At 3 months Cal:
- Is so much less fussy (not exactly an easy baby, but less a difficult one)
- Still bows his back like you wouldn't believe
- Is strong and can jump out of your arms really easily!
- Loves the bumbo seat
- Coos and smiles at his carseat toys (so SUPER cute)
- Loves to blow bubbles (shown below)
At 3 months, Sam:
- Still has gorgeous HUGE blue eyes. At birth we said maybe he'd grow into them and he's beginning to, but they're still so beautiful and big.
- Is such a happy baby. He smiles constantly and loves interaction.
- Is an insanely messy eater. Oh my. Make sure you have a burp cloth or two or 3 if you feed him a bottle.
- Loves taking baths.
- Is so content in the swing sometimes I forget he's there. Just sometimes.
Love these 2!