Wednesday, June 3, 2009

needing a change

Truth be told, the reason Greg needed a new 'do was because there were 4" hairs everywhere in the shower and in the sink. For a month, I kindly (yes, I did kindly) ask him to remove them from my presence. I asked and I helped with possible solutions. I even hinted at the idea that a hair-cut might be in order.

Did anything change? Of course not.

So, I marched into the bedroom yesterday morning, where he was still in bed, told him I counted 6 hairs in the sink alone, not to mention the shower and the area surrounding the sink and that he needed a hair cut today or else he would REALLY need a hair cut after I cut out a chunk that night.

(I said all of this jokingly, by the way, I'm not really that mean.)

15 minutes later, we were looking at 2 Men's Health magazines trying to find him a new style.
I like how it turned out and it's already paying big dividends in the mental health department. I have to really control my sanity around hairs in the shower, and this is a nice solution.

In the afternoon, Greg wanted to go to the farm to take photos of the baby birds. Since I was busy, I set the camera on the exact setting I thought he would need for the birdhouse (it's shaded), but those birds had already flown the coop, so I ended up with these overexposed photos of my sweets instead :)

Note to Greg: you'll need longer arms if you want to take self-portraits with a 50mm.


  1. Nice hair cut, just tell him he looks younger! Tell him he is a hottie ( and no, I am not looking---just sayin') =O)

  2. love the new do...very stylish!

  3. LOL! Love the self-portraits. I suffer from too short arms, too. LOL! Tell Greg you were right. The haircut look great!

  4. I like the new 'do! Too bad about the birds, I would love to have seen them.

  5. The bouffant is much better now, G.

  6. tell greg he looks tres handsome and that i like that cut SO much better. xo

  7. Cute pics of himself! Great new hairdo!

  8. Great hair cut and it comes with a saner wife, now that is priceless ;-)

  9. Nice cut! And if you have issues with hair... don't ever be in a bathroom around me. My hair comes out like crazy - in shower, drying, brushing, etc. No fun. Just glad my stylist last week told me that I'm not going bald... okay, enough TMI! :)
