Sunday, February 28, 2010

ivf - day 48 - dividing

I'll be quick with today's update since it's late.

Most parents have empty-nest syndrome when their kids go off to school, but my separation comes much earlier, like before I even know if they are my kids.

It is a strange feeling to turn your future child over to the hands of a lab for 5 days.

During my first IVF cycle in June/July 2009 my favorite part of the cycle was when my embryos were outside my body. I thought that as long as they weren't with me, I couldn't mess anything up.

But this cycle is much different. I miss my embryos. Maybe it's the hormones that are pulsing through my veins, but I miss them.

Day 2 of the embryos being in the lab (egg retrieval day is counted as day 0), I get my last report before transfer on day 5. The embryologist leaves me a voice message letting me know whether I'll be a day 3 or day 5 transfer. I'll talk more about transfer days later. If we don't have any embryos at the 4-cell stage, I would be scheduled for a day 3 transfer. The lab really wants to see at least a few at the 4-cell stage and all of them need to cleave by then.

Normally, my lab doesn't give the exact number of embryos that are at each stage, but I wanted to know. I've found that if you want something, it's best to ask for it. So, today our report came in and it was very good news. All of the embryos had cleaved, 5 were at the 4-cell stage and all of those were graded very high.

For the next two days, I won't get a report and anything could happen. It's up to the embryo to grow from there and if there's any genetic mishap, they will "arrest" or stop growing. This happens quite frequently, so we need even more division.

Today my meds were:
  • 1cc PIO (injection)
  • 1 Medrol (oral)
  • 4 Tetracycline (oral)


  1. Hooray for 5! Quintuplets! heeeee.


  2. Here's hoping for good news! :)

  3. as we say in KY... Go baby go!!!!!

  4. although i don't reply to every update, this is such a fascinating process your sharing. ty and my good thoughts are with you !~

  5. look at your little over achieving embryos! Thinking of you all the time!!

  6. I'm in total awe of this process, April! Thank you for sharing this with us. You know I'm praying for you!

  7. That's wonderful news! I am praying for you (and rooting for you) in this process, April.

    Go baby!

  8. Just wanted to let you know I've been reading everyday about your progress, it's fascinating! Good luck!

  9. hi april. just wanted to send you good thoughts from across the miles. and as previously said..i am also enjoying following your wishes. - hera

  10. Go baby go!!!! I am praying extra hard for those embryos!!! This is just so amazing and brave of you to share this with us...hopeful thoughts coming your way!

  11. I have been watching for this post but been afarid to look! I am so happy that they are mutliplying and that you are on course for the next report. Each day must seem like forever. Hugs to you, Caroline x

  12. WOOHOO.. You know i've been watching through all of this.. sorry I have been a lame comment leaver - LOL! I am getting excited for day 5!.. wait... is that today?
