This is my parents coming home from church last Sunday, taken by my iphone as I sat inside my dry car.
We received a record rainfall 11 inches in 24 hours and we sit perfectly in between two creeks. One rose 42 feet, not sure about the other, but by noon on Sunday, they had joined forces and we were sitting on an island.

Later that day, when the rain subsided, we went to look at the damage. This is the road that leads up to our property and the photo was taken about 5:00. Notice the barn in this photo versus the previous one. In 5 hours, the water rose about 8-10 feet and was completely impassable.

Nice legs, Dad.

About 300 yards of water covered the road and at it's deepest, it was about 10-11 feet. This was not standing water because it was 2 creeks joined together, so there was definitely a current.

And, the view to the right. Usually this small creek is contained in about a 4-foot wide area on the other side of that tree-line.

And a look to the left and at my main squeeze, G.
He was so upset about his $30 rain suit from Tractor Supply. It just didn't hold up like he thought it would....got a hole somewhere...

Further up the road on our property, this is a look down the bluff into our bottom land. Normally, the bottom-land will flood a little, but we've never seen anything like this.

This is the field on the east side of our property. When we bought this, it wasn't in the flood plain...

Neither was this.

That's Drake's creek, well out of it's banks.

And, this is the bottom land on the South side of our property.

And on the northwest.

So, we were an island for 2 days.
In that time, we formed a government, gave ourselves amnesty, and decided we didn't have to pay taxes.
Then, we ran out of food and journeyed to our motherland.
Just a quick update on me: I'll post pics soon, just been nauseous, but everything is fine with me and the baby. 12weeks, 6days today.
That is insane. Where the cows safe?
I'm a little worried that you're into your second trimester and still very sick. I thought it was supose to be smooth sailing after the 12 week point? well...I'm still there myself. I almost lost it in Costco today.
Oh my - that's a lot of water! Thanks for sharing the photos. :)
I wouldn't worry about still being sick. My "morning sickness" ended in the 2nd trimester with my first son, but came and went at all hours of the day right up until my delivery day with #2. (After a while it became my norm.) I delivered two healthy boys. Good luck with the pregnancy. :)
so glad your house sits up high and there was no damage to that!
Happy to hear you're into your second trimester, too! I'm so excited for you! :)
That sure is a lot of water, isn't it. Pretty crazy. I bet it was kind of scrary. Hope it's back to normal now!
WOW! that's quite the flood, April! Glad you are all okay!!
p.s. i won't tell you how long i had morning sickness...and like you, it wasn't limited to the morning. LOL
Ohh my word - that is a lot of rain!!
OH my goodness....that is awful....cows ok????
Glad all is well with you and baby!!!!!!
glad y'all are ok. that flooding was crazy. awful here in nashville too. one of scott's friends lost everything. so sad.
glad to hear all is well with you and baby foster. take care my friend.
WOW!!! that's alot of rain. Are the cows ok? So happy for you 12wks 6 days!!!!
Wow, I can't believe all the rain you all had. Hopefully everything is back to normal now.
2nd Trimester here you come!!!
Wow...you weren't kidding!
We went to church that Sunday. I had to sleep in a hotel after work on Sunday night. There was NO WAY into our subdivision. I drove 4 different routes until 8:30 PM and finally gave up. Then for 2.5 weeks there was only one way into our subdivision. The long way! So happy 3 Springs is open now. So are there Catfish everywhere now? Did he lose many? Happy you all are alright.
That sure is a whole lot of water ... Mother Nature was obviously having a bad day [or days].
Hopefully everything will flourish when the water recedes and it is a one-off deluge.
Take care ... and I too won't say too much about morning sickness, morning, noon and night for both pregnancies ... enjoy!!!
Holy Mackerel! That's a lot of water, but where are the cows????
wow! And 12 weeks already? that is so good to hear, have been waiting for an update, so glad things are going well with the pregnancy :)
Holy Cow!! That is just too close for comfort! Soooo scary. Glad to hear that you are all safe and i am going to assume that the cows are safe because you didn't mention them....? I hope there is no significant damage. Just minor repairs hopefully. Stay dry!!
goodness! i'm just glad your house was built high. that's a lot of water!
Glad you and Greg didn't wash away! That's a whole-lotta water! Hope the nausea subsides soon!
A lot of water!
As in Italy and it's May.
I hope the nausea subsides soon. Nausea is terrible.
Holy cow - that's a lot of rain!
Just found you - love following your remodel. I've been looking for that wall mount double sink from Lowes with no luck. I go look through their books...
Sorry to hear of this flooding you encountered. In 2006 and twice in 2007 our exposed basement flooded with 5 feet of water from the heavy rains...story too long to tell and I threw up for 3 days (sorry, too much information)and I'm not even pregnant! I feel bad for what you and your family have gone through. ~Vanessa W
...Oh! I forgot to mention our basement was just remodeled 5 months before the flood came and swept it all away. ~Vanessa W
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