Let me start this post by saying I'm so thankful for this news. I feel lots of things: blessed, surprised, relieved, excited, nervous, happy....and I could add another 50 adjectives to this list, I'm sure.
Greg and I knew going into this that it could go either way. Actually we were coming home from church Wednesday night and I looked at Greg and said, "Do you think I'm pregnant?"
He said, "What do you think?"
I said very seriously, "Well it could go either way."
Why yes it could April. Very profound!!!! I'll blame that on pregnancy brain, too.
But seriously, it really could have gone either way. The stats weren't as much in our favor this time. What you might not know is that every IVF clinic has to report their stats to the government and publicly, which usually means on their website. These stats are published by age group, they show pregnancies, births, singles, twins, triplets. They show lots of criteria. And, if you're considering IVF, you definitely need to investigate every clinic you can (within reason).
In our age group, about 55% become pregnant and 53% carry to term. So, basically our chances of getting pregnant were 50/50. Like I said, it could go either way :)
But, when you look at embryo quality, you can further delineate who has a better chance of pregnancy. Our first round of IVF in 2009, we were sitting at about 70% likelihood, but this time, we were closer to 40%.
I was scared, nervous, I couldn't sleep.
I can't even begin to explain the thoughts that went through my head during the 9-day waiting period. Lots of talk about what to do with our frozen embryo in the case this round didn't pan out. On that same car ride, Greg even brought up selling his car and being a "one-car-family." But, that really would only net us about $3000, so that wasn't the best idea. And, he can't blame that on pregnancy brain.
Anyway, there's a point of no return with IVF and pursuing infertility. It's a fine line and one we didn't want to cross, but found ourselves on the verge of making a decision we didn't want to make.
So far, we're pregnant and focused on that. No, we're not out of the woods.
My beta today was 157, which tests for HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). It needed to be above 50, so we're on our way.
I'll be checked again on Monday and Wednesday to make sure it's multiplying like it should, which would indicate a normal pregnancy. I'll continue the progesterone for several more weeks, provided the pregnancy continues.
Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I'm done talking IVF. I plan to discuss some of the ethics next week (hoping not to stir up too much controversy) and anything else that comes to mind. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'd be happy to devote a post entirely to questions as well. I'm open to anything, which you should know by now. If you don't feel comfortable leaving a question in the comments section, feel free to email me april@studiocalico.com
Thanks so much for all your prayers, well-wishes, support, following my story. It means so much to know there are others out there who are interested in our struggle and were hoping for a wonderful outcome along with us. I can't say enough about the support you've shown.
Congratulations! I am praying for you and Greg and your little one(s). Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
:) :) :)
That beta number is great! My first one was 150-something too. I'll never forget that phone call.
Thinking lots about you guys and that little poppy seed.
congratulations, april - thinking of you and your family! what an amazing journey to share with others.
i'm SOOOOO very excited and happy for you guys!!! i'll be praying that everything continues to go well and that those levels keep going up! congratulations!!! xoxo
I'm beyond thrilled about this news. Congrats and enjoy this blissful moment. xoxox
I couldn't be happier for you two! What a wonderful birthday week! You just made a family!
Congratulations!!! I know I don't have to say this, but just stay positive. You two are going to be GREAT parents!
Matt 18:19 - 20
"Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.
For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."
I'm with you girl! Prayers coming your way!!
That is amazingly fabulous news! Sending huge congrats and hugs your way!
I couldn't wait to see this blog post... so happy, and hope that number keeps on growing! Will keep you and that little little little one in my prayers!
Oh Wow! That is wonderful news!! I am so happy for you both! I will still keep sending good thoughts your way, and keep everything I can crossed that normal multiplication happens!!! :D
This makes me so so SO happy! Feel good and I'm praying that everything will continue to go well.
I'm so interested in hearing your thoughts about the ethics debate. I wrote a law school paper last years about guidelines on the number of embryos implanted, and I'm charting my own fertility course of action keeping concerns about multiples in mind. Looking forward to that post.
I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
That's fantastic news, April! Your beta number is great : ) Huge hugs to you & g man!!!!! So happy for you both!
Yay!!!! So very excited for you guys!!
congratulations to you both,im so excited for you xx
Congratulations and many prayers for a healthy 9 months!
I am SO HAPPY for you both! My prayers are still with you and the little one(s) :)
Super huge congratulations! Continued prayers for a healthy nine months.
yay, was praying for a positive for you both!!! great news and think it is so brave for you share your journey thru it all! xo
Yahooooo!!! Huge congrats! I'm so happy for both of you!!! That is such great, great news!!! You better go celebrate!! :) Hugs!
AWESOME! congratulations to you both! such wonderful news...continued prayers for a healthy nine months!
that is amazing!!!!! i am so so SO happy for you both - huge congrats!!!!! :)
I've been checking the blog all day for this news. I'm so happy for the both of you and will be praying for you as the weeks go on.
eta. the word verification is blesses and He sure blesses us!
I am so happy for the two of you! Congrats!
i'm so very excited to hear this april and greg! i am praising God with you right now and will continue to be praying!
So happy for you! Congratulations!! Wishing you both and your little embryo(s) well!
Wow! What fabulous news! Remember to take it easy and look after your charge!!
I'm so thrilled for both you and Greg! :) I will continue praying for those levels to keep increasing and for a wonderful, normal pregnancy. HUGS!!!
I think I've checked your blog like 10 times today already waiting for the results. Sooooo excited to hear the good news. We love you and Greg both and will be keeping you all in our prayers.
I'm been "quietly" checking in on you and praying and hoping for you both! I am so very happy for your news! Congratulations! I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a healthy, happy, pregnancy. :)
So, so happy for you and Greg. Best of luck for your entire pregnancy. Just remember to ENJOY these moments!
how wonderful for you. Best Wishes to all 3 of you.- hera
So happy for you April!
Susan (LuckyJava)
So happy for you! What a great gift for g man! Keeping you in my prayers(and you wee ones too)!
warmest congratulations to you!!! so incredibly wonderful:)
Wow I'm so excited for you and Greg, I'm sure you will make a great mommy and Greg will make a great daddy. And now you will be able to keep us all up dated on your pregnancy and the design of the babies room. And now this completes your house building project too your house is now a home with a wonderful family to grow in it ;-)
Yay, yay, yay!!! So thrilled for you and Greg. Wishing you a very healthy, happy pregnancy!
Heeeee! I can't stop smiling for you! Continuing to pray for a healthy, to term pregnancy for you and Greg! xoxoxoxo
Wow, congratulations April. I will be praying that everything will continue as it should and that all goes smoothly.
i'm so thrilled for you and greg!!!
congratulations!!! :)
Tear of joy for you both. Many continued prayers for the days ahead.
That's wonderful news! Will be thinking and praying that good news keep coming!
I have been checking your blog all day waiting for this news! So happy for you both! You and that little poppyseed will be in my thoughts and prayers!!!
I'm so very happy for you! congratulations!!! :)
Absolutely delighted for you and Greg!!!
I couldn't be more happy for you two!! Still sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way that the next 9 (+) months go as smoothly as possible!!
many hugs!!!! so glad for this news for you!!
congratulations April! I've been following your blog through this whole process and I think you are such a brave woman. I'm praying for your little family!
Hugs to you.
Wonderful news! Loved that HcG Number....yay!
I'll be praying & praying for you, Greg and the lil' one.
I'm so happy for you guys! I'm also nervous too, but you will be in my thoughts everyday until that baby is ready to be born! Grow, baby, grow!
So so so very happy for you and Greg! Congratulations! Prayers for a healthy pregnancy!
I am so happy for you both and continuing to pray that all goes well! All my best!!!
Such wonderful news - will be thinking of you!!
So amazing! ;o)
What a great big giant step in the right direction! YAY!
I am so happy for you and Greg. I have you in my thoughts and prayers!
Beth Ann
i keep coming back to this post and grinning for you - so, so happy. many congrats and much love!
Congratulations April! I'm so happy for you!
My day has been made :) This is just beautiful, sweet, wonderful news! You two will be incredible parents :) I look forward to following your adventures over the next few months! I have prayed that God would give you a baby...now we pray for a healthy little one! I love you, sweet girl :)
So happy for you both - what wonderful news. I'm keeping you in my prayers!
Hi April,
I frequent the blog for scrappy stuff, but I've been really intrigued by you (and Greg's) journey through IVF. I'm thrilled by the great news, and I think this child is so lucky to have parents that want and love it so much! Best wishes-I know this will go well! Enjoy the journey!
Sarah H.
I felt like it was ME...I've been waiting for this post!!! Congrats to you and Greg and know that I'll be helping to pray that boy and girl here safely! YEP!!! I'm claiming twins for you...you shouldn't have to go through using those big horse needles without getting an extra itty bitty!!!! ;D
oh what wonderful news! I was thinking of you today and have chills looking at that 'Plus' sign. What a BEAUTIFUL sight to see!!!! Many many congratulations to you!!!
huge congrats april and greg! i'm fairly new to your story and your blog. but i think that you sharing your personal story and process has been an amazing thing. and i just have a really good feeling that this is your time :)
The GUFF is Full again. This is wonderful news April. Prayers for you and Greg. What a wonderful gift you both have received on G's Birthday.
NO LIFTING or FLOUNCING up and down those stairs from your office to the production FLOOR!
I may have to come and BABYSIT YOU!
I'm so so happy for you and Greg. Congratulations!
April, I just wanted to say how happy I am for you and Greg! I just think you will make the best parents a child could have! I have said prayers for you both during this time and I will continue to pray that everything goes just the way it should! God bless you both!!!! and continue to take good care of yourself!! rest and lots of scrapbooking, haha!
WOW.....wonderful news! Congrats! Continued prayers for you & Greg and that precious sweet baby(babies!)!!!!! YAHOO!
ohhh Bless you April!! I am so happy for you. Praying for you and G man. Hope all goes well. :)
keep off the stress and worry ya.
Oh wow so happy for you!! Hope he/she stays where it should stay. Enjoy this feeling.
Wonderful News!
So happy for you! Go baby go!
hurray! with continued prayers. thanks for sharing your heart in everything you do--home building, business, blog, and loved the inspiration piece at ella.
So happy for you, both of you, truly. Congratulations! Sending you only the most positive of thoughts and daily prayers. :)
April these is WONDERFUL news!!!Congratulations to both of you, Ill keep your family in my prayers ;)God bless you!!!
woo hoo ... con-grat-u-la-tions to you both!!!
Your story has been amazing and boy-oh-boy, what a journey.
Take care of yourselves.
This is awesome! I already commented on the SC thread, but I wanted to here as well! Congrats to the 2 of you! Stay positive! You will remain in my thoughts and prayers!
Congrats, congrats, congrats!!! Such wonderful news...best wishes as your family moves forward.
Congratulation April.. i'm so happy for you and Greg.. I know how you feel coz I have to wait 8 years to get pregnant.
Enjoy your pregnancy..
Hugs from Qatar..
Congretulation!! Hugs from France,
Congrats April and Greg! I'm so happy for you both. I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed that everything goes smoothly :)
OMG! I am really praying for a wonderful outcome..I have never gone thru this but I have had two losses and I know how it takes the innocence out of pregnancy but you have a wonderful attitude...sending many prayers and happy thoughts
I have been following your blog like everyone else has and I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I will be praying for your blessing and pray for a very healthy pregnancy as well.
I also wanted to say I never knew the ins and outs so well of the path that you and Greg have taken. It has been interesting learning all about it, and I appreciate your honesty.
huge congrats...so excited for you!
Congrats April and G-man! You'll continue to be in my prayers.
Congratulations April & Greg, that is such great news! I wish you all the best & hope that everything goes very well.
congratulations :)
Congrats to you and Greg! I will keep my fingers crossed for you three;) Good things happen to wonderful people like you and Greg. May you three have a safe and healthy journey thru pregnancy.
Have a great week April.
congratulations april and greg! you are both in my prayers as this pregnancy continues to progress!
the best day EVER! xoxo
This is a great article. I hope you guys continue to help people the way you do.
ivf pregnancy
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