Friday, October 15, 2010

at 35 weeks

  • I'm at a 31 lb weight gain and on the last hole in my belt. ACK! What will I use for the next 5 weeks to define my waist? (if you want to call it that....)
  • Claire is still kicking me like crazy especially at night. Greg loves to watch the lumps that appear in my stomach, or when she's pushed to one side and I look lop-sided. It's a new experience that both of us are enjoying.
  • When I get up in the morning, my feet are numb.
  • I'm still not worried about the labor and delivery. Am I crazy?
  • We are about finished with all our baby purchases, just 3 things left to get for her and 1 thing left for me (a stylish bag). We've really not bought a ton of things other than the necessities. I just think it's ridiculous to spend a fortune when we don't even know her likes/dislikes yet. Actually, she got the $6 bath sponge and the people in line ahead of us bought the $36 bath spa for their baby. I figure she's going to scream when she gets a bath anyway, so she might as well do it in the $6 sponge rather than the $36 "spa". I did buy her Burt's Bees body wash, though. Good skin care is essential.
  • I finished (with the help of my mom) washing all her linens and 0-3 month clothes.
  • All her cloth diapers are adjusted and washed, although we'll be using disposable for the first week or two. More on the cloth diapers later, I'm sure....
  • I bought clothes for the hospital and am now contemplating packing a bag. Just in case.


  1. April it has been so fun to go on this journey with you and im so excited to "meet" claire soon :)

    I think 35 weeks is the PERFECT time to pack a bag...just in case ;) wishing you the best of times for the rest of your weeks...

  2. That picture is great! So excited for you!! Enjoy these last weeks *watching* her move.

    And good for you, only getting the necessities. Not going overboard like most do. I've learned that babies really don't need that much, it's us that think they do. I've gotten by with less and less with each of mine. The bath sponge, however, was always one of our necessities. ;) And yeah for cloth diapers! I've never used them, but really wish I was...

  3. So true about buying cheap bath sponge since she'll be "SCreaMing" on top of her voice on that 1st ever bath. Did you see H's pic on my FB album? She was traumatize the 1st bathe. But now, she's all smilin' and gigglin' while bathing.

    Enjoy the last few weeks of freedom...pamper and rest up, missy!

  4. I didn't know you were using cloth diapers! Awesome. We LOVE ours!!

    Second you are totally NOT crazy for not being worried about labor and delivery. It is a totally natural and normal thing. I don't know why people make it out to be so horrible. It's not. You are going to be amazing. :) And you look amazing!

  5. April-
    How exciting! You've waited so long for this special time. Enjoy it! Best wishes.

  6. April, it's been fun to read about your experience. I really admire your's so true that babies don't need all the extra stuff! One thing I was always glad I got was a cute stylish nursing cover. It is by bebe au lait. I don't know if you're planning on nursing or not, but if you are check them out. A blanket gets pulled off (!) by baby, it's so hot under there for them, esp in the summer, and these are so cute! I also saw that there are patterns to make them...since you are on a roll with the quilt, maybe that's something you might want. I always appreciated reccommendations from other moms, I hope you do too! Good luck with everything!

  7. I was never worried about delivery either, and it turned out that both my deliveries were easy and wonderful experiences. I hope you have the same!

  8. adorable. And I agree (and was the same way) as Jen Jock. You'll be fine. Just think of the millions of women that went before you. :)

  9. Love that pump - you look so stylish with that belt girl!!

  10. I am so excited for you!! WOO HOO! Almost there. Just a tip, get a few newborn sizes of clothes if you don't have any and maybe even a preemie. I am always astounded on how small they really are at first. Totally agree with you on the bath thing. Ellie cries every time. Hugs!!

  11. April,
    I loved hearing of your preparations for Claire's arrival. It sent me down memory lane. We too used cloth diapers/diaper service, I was thrilled with the results for the first few months and then changed to disposable after we were more mobile and others watched Haly. So smart on not spending so much money on the "neccessaties", she has exactly what she needs from you and Greg, two parents that love her very much. Who cares about a "Spa" bath at a week old. Save that experience for when you can take her on a girls trip and spoil her at a real spa.
    Pack you bag, don't forget lip gloss, magazines and some mints oh yeah and the camera. You may have to wait for her a little bit to see her once you arrive at the hospital. My labor was quite long, 36 hours and at one point I looked around my room and Steve and my Mom were both asleep, so glad I had my magazine. Love reading of your journey and love Studio Calico too.
    MK Hennigan

  12. Can you believe it's already almost time? This has flown by...for me, anyway ;) SO excited for you, sweet girl!

  13. Another beautiful post, April. I can't believe it's getting so close. That's so exciting! :)
