Friday, June 12, 2009

tour de farmhouse part 4

I'll start today with the bedroom you first come to at the top of the stairs. It's actually a fairly good-sized room, but you wouldn't know it because of the house that's sitting in the middle of it.

Cute idea and let me tell you, the mice LOVED it. Lots of evidence of that.

Not practical for us, so this is a must-go.

The next room you come to in the hallway upstairs is this room.

Yes, it's another case of red-paint meets sponge. But in this case, there's two closet doors sticking out into the center of the room. We have an idea for this, that's too much for me to explain right now, but just keep this image in your head because I'll be posting progress to this room. We plan to use it as a TV/play room.

This is the bathroom that's connected to that red room above. VERY interesting texture on this wall: sponge techniqe + sand does not equal Tuscan Villa. Not sure the look that the previous owners had in mind here.

Onto the hall bath. Again, the same technique with a different color paint. I can already tell this will be a fun sanding project....

The next room is a large bedroom painted blue and green.

And, the final room is a small, and I mean small, bedroom that the previous owners used as a play area. We plan to put the twin beds that were in two rooms at our old house here in this room. I'm thinking a trundle bed to the left of that window.....or maybe the right. I'm not sure. We'll see once we measure. And, as nice as the faux-painting is, that will be covered over as well.

For some reason, I don't have photos of the master bedroom and bath. I know I took them, but I've searched and searched to no avail. I will be back next week with some photos of the destruction.


  1. that playhouse must have made some little girl's day - but eeps!

    just wondering, i can't get a read on it via pics - how old is the house?

  2. Thank you for sharing it all with us! Can't wait to see it as you go along!

  3. have fun with all the sanding. We had tons of wall issues when we bought our house, including a room with poorly done wainscoting at the bottom and navy blue paint mixed with sand and GLITTER on the top...we were a lovely color of glittery blue after sanding that mess. It's a beautiful house though and I'm sure it will be fabulous when you are done with it!

  4. I'm following along with the tour! As someone who is in the market for a house, I'm loving another opinion on all the things I see when we are out house hunting--scary paint jobs, textured walls, etc. I'm a little apprehensive of renovation/demo work. I'm afraid that one project leads to another, and another. Homes are so expensive here. Massive renovation isn't really an option unless you've got millions to burn.

  5. ok, i swear i saw your house in an issue of's beautiful! ;)

    i can't wait to see it all done up with all your creativity and style. thanks for sharing!

  6. After seeing all of these before pictures I'm really excited to see the after pictures!

  7. Your house is amazing, April, I know you will do a fabulous job with the redeco. It makes me happy we decided to keep a neutral palette in our house to pass along to the next owners one day. For that they will be grateful!!

  8. i love before & after's! thanks for sharing pics and i can't wait to see what you guys do to the place! i'm sure it will be beautiful!

  9. Seriously?! You're getting rid of that cute, little, yellow house inside the house?! I LOVE how cute that is. I want to build one for my daughter some day! HA! I love it. And the yellow. :)

    So will you also be painting every room a different color, or will you go with white?! Or kraft... ? ;)

  10. Your house is amazing, April!! :0)

  11. Your house has beautiful potential and I would love to have a go at remodelling but my husband is not brave enough to see my vision!! I love the porch, the wood floors the lovely wide American hallways to the wide front doors, our houses are not so spacious in their proportions! CCx

  12. OMG, your house is a dream!
