Thursday, October 21, 2010

36 weeks

  • Claire is moving around so much, I actually video-taped my belly this morning. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but oh well. It was less than a minute, because any more than that I felt was self-indulgent.
  • I'm still swelling like crazy. When I wear boots, I have to put them on right after I get out of the shower, otherwise they won't ever go on my feet. Then after wearing them a few hours, my toes are numb.
  • I still don't have a single stretch mark, although I almost freaked out when I woke up one morning and there was a crease on my belly. Without my contacts in, it looked like 3 humongous stretch marks on my left side.
  • Jett is now using my belly as a prop for his front legs so he can kiss my face.
  • I'm officially an insomniac. I usually wake up at 3:00am and can't go back to sleep.
  • I've worked ahead at Studio Calico so I won't have to worry about so much after Claire arrives. That's been my main focus lately.
  • I've decided drinking caffeine is okay at this point in my pregnancy. I need my Diet Dr. Pepper with Vanilla from Sonic during Happy Hour to calm my nerves. :)
  • Greg's getting anxious to meet Claire. He keeps saying things like, "We're having a baby!" and "Can you believe it, she'll be here in a month!"


  1. Hi! I just love reading your preggo development and Claire's arrival the soonest. I'm so excited for yah, missy. Cheers and lots and lots of hugs from me and Baby Hannah.

  2. What a pretty tummy! You are making me miss these sweet days with my babies - big boys now. (sigh) It's fun to watch you treasure every single moment - thanks for letting us all ride along!

  3. you look awesome. i never got a stretch mark - it is possible! claire is going to be one gorgeous girl.

  4. I used to wake at 3 a.m. with both my kiddos - and they both arrived healthy and happy - take it as a good sign! I'm sure it feels good to be on the home stretch.

  5. You look great! (or at least your stomach does...haha)

  6. cute pic :)

    and you will be SO happy to have video of claire moving. brent was obsessed with videoing my tummy when i was pregnant with our first...and i wish i had some of the other two! not self-indulgent at all. (my kiddos love seeing video and pics of me when they were "in my tummy"!)

    and now in addition to my starbucks run, i'm thinking a vanilla dr pepper sounds good too :)

  7. Don't worry about the caffeine, my sister drank Dr. Pepper throughout both her pregnancies and there were no problems. She only had one a week, but you're good. Can't wait to see pictures of Claire when she arrives. So excited for you!

  8. oh, i'd love to have a video of the crazy wiggles! the one thing that i remember oh so clearly from the day alex was born was cupping his little tush in my hand and realizing it was the same shape that had been jutting out of my right side for so long. =)

    yay for 36 weeks, and for sonic! =)

  9. Thats funny about Jett. My pug used to sit on my lap all the time and then my son kicked him and from that day on he refuses to sit on my lap. Dogs are so funny!

  10. You look so great and are so very close now!! I think lots of internet aunties are very excited for her arrival too!
    Take it easy these last weeks!
    Oh, and she'll love that video in a few years when she says "again Mommy"!

  11. Wow - you are a month away. How exciting!
    On another note, I just found out that we used to have our hair done by the same person - Denise H. in Shepherdsville! I used to work up there. I stopped in with my husband when I was off work for my surgery and saw her. She knew I scrapped and asked if I'd heard of Studio Calico. Small world!

  12. awww, I think it is awesome that you recorded your belly moving- what a great idea! A month away!! So exciting! Enjoy your Sonic runs! :)

  13. Awwww!! I'm SOOO excited for you guys! I can't wait till she's here. :-D

    So sorry about your toes. :-( I can't imagine what that's like. And I don't think it's weird that you video-taped your belly. I think it's neat! LOL. :-)

    Hang in there! I can't believe it's less than a month away! It's amazing, isn't it?!

  14. i'll be 35 weeks on monday, i can't believe that it's getting so close! i also got a great video last week and i know that someday she'll love watching it. as far as the caffeine goes, don't worry about it. i drank a coke a day with my first and he came out ten pounds and a super cool kid! :) i think we have to have a few guilty pleasures for the stuff we go through! hope your swelling doesn't get any worse, have you tried support hose at all? i work at a job where i'm on my feet all day and i just wear the knee high ones and they make a world of difference for me. hang in there, out sweet girls will be here soon! yay!

    jill from mn

  15. I had the same insomnia at about the same point in my first pregnancy. I would get up and have a PB & J and watch Nick at was crazy!

    It's almost time - how exciting. Cherish every moment...


  16. you're both so cute!!! i can't wait to meet the little miss foster. have i said that before?

  17. awwwwww. i love the belly shot. and i love that you video taped too! totally wish that i had thought to do that!!! enjoy these last few weeks of being pregnant, even if your feet are swollen and you can't sleep, they are so precious... :)
