Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cal & Sam

After several trips to the hospital, this one finally had the result we wanted: two healthy boys.

Look at them all stretched out, finally with room to move!  I'm just so happy.  Overwhelmed, but happy.

On Friday night, I went to the hospital because I was concerned about my blood pressure.  It had been 119/something at my doctor visit on Thursday and that was high for me.  I had swollen more and was having lots of contractions, so we decided to go in.  When we arrived, I was hooked up, and my blood pressure was in the mid-120s to mid-130s, so not bad, but definitely elevated, but I was in pain and that contributed to it.  After my contractions slowed, they released me early the next morning. 

Saturday, I was able to attend a fundraiser I had been working on during my bedrest for a wonderful organization that financially assists adopting couples.  I was on my feet quite a bit and it was a thrill to be there and help meet people who also believed in the same cause.

Sunday, I was even more swollen, so I went to Walgreen's to have my BP taken on the way to lunch.  In no pain, it was 133/93, so that had me concerned.  I called the doctor and he wanted me to go in to the hospital for some bloodwork and a 24-hour urine analysis.  The next evening, we turned in my brown jug of urine (quite possibly one of the grossest things I've ever done in my life).

Tuesday, I was on a business call when I got a couple beeps from a local number I didn't recognize.  It was the doctor's office calling with the results from my bloodwork and urine tests.  They called Greg, my emergency contact, and he took the message to go to the hospital for some follow-up tests.  When I got off the phone, he woke up Claire and told me we needed to go to the hospital for bloodwork.  Thinking I was just going to be stuck with a needle, I decided to call Lorie anyway and see if we could drop Claire off since it's not the most convenient to have an 18month-old in the Labor & Delivery department.  I'm so glad I did!

When we got to the hospital, I was told to get into a gown...not what I expected for bloodwork. I was there for a full preeclamptic workup.  At that point, my contractions were about 1-5 minutes apart, but I fully expected them to stop.  This was ongoing every night...they'd start, be painful, be close together, then around 11:00pm, they'd fade away.  I seriously wanted an epidural nightly for the last 2-3 weeks. 

Later that night, we learned I'd be started on Pitocin at 5:00am Wednesday since my platelets were a little low.  After that began, I immediately asked for my epidural.  Once I got it, I could still feel my legs and everything.  I kept telling the nurses I didn't think it was working.  As the pitocin was added, I could DEFINITELY tell the epidural wasn't working.  It wasn't until 8:30am that I got another epidural, and at 9:09am, Cal came.  I got to hold him for a split second and then it was time for Sam to come.  On a recent ultrasound, he was head-down, but apparently had flipped at this point and was coming breech.  Thankfully, he came quickly and was born at 9:11am.

Cal Wesley | 9:09am | 6lbs 1oz | 19" long
Sam Alexander | 9:11am | 5lbs 5oz | 18.75" long

They are both doing so well, and we're so happy to have them home and healthy.  After their follow-up doctor visit today, Sam continues to be the champion eater and Cal is gaining as well.  We just can't wait to get to know these little guys.  Claire is adjusting as well.  I don't even think she remembers life before the boys now.  She's so sweet to them, but could definitely do some unintended damage, so we're keeping a close eye on that.

Their middle names are both family names.  Wesley is my adopted grandfather and Alexander is my maiden name.  Claire's middle name, Thomas, was from Greg's grandfather, so we're trying to keep it fair :)


  1. Loved hearing your story! They are so perfect! It sounds like everything went really quickly! So was Sam born breech?! Crazy! And if you feel embarrassed about the pee jug, you can always feel better knowing I had to do that for seven weeks in a row with both my kids. ;)

  2. Congratulations! Your boys are sweet. Bless you and your husband as you raise your little ones. Love your blog btw:)

  3. I'm so jealous you had amazing natural light in your hospital rooms. Sam and Cal's hospital photos are so beautiful. Happy they're finally here and you're able to live life outside of your bedroom. Congrats.

  4. Beautiful boys! I'm so glad that you and they are all so healthy. I'm glad Claire adjusted well too! And that little Sam is going to be the trouble maker I think ;)

  5. Congratulations!
    Your boys are fantastic.
    A kiss to Claire.

  6. wowser, have been peeping and creeping to your blog so often now waiting for the happy news and tonight, I got it ... a huge congratulations to all of you ... and look how long you carried your precious cargo for ... another huge congratulations in itself.

    You enjoy watching the wee men in your life ... cherish and nurture and most of all enjoy them.

    Big hugs.

  7. Congratulations to you sweet little boys! I´m so glad to hear that happy news! Enjoy the next time with your family!


  8. Congrats! Your boy are just lovely! Enjoy your time!
    Congrats to their big sister too!

  9. I loved this birth story. I know about pre-eclampsia. I had it with Zachary and had to stay in the hospital for 30 days before they started the pit drip. You are so blessed and I am very happy for you family! I am sure Greg is just over the top full of love for all of you. Blessings to your family April and I cannot wait until you let me visit! So, I will wait....check my phone...wait some more and check my phone...LOL

  10. Congratulations!! I love the pictures of them, especially curled up together in the same little crib! Enjoy every second!

  11. Thanks for sharing your story. Such a beautiful family!

  12. Lovely story, congraulations! Such cute lil boys

  13. Thanks for sharing your story with us, and a huge congrats!!!!!! and no more bedrest!!!Yay!!!!

  14. Congratulations! It's awesome that you blogged about your birthing experience here because now you've not only shared (thank you!), but you've got it down so that you can always look back and remember all the little things before the big day! Enjoy your new bigger family!

  15. Congrats to you and your hubby! Cute babies!

  16. They are beautiful:) So happy for you! I'd love to hear your naming process for the first names too, I love them!

  17. The boys are so cute I love that they have diffident hair color ;-)
    Wow I have got to say you are one tough woman going threw contractions every night for 3 weeks, I remember 22 yrs ago when my contractions started and wow wee I was like get me to the hospital.....lol
    I love the picture of the boys together that is so precious!

  18. Thanks for sharing this very special moment(s) in your lives with all of us! So happy for y'all that the boys are here and all are healthy!
    Take care you!

  19. Congratulations Foster family. They are just adorable. You are an official family of five! :)

  20. Congrats April and Greg! you are so very blessed, I know those little boys will bring you so much joy and happiness, take care of yourselves :)

  21. Congratulations April & Greg! Very excited to hear more about these little ones. Welcome to the world Cal & Sam!

  22. congrats!! you are so blessed!have been watching your blog,praying to see to see two healthy babies!! good job, mama!!

  23. Congrats April & Greg!! The boys are finally here and completely, amazingly perfect... Love!

  24. Babies are just the most perfect thing in the world! Congratulations :)

  25. so happy for you. prayers answered!

  26. Congratulations! Saw a link on twitter to your blog and I have just read back over the months of this journey. What gorgeous babies...

  27. So happy for you all and your safe delivery x

  28. Congratulations! Every child is a gift from God! You mention your "adopted grandfather". I assume that means you were adopted? I also am pleased to see you work with a pro-adoption agency. My husband's cousin and her husband were both adopted - and they are considering IVF as you did. This is something I do not understand but am praying to - especially since God seems to so frequently allow it - people embracing expensive IVF over adoption - especially those who were adopted. Perhaps you can shed light on this (other than the seemingly selfish "we wanted one of our "own").

  29. So very precious. Is that a blondie and a brunette both??! Very happy for you and glad you are all doing so well. What a blessing!

  30. Congratulations! My son (who is now 8) also has his bday on June 19. Enjoy their sweetness :)

  31. I am very happy that your sweet boys are here & are healthy & so very beautiful. Congratulations to you & your family.

  32. aaaaw how adrobs. One blondie, one brunette. At least you will know who is who!
    Congrats to all of you, im so delighted :)
    Kirsty Wiseman x

  33. Huge Congrats Foster family! The boys are just adorable, thanks for sharing your story!
