Monday, November 1, 2010

this fella

I don't even care that this photo is out of focus.

No judging.

This little fella is going to have a tough time when Claire gets here. I'm getting a bit worried about it. You see, *he's* the baby. He would like to be held 23 hours of every day and spend the other hour chasing turkeys or eating from Greg's plate. And, the last few weeks, he's really become needy of my attention, wanting to be with me all day. Every day. Right next to me. On my lap (what's left of it that is).

I love him so much and I know that won't change post-baby, but I don't know how I can hold both he and she at the same time and get anything done throughout the day.

Now, I don't think he'll rebel and pee all over the house, or bite her or anything like that. I just think he'll act pitiful and like he's being neglected which will just tear my heart to pieces. He's got a way of doing that, that will melt a heart of stone.

Any suggestions that don't involve carrying a baby doll around? He's too smart for that.


  1. You'll make it work. He'll get plenty of love while Claire is sleeping... it is so very clear you have more than enough love to go around. Don't stress. :-)

  2. I was the same way with our little min-pin when we had our first. She was the baby herself for quite some time. After delivering Emma, my husband brought home one of the blankets we used to swaddle her in and let Chloe smell it. We had heard that this was beneficial since doggies rely on their sniffers so much. She was very curious to smell the baby when we came home too, but the smell wasn't a new smell to her by doing it this way. She adjusted just fine. We have since had our second child, Addie and she the dog are bestest buddies.

  3. oh how sweet. i am no help. i have no pets!

  4. he'll be fine. i read some where that you should start babying dogs less before the baby is born. jeff and i are finding this hard though. ours is not a small lap dog so i'm not sure what to do about the wanting to be carried around...i suppose just limit that. but he'll be ok...everyone keeps saying, oh the dog won't be important to you after the baby but i just don't agree with that. things will certainly change but not the love we have for him. plus he's so good with my niece, i know he's looking forward to a playmate that's will be around more than just the weekends.

  5. Oh, sweet baby... I had this same problem with our Dachshie girl when my little one first came home from the hospital... she would lie on the sofa with her head hanging over the side as though she were the most depressed little thing in the whole wide world, then she would want to be held on her back like a baby if we were holding the baby and if he wasn't in his Boppy pillow she was! I would say just try to give him lots of love when the baby is napping and snuggles at night. Good luck, I'm so excited for you all!

  6. It is a legitimate concern, but it will work out. We too brought home a swaddle blanket from the hospital the day before for our Weim to sniff. She loved it, of course it smelled like me too, she even slept with it. I made sure to let my husband carry in the baby so I could give the same greeting I always do and then just let them sniff the new baby. It is amazing how the dog will love that little baby and even protect her. Our dog definitely knows the routine and is always by my side and the babies. Being a dog person you will find time to love them both!

  7. it comes with the territory...however, babies sleep a LOT in the beginning, so you can give your attention to him while she's napping. when she starts to sleep less, all of you guys will gradually get used to things.
    oh, and when i'm nursing or holding our little one, our chiuaua will come sit next to me and lean against my legs and the baby's feet. :)

  8. i have a big boy just like that. there were times, that i literally had a baby and a 100 lb. lab in my lap. =) it all works out with time though. we did the whole scent thing as well to give the dog the heads up that things are coming. =)

  9. That picture is just adorable...

  10. ugh we are in the same boat with our dog as we wait for our baby - due any day -- we're trying a few things (but who knows if these will work!)
    we have put a dog bed and blanket in the baby's room and Ben already goes in there to lie down - we also started buying him some "quiet play toys" (lol) b/c mots of his toys cause him to run around the house so we got him some bones that take a few hours to enjoy -- i don't know if either of those will work but i feel your pain - ppl have said to me that "you won't even care about your dog once your baby is here" but i know that is so not true!

  11. a friend, in addition to bringing the blankets home, also said it was recommended to them to have "dad" go inside to get the dogs while mom and baby wait outside. then the dogs would meet claire outside and then all of you go inside the house together, reinforcing that claire is part of the family now. :)

    i'm sure that in no time, those dogs will be super protective and completely in love with claire!

  12. It'll be OK. Just give him as much attention as you can. Let him still do the things he used to (like jump up on your lap). Ken brought home a onesie from the hospital for Charmer to sniff the night before we came home. I think dogs actually adapt easier than humans.

  13. My husband brough home the baby's hat, a wet diaper and a blanket from the hospital with the baby's scent before we came home (we had heard one of those three would work). Our lab did not go near the baby for a long time- she was too nervous. Now they can't get enough of each other (or she can't get enough of our son's dropped food).

  14. Hey April,
    We had great success w/introducing our 2 dogs to Josephine.
    We got a baby doll a few weeks before we brought her home. Treated it just like we would a baby.

    One night, we went to bed w/out putting the doll in the crib & left it in the swing in the living room. Our oldest dog was sitting in the dark living room w/the doll facing our room... we noticed she wasn't in our room with us, so we went to find her. Then we found her in the living room w/the doll. As soon as we picked up the doll, Roxy (our oldest dog) followed us to the nursery & watched us put the doll to bed, then went & jumped in our bed.

    It really worked!!


  15. Oh April, I had the same worries when I brought my first boy home eight years ago. My poodle is my baby. Tanner was heartbroken when I brought the baby home from the hospital. But, I didn't keep him away from the baby and I encouraged that he snuggle up with me when I was holding the baby and nursing the baby. I strongly encourage you to get a big leather rocker/recliner in the main living area of your house (where you will spend the most time) and let the doggy sit in the chair with you while you feed and hold the baby. All three of my kids have rubbed their feet on Tanner's back while they nursed. You'll make it work for both babies.

  16. Hey April! I have a little dog, too, that is my baby. So when my sister had her baby I was super nervous about it and thought she would be really jealous. Turned out that she almost understands what's going on! She often sits next to him and when he cries she tries to get our attention! She really loves him and gets so excited when they come over.

    The BEST advice I received is to never yell at your dog for anything around the new child. If you do, he'll begin to associate the yelling with the child and resent the child. Instead, reward your dog for good behavior and keep your dog part of the new excitement by saying things like "come see the baby" or "look at the baby"

    Hope this doesn't sound too crazy! LOL!

  17. LOVE this picture! And I don't blame you for worrying. This is a reasonable concern. I'm sure the pup will learn to love that babe and adjust to the shared time. He's lucky to have your loving home where there are lots of pats and snuggles to go around. :)

  18. April, he is a really beautiful dog. He will sense the apprehension and work with you when Claire is here. There is room in their hearts for family :)
    PS: What breed is he......Im looking for an addition to our family too :)

  19. Oh, April! That is a tough one. I don't have any advice. But, I can imagine it would be hard to think of how you will make time for your first baby when your first human baby comes along. I hope the transition is a smooth one!

  20. it's funny how they know. i was getting worried too, as my little gomey has been very snuggly with me lately, something he hasn't done in months. my friend suggested i might be pregnant.

    we quickly dismissed that and figured out that it's because i quit my job where i worked 4pm to 1am and i'm actually home at night! the little bugger just missed me!

  21. I told you will hold Jett and I will hold Claire...all will be good!

