Thursday, March 11, 2010

ivf - day 59 - big needles

Just look at that progesterone.

That's P-R-O-G-E-S-T-E-R-O-N-E with a "G"

Definitely not a "J." Why would anyone think such a thing.

These are some of the needles I've used over the course of this process. The one on the right was for my Follistim, and it's the same size as the ones for my Lupron (I used insulin syringes for those) and for my Ovidrel (which is HCG to trigger ovulation before my egg retrieval).

The needle on the left is for drawing up the progesterone. It's pink. PINK = PAIN. That's my way to remember to not use it for injection. That and the fact that it's the size of my pinky.

The middle needle is for my progesterone. It's gray. GRAY = GIVE.

Just to give you another shot, look at the size of that opening!

So, I draw up the PIO (progesterone in oil), and it really looks like vegetable oil, with the pink needle.

Then, I switch out the top to the gray needle for injection.

Tomorrow's my big day...the day of my beta test to see if I'm pregnant.


  1. i have been thinking and praying for you and greg. will say another one tonight!

  2. Ouch girl! Your so strong! :) I'm praying for you and Greg! We had our own struggles with infertility and I know how hard it is! I am praying for happy news for you tomorrow! Huge hugs!!

  3. i'm crossing everything for good news tomorrow. =)

  4. Sending prayers from Oregon,
    amy emery (studio calico member)

  5. Saying a prayer for you for tomorrow. Well, every day actually, but praying for super good news tomorrow.

  6. hoping hoping hoping for good news tomorrow. thanks for sharing your journey with us. xoxo

  7. wishing you and greg the very best of luck tomorrow!

  8. Praying that God blesses you April! What a sacrifice you are putting out there.

  9. Praying with crossed fingers & toes!!! Come on baby!!

  10. Wishing you all the luck in the world x

  11. You are in my thoughts and prayers today. Love ya

  12. HIGH HOPING for you today, April. Prayers and thoughts of you on your PG test.

  13. Ouchie! Prayers being sent your way guys!

  14. It's friday and i keep sending up little prayers that you get happy news today...thinking of you & greg!!

  15. praying for a good beta number

  16. saying prayers for pregnancy! xoxo

  17. ALL my fingers are crossed for you both... +++++++

  18. All the best for you and Greg tomorrow and the happy pregnancy road ahead:)

  19. I'm so excited for you two today! Here's hoping for big numbers! What a great birthday present for Greg!

  20. i've been checking out your blog for updates. we are almost as far along as you. it's my first ivf cycle so it's nice to read what's happening to others. so thanks for bloggin! love your site. so pretty. good luck tomorrow. we have our beta on tuesday.

  21. Oh wow.. that is a big old needle, isn't it?! eek.
    Thinking positive thoughts and saying prayers for you guys.

  22. I remember those needles and my black and blue behind. I am praying for you both everyday.

  23. Ouch - I am sooo afraid of needles. You are one brave girl!
