are harder! Let's just pray all goes well!
Congrats on the two boys!!! Hope you are feeling well. We are supposed to be here for four years, so we will be expecting a visit from a family of 5 before we move! :) (I'm flying without Jamie this summer! aughh! That is going to be one interesting trip...a 2.5 year old, a 1 yr 2 month old....and...me)
aaaaw Apes, this was a lovely blog read. Im so happy for you.
Im now thinking of what I could possibly buy one boy let alone two! Ive always been a girl buyer and yes, I have a nephew but Im more likely to see your boys more then he. But anyway, Im overly delighted for you - miss you a million. x
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