Thursday, March 4, 2010

ivf- day 52 - snowbaby

Have I mentioned that I love my IVF nurse?

Well, I do.

As I was laying here on bedrest hoping beyond hope one of these little B's would take hold, my phone chimed.

I can still hardly believe it! One of those embryos held on long enough to be considered viable, and so it was frozen today, on day 6 post egg-retrieval.

On my transfer day, I had asked the embryologist if we'd have any left over to freeze. He looked back at our last cycle and we had none. Then, he looked at the current embryos and just shook his head. So, even though my discharge papers said to call my voicemail box to see if any were frozen, that thought wasn't even in my head. I had already written it off. After all, only about a third of couples end up with some to freeze, and I had already been given the proverbial head-shake.

You see, my IVF lab only freezes grade A or B blastocysts that haven't stopped growing on day 5 or 6.

Another piece of information is that they ALWAYS transfer the best embryos first, on the fresh cycle. So, if I had 3 of the best transferred yesterday, and the one ranked fourth made it to the cryopreservation stage, what does that say about the possibility of pregnancy with these "better" embryos?

That's my rationale anyway.

Greg is a self-proclaimed late-bloomer and my grandfather said I looked like a spider till I was about 8 (I weighed a whopping 32 lbs in 1st grade), so I guess it's no surprise that our embryos might be "delayed" a bit. Just not too much. That's all I ask.

  • Down to one injection per day: 1cc PIO (will show you this process next week)
  • Progesterone check tomorrow.
  • Beta (aka pregnancy test) next Friday.


  1. woooooooooohooo!!! go foster embryos go! =)

  2. See? I must have some sort of Foster brain. I keep stumbling upon my computer and your blog within minutes of momentous posts.

    Snow baby? Try Snow Baby. Baby. Baby.

    SO excited!

  3. sending thoughts your way.
    good happy baby embryo progesterone positive test thoughts.

  4. Well I have been praying that some of the fighter, hunter and survival "ADHD" genes would fight out and over to attach!

    Ask Greg about the theory of ADHD and hunters.

  5. that's awesome!
    continued good thoughts + prayer to you and your little embryos :)

  6. Thinking of you all. Keep these blogs coming. I find myself checking several times a day to see if you have any new posts.

  7. i've been praying :) glad to hear this good news!

  8. OH wow that is good news!!! Come on embryos!!!!!

  9. Oh!! So exciting to have a totsicle for next time, when you do a sibling project! YAY for a BETA date, will you be home testing at all? That's a double edged sword that I've never really been able to step away from, lol!

  10. am sooooooooooooooooooo happy for you. wow.. prayers from sunny island, Fosters!

  11. totsicle!!!! That's the best news ever! Now go drink some gatorade. And eat an egg mcmuffin...although that's a transfer day thing, but it couldn't hurt now, right? :)

  12. That's wonderful new April. I can't wait til next Friday.... this is such a great thing for you to share with us this whole IVF process. I'm really impressed by everything that's involved. Do you know that there is group of people here in Quebec are fighting to have IVF paid by the governement (it is about $10,000 per try here)? I hope they win their battle. After all, if they want new taxpayers, they should see it as a good investment... Take care ;o)

  13. keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a healthy baby (or babies.

  14. Thinking of you and Greg! Rest up a lot. God is good all the time...HE has wonderful plans for you, Greg and the baby.

  15. Hi April,
    I have been following your blog for some time and I just would like to say that THANK YOU for sharing something so personal and I wish you and Greg all the success and happiness that you both deserve:)
    Fingers Crossed

  16. Woo hoo! I really know what none of these big words mean, but I know it's good news.

    Big smile!

  17. Congrats on your frozen one! Keeping you and G in my thoughts and prayers, and of course your wee ones! Stay positive!

  18. YEAH! good news to hear :)

  19. Great news! You guys will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!

    And so crazy! I was 32 pounds when I was 5 1/2! (My mom says that's how much I weighed when I broke both of my legs). You were a teeny thing too!

    Well, although you both may have "late bloomer" genes, you also have the "strength" genes! ;-) I'll be praying they HOLD ON! :-D

  20. My fingers are crossed real hard for you!! :)

  21. Wow...what an unbelievable journey you've been on. Your posts have been amazing and insightful. sending lots of prayers your way. Hoping for the best.
